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Waking up at 3 am after a night out was the last thing I had in mind.  More so that it implied to get out of bed, put some pants on and try to clean up my smashed face to compose a decent look. Well, as decent as a half drunk person could be. Good thing that I was used to this kind of situations from my previous job.

I got my phone and checked the message from Yuto again. “Come to Central Asia Hotel. Room 401. ASAP. Don’s ask questions.” All my instincts screamed to call the police, gather a team and surround the hotel. My mind made up all kind of theories based on this weird message. But I didn’t had local police on my speed dial, nor did I had a gun. Or the ability to speak Japanese for that matter.  So all that I could do was trust Yuto.

The night was cold and the wind scratched my skin. I got in the first taxi I found on the boulevard, hoping that I wouldn’t be too late.  What if Yuto got in a fight again? What if he was taken hostage? He had a lot of dangerous acquaintances so nothing could be excluded. As soon as the taxi stopped I ran to the hotel, trying my best to focus. The reception area was clean, and as I got up to the specific room, no one seemed to follow me. Even though, I couldn’t  let my guard down. As soon as I found the room, I pressed my ear to the door but I couldn’t distinguish anything.

The door opened silently. The first thing that my eyes caught was a fat guy holding a lamp. He seemed panicked and scared. On his right was Yuto, sitting on a chair with his hands tied. And on the other side of the room, was a tall man with broad shoulders, dark messy hair, keeping his hands above his head because a certain blonde skinny girl was pointing a gun at him.

I didn’t get to take a single step before Yuto’s words drew all the attention on me.

“Close the ing door!”

I got inside fast, closing the door with my foot.

“What is happening, Yuto?”

He rolled his eyes and the blonde girl turned in my direction, changing her target. She

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