Rising Sun


Apocalypse has struck the world. Jae Hwa, a Korean girl, teams up with the famous DBSK. But, there is more to those boys that anyone could have ever imagined.


I Stand Alone

I Stand Alone
Against the darkness of night,
My finger on the trigger
Prepared for the fight.
I did not choose
The time nor place,
And until now
I've never seen his face.
Twas not my choice
to stop this strife,
To be the one
To take his life.
And yet it seems
It was my call,
My destiny
To stand on the wall.
Someone had to...

So I Stand Alone
Yet surrounded by friends,
Who like me bear the burden
Of defending freedom till the end....

-Steven P. Prince


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Pretty much...it will be pretty similar i just need an account to rewrite the Big Bang one and an explicit set too...this story actualyl wasnt too bad imo so please just come follwo my other one im sorry for the pain
So you're deleting this and re-writing it?
thanks for posting ^_^ aktf
awe love it he is being so caring and nice, love it ^_^
aktf-always keep the faith, hope you can update again...sing for her jae...sing your heart out.
Shes not gonna die, is she? she cant die, right??
toyokodaisuki #7
This is great! Very suspenseful and emotional and I LOVE IT the update rocked I will subscribe(: they way you ended it makes me want to like...read it more...so post more...okay...okay<3
Thank you everyone! I will update soon (:
now he care -_-......update when u can.....^_^