Baby, Goodnight


One evening, Eun-Kyung is mugged. By chance of fate, the famous Korean boyband Big Bang witnesses the attack and decides to jump in and save the day. By the time they get there, though, Eun-Kyung has already been knocked out, and they couldn't just leave her there! They take her home with them, having no other option to keep the poor, unknown girl safe. From there, Eun-Kyung falls into a world that she could never imagine she would ever get to be part of.


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darkollie77 #1
I love this
win like a boss
ParkJoorin #2
did you just my face?! Thats not fair! Heehee...Jiyong seems to be the biggest ert.
whoa... TOP and Seungri in a fight? dayummmm. exciting ><
also when is Daesung going to get a chance at being... interesting... xD
AWWWW SON. <br />
Okay not gonna lie I totally got from the Seungri TOP fight scene. <br />
Just the thought of their angry faces and their glare and ;aghiauelhiklubilyhj
ParkJoorin #6
Wish you update more often..reading this releases my stress from school.Im on a diff. World now...