To be One


”Can I at least get some air before all this starts? I really need to..oh god, it’s happening for real isn’t it? I’m finally doing this.”

”Yeah, you are finally doing this and you both have been waiting for this day for so long now right.”

”Also, can you stop getting into your panic mode and stop checking yourself will ya. You look great and he’s gonna love the way you look like. Damn, I should be the one marrying first but instead the two of you are quicker than me and Sewoon is.”

”That’s because you’re a coward for not trying to make your first move in proposing to me. We would have if you didn’t try to dodge my question about marriage.”

Daniel breathe in and out, his heart is hammering so hard that he feels like it’s gonna come out if his ribcage anytime soon. He’s nervous, anxious, scared, happy, excited, panicking all in one go. He have all his emotions jumble up at the moment and his friends are not helping him at all.


”Do you think I look good enough in this suit? It looks kind of...plain.”

”What are you talking about? You look great with anything you wear and plus you like plain and simple right? So why the sudden question about how plain the suit looks like? They should look like that anyway.”

”I know, just that...I don’t know, must be the way I’m feeling right now. It’s nerve wrecking and I don’t think that today is THE day and I feel nauseatic all of a sudden.”

”Are you pregnant?”

”The ?! No!! How can I be pregnant when we never done ‘that’ and excuse me, I’m a dude and dude can’t get pregnant.”

”Uhh if you do the implant you could though. What was it call again? IVI? IV...something IV.”

”IVF Minki and stop making things weirder and let’s focus on his day and Daniel’s.”


My domestic OngNiel is back with a sequel for their D-Day aka Wedding Day ^^

This is a sequel from Family of 5 since I’ve finished the ff and was contemplating about writing a sequel and well I decided why not because I love my domestic OngNiel and their sons 2woojin and Kuanlin :DD

It’s an overall fluff and fluff and more fluff and some comedies and of course romance but no xD

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Chapter 2: It's so fluff and cute..~
Faryna #2
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute~
Chapter 1: Ah, this is cute. Will wait for the next one!