° T W E N T Y - E I G H T °

Lifeguard Jeon

When you're dying, people say you see a tunnel and a column of blinding light. Sometimes you can hear the voices of people around you, even though they don't know that you can. I remember a feeling of warmth and love, a kind I never experienced before. I gave myself over to a powerful entity, some great spiritual force in the universe as I floated without a body anymore, thinking about all of my life and my childhood. I saw my parents and grandparents and Cousin Irene. I didn't have to talk to any of them, I couldn't, but it didn't matter because they were there with me in that wide expanse of white, enchanted space in a new sphere of existence somewhere outside the earth.

But then I approached an ending, or a border. I sensed an indistinct line in the sand between the worlds of life and death and I fought back hard, drawn by a strong lifeline. I crossed over to that other, more vivid, pulsating reality that I could see so clearly in my mind. And then I floated, and slept, a deep calming sleep of renewal, rebirth, and completion.

° ° ° ° °

The voices are behind me somewhere. I can't see any one. There's a blinding light, only this one is cold and white making everything ghostly and unnatural, hurting my eyes.

Where am I?

White sheets. A blanket. I'm in bed, only beeping sounds are everywhere.

A tape around my arm holds a needle attached to a tube. i hate needles; why is it there? Tiny droplets of blood, one after another, trickle through the tube that goes inside me. 


What happened?

What's wrong with me?

Why am I here?

I move and spark of pain courses through my body. I can't move my left leg. It's dead, useless. Is it still attached? Am I paralyzed? I manage to move my arm. I push down the sheet. The leg is totally bandaged; the dressing is spotted with blotches of red and yellow. That's not right.

It's hard to focus, to think straight.

Am I drugged?

I can't remember anything. What happened to my mind? Who's talking behind me? I can't see anyone.

I force my eyes to open. The light burns. I make out the outline of someone in white? A nurse? She comes toward me and pours something from a small envelope, like a sugar pack, into a bag of watery liquid that's hanging on the pole with the blood.

"What is that?"

"A sedative . . . to help you sleep."

"Sleep?" It comes out muffled like there's something in my mouth - or my head. Have they fogged up my brain? "I don't want to sleep. I want to get up. I want to go home."

She shakes her head. "You have to rest, Suzy."

"Why, what happened?"

She doesn't hear me or pretends not to.

"What happened?" I repeat. Is she deaf? Why doesn't she answer?

She studies the monitor that's beeping and writes something on paper with a clipboard. I want to ask her something else, but what? I can't focus. I can't think. Then I look up. Irene comes toward me. She doesn't look like the cousin I remember. Her face is gray and sad and pinched. She's older now. She looks scared. For the first time I see lines between her eyes. She reaches out for my hand and squeezes it. She pretends to smile, but it's hard for her. She's not like that. She's honest. I feel pity for her, but I'm not sure why. A doctor walks in and studies the chart. Her face pale with the same lifeless expression.

"What happened to me?" I ask everyone and no one.

"You were in the water and got swept out," Irene says.

"How . . . how did I get here?"

"Jungkook," she says.

It scares me to look at them. I break into a sweat, only I can't tell whether it's fear or fever. All I can focus on is the fire inside my leg. it's hot and throbbing. Then I hear voices from outside, in the hallway.

My eyes start to close, but I fight sleep. I try to make out the voices - I have to. I have to know what they're saying because all I know is it's about me. They're whispering about me, like ghosts from someplace else. Where was that? I try to remember. I hear sounds and words outside, behind me, but nothing is clear.

"Suzy," I hear. A voice cracks. There's crying. Something terrible has happened, my mind tells me. They're hiding it from me. They don't want me to know. Goosebumps spread up and down my arms. I'm cold, then hot. I can't tell which. Something terrible, something terrible has happened, only what?

Terror spreads through me, only I don't know why. it's what's not being said and how they're treating me. I'm not a sixteen-year-old girl anymore; I'm a number, a sad case that everyone is looking at with pity or not at all, averting their eyes because they don't want to show emotion. They don't want me to know what's happening.

Two people are arguing. One voice is higher, a woman's. I make out the words, "wait," then "heal." Then a man's voice, deeper and calmer, but insistent. There's only one word I can make out as my brain starts to react to the drugs and I sink back into nothingness, overpowered.

One word that pushes me into terror, like a knife through my heart.


° ° ° ° °

I wake up in semidarkness in total sweat. Every inch of me is dripping, my gown is soaked through. I shove off the blankets and then I'm shivering as if my body is trying helplessly to fix me, but doesn't know anymore what to do. I shifts back and forth as I break down. Sweat pours off me. My brain pounds. I have a fever, I know - like when my throat was red and I had the virus, only twenty times worse now.

I close my eyes and have fantasies of some awful sci-fi movie with a nurse holding a thermometer that says 110. I put my hand against my forehead the way Eomma used to do when I told her I didn't feel well. it's burning; it's wet. My head pounds as if the brain tissues are burning. I can't move. I'm paralyzed with pain. There's a curtain around my bed and machines with blinking monitors at my feet. Electronic bleeps and blips everywhere. What do they mean? Is someone watching what they show? Does anyone care? I'm not a person anymore. I'm a lab rat hooked up to give readouts that spell life or death.

WHAT'S GOING ON? I want to yell,  as deep throbbing pain shoots through my leg.

In my insanity, some what of happened begins to back to me . . .

° ° ° ° °

The water, the pulling, fighting helplessly against the riptides. Something sliced away at me, a killing flood of pain. Did I die and come back? I start to cry and I can't stop. I want my parents, I don't anyone here. Where are they? Where is everybody? Is there anyone in the entire world who cares about me? Why did they leave me all alone here - to die?

"Irene!" I call out for no reason.

No answer.

"Irene," I call again to hear the sound of my own voice, just to let myself know I'm alive and I can still speak.

Still no one answers.

I have to get out of here. I have to go home. I want everything to stop because this is all wrong. I don't belong here, this isn't me. But my parents . . . I remember then. They're so far away, back in Gwangju. Do they even know I'm here? All they know is that they're getting divorced; they're separating and splitting up the family. and now they'll have one less thing to worry about because I'll never make it home again to see them, if they care at all.

I lie back on the pillow and try to clear my mind, to focus on what happened, to get it straight in my head. Jungkook took me out of the water, Irene said that, but how? When? I didn't see him, he'd walked the other way. He'd walked away from me.

How could he have known? How did he find me?

I look up and a face appears out of darkness, like a ghost, like one of the ghosts from Irene's house. Only it's not.


"Help me," I beg. He looks at me pityingly and doesn't answer. "Please, please."

He stands there silently. Is he real? He stares out at all the tubes and monitors around me, the quivering lines and bleeps that send out an electronic song of life or death. Blood drips slowly into my arm.

He walks toward the bed and I look at his face. This isn't the Jungkook I know anymore. I see something in his eyes that I've never seen before.

"What? What is it?"

"I should have known," he says. "I should have been there to stop you."

I look back at him bewildered. "How could you have known?"

He doesn't answer. He sits in the chair next to me and leans toward me, studying my face. My eyelids flutter. It's such an effort to stay awake, but I fight it. If I close my eyes I may never open them again. I reach my hand toward him.


° ° ° ° °

It's dark when I wake up. I feel along the side of the bed for the button to push. Where is it? Why isn't it here? Don't they want to help me? I need a nurse. Someone has to give me something to take away the pain. I search for it, crazed, and then the curtains part suddenly. The nurse doesn't look at me. She doesn't smile.

She's in ghostly white like a vision. Like . . . the angel of death.

"My leg . . . it hurts so much, I can't stand it."

"it's the infection," she says. She shakes her head. "There was no controlling it, it spread so quickly. But we'll put you to sleep, you won't feel anything. Nothing at all."

"Put me to sleep? What are you talking about? I don't want to sleep. I want to go home."

"Lie still," she says. "it will be over quickly - you won't feel anything. You'll heal. You'll be fine." She writes something in the chart and turns to go. She turns back to me for an instant. "I'll be back with the gurney."

Sweat pours down my forehead now and my heart slams insides my chest as though it's rearing up and attacking me like my own body is the enemy. My temperature must be 106. all I know is I have to get out of this place, whatever it takes, no matter how much I hurt. I have to get away from this woman, this monster - otherwise they'll cut me apart and kill me.

I rip the monitors off my chest and yank the tape from my arm and pull the needle out. Blood starts to spurt out of the opening, dripping onto the floor of the room like there's a blood geyser spurting form inside me. I lean up in bed and an excruciating wave of pain spreads over my entire body.

"I'M DYING!" I scream out. "HELP ME, OMO, SOMEONE HELP ME!" But if a god is in this room, he's silent, not showing his face. "HELP ME!" I yell again.

The curtains are pulled open sharply and the nurse is back with two others now.

"Oh my," one of them says, looking at me. My hospital gown is soaked with blood. It looks like I was shot. I remember Taehyung's father and the way he looked.

"She's got to be sedated," someone hisses. I hear the word "psychotic." They lift me up and put me on a steel gurney, tying my hands to the railings so I can't move.


"It's okay," someone says.

I'm wheeled into the hallway, the blood still dripping from my arm. "NO!" I yell out, "PLEASE."

We get to a pair of double doors with small windows and a sign over them:

Operating Room. No Outside Visitors Permitted.

The doors spring open and the gurney is pushed through. The doors close behind us. There's an enormous light in the room over a table. Everything's white like a blinding nightmare. On a table next to me there's a tray covered with a starched blue cloth. On top of it are dozens of pointed instruments and razor sharp scalpels. What could they possibly do with so many knives?

"I didn't give you permission!" I scream. They can't operate on you without your permission, I know that. "I DIDN'T SAY IT WAS OKAY!" I scream at these stupid, horrible, deaf people who hear but are intentionally ignoring me.

But before anyone can answer, there's a muffled B-O-O-M.

The lights are out everywhere.

From blinding operating room light, we're in total darkness.

"Blackout!" a voice from outside somewhere yells out.

"Why the hell didn't the backup generator kick in?" someone else screams.

"Get up to the control room," a voice commands. "This is an emergency." From somewhere behind me the gurney suddenly gets bumped and then pushed. I'm being rolled somewhere, but I don't know where. I hear the double doors of the OR open.

"Where are you taking me?" I call out.

But no one answers.

"Where are you taking me?" I scream as loud as I can.

There's still no answer and I close my eyes, hoping my pounding heart won't burst through my chest as I get ready for my descent into hell.

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May 29, 2018:
Triple update!
Chapter 32, 33, and 34. Enjoy~


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MissSpring #1
Chapter 41: The ending is sweet but sad at the same time. I'd hope you can make one extra chap or prologue or something huhu. Anyway, thank you for writing this lovely story! <3333
Nanonana #2
Chapter 41: I like the ending but a bit sad cuz there were apart
Chapter 41: Aaaaaaaaaaah can't we have a prologue as well? please please TT The ending with them apart is a bit sad and not entirely satisfying ;___; please author-nim
Chapter 40: Sorry I haven't been commenting lately, been kind of busy and free time just hasn't been coming my way sadly. I'm upset that the story is coming to an end, but I also look forward to seeing how everything ties together. The ending to this chapter was incredibly powerful, and it really spoke to the heart. I really enjoyed it. I look forward to the next update! Great job again!
MissSpring #5
Chapter 40: Aww~ there's only one chapter left. I can't believe this story will come to an end :'( It was a good story tho
Chapter 40: Heooooool next chapter is already the end? TTTTT
Chapter 38: He must feel so bad about himself. Glad that Suzy could be there for him.. still missing yoongi :(
Chapter 37: So many things happened.. I was stunned when I discovered jungkook's gift and fall into sorrow when Yoongi died.. Until the very end, yoongi has always been there for suzy.. I'm going to miss him a lot :'( I can't exactly describe how much I love your writing. It's so calming and fascinating that it touches my heart. Thank you so much for this <3
Chapter 37: Well... I didn't expect that :( Yoongi <3 Great job with the story, as always your writing never fails to impress me.
Chapter 20: Catching up with the story again. Yoongi's story is so cool! I could stay there until midnight and won't even notice it XD