Chapter Six

Fake Dreams



The arrow just merely touched Kyuhyun’s skin; still; it felt like his blood was boiling and his muscles were burning; the pain he felt was torturing him making him wish he was death.

Why does it hurt so much? Kyuhyun asked to himself while his body curled in the bed he was now; Hyukjae by his side panicking and yelling at Siwon.

“Do something god dammit!” Hyukjae yelled desperately; tears already forming in his eyes as he heard Kyuhyun was groaning from the pain.

“Why would I?!” Siwon asked faking annoyance; because he was actually looking in his stuff for something to help Kyuhyun.

Hankyung didn’t know what to do; he went to the kitchen to get some ice and Sungmin was crying trying hard to maintain Kyuhyun in place-

“Oh !” Siwon exclaimed taking out a broken little bottle from his bag; it cut his finger but Siwon just sighed. “Well… I guess this can help.” Siwon shrugged off while walking towards Kyuhyun.

Hyukjae just saw amused how Siwon opened Kyuhyun’s mouth forcefully and squeezed his own finger; making a lonely drop of blood fall there.

Kyuhyun yelled; screamed it hurt; he curled his body and after a few seconds of suffering; he fainted.

“What the hell did you do?!” Hyukjae yelled running towards Kyuhyun; he was calmer when he checked Kyuhyun was breathing and there was a steady pulse in his body.

“That’s probably the only thing I could do.” Siwon said. “I hope my Prince won’t get mad at me because I saved his rival.”

Hyukjae smiled weakly. “I’ll make sure it won’t happen.” He said, but Siwon knew that was an empty promise; because there was no way he could ever convince Hyukjae to go with him. Still, he would always try no matter what. “But what happened to him?” Hyukjae asked looking how Kyuhyun was just sleeping deeply.

“It is said that the blood from an archer is the cure when another archer attacks you; but I still haven’t tried it… until now… I guess is working…” Siwon trailed off looking at Kyuhyun in the bed.

“Will he be alright?” Sungmin asked weakly; Hankyung was in shock and he was in a zombie state; doing everything he was ordered while Donghae just rested his body in the couch next to Hyukjae’s bed.

“I think he will…” Siwon answered trying to sound firm; but he wasn’t certain about his own words.

“I’ll trust you then…” Sungmin sighed. “But…” He trailed off nervously. “I really need an explanation now…”

“That’s why I didn’t want you at home!” Hyukjae snapped. “Because is dangerous being with me! It has been like that all the time!” Tears of frustration were threatening to fall down his eyes as he looked how shocked was Hankyung; how scared was Sungmin and the lifeless body of Kyuhyun in his bed.

“Calm down Hyukkie…” Sungmin said softly. “I knew what I was exposing myself coming here… I know you more than anyone else…” He continued hugging Hyukjae who was crying.

Wulffrith tugged on Hyukjae’s shirt; as if giving him some support.

“I think we better explain everything when Kyuhyun wakes up.” Donghae suggested yawning. “I’m sleepy…” He murmured rubbing his eyes.

“I think he’s right…” Siwon commented. “Let’s rest for now and we will explain in the morning.” He said and sighed when he saw Hankyung. “Can you make him sleep some hours?” He asked to Hyukjae who nodded lightly.

Soon; Siwon had to carry Hankyung towards his bed because the latter was sleeping deeply; Sungmin too, left and Donghae fell asleep in the couch in Hyukjae’s room.

“I guess my life won’t be that secret as it was before Wulffrith…” Hyukjae whispered sighing deeply.

He decided he should change Kyuhyun’s clothes because they were full of blood and sweat; or at least the shirt. He ed the upper part of the pajamas and blushed lightly when he saw Kyuhyun’s exposed chest; Wulffrith’s groan made him come back to reality and continue his duty.

Hyukjae frowned lightly when he saw there were strange marks in Kyuhyun’s arm. “Did he injure himself?” He asked tracing the scars with his fingers lightly.

Once again; Wulffrith groaned and Hyukjae snapped back. “Fine!” He hissed and dedicated himself to change Kyuhyun’s clothes. “Will he be alright Wulffrith?” Hyukjae asked once he was by Kyuhyun’s side; resting his body in the bed as the white wolf was now using Hyukjae’s tummy as a pillow.

Wulffrith reached Hyukjae’s face and his cheek in a sympathetic way; he too, was scared. Whatever Hyukjae felt; the wolf would reflect it too. It could be either a blessing or a curse.

Hyukjae smiled weakly. “Thanks.” He whispered; he didn’t know when he fell asleep; he was tired and he had to explain several things in the morning; it was going to be even more tiresome.


“Aish…” Hyukjae hissed cuddling himself in Kyuhyun’s arm. “Yah! Wulffrith! Stop my face!” He exclaimed still half asleep.

The white wolf groaned before pulling Hyukjae’s shirt harshly making the other roll in his spot.

“Fine fine!” Hyukjae groaned sitting down and rubbing his eyes; seconds later he turned around and he pouted when he noticed Kyuhyun still didn’t wake up; he frowned lightly and sighed. “Why waking me up if he’s still sleeping?” He asked the white wolf.

As in cue; Kyuhyun moaned in his sleep; making Hyukjae know he was waking up slowly. Hyukjae’s heart started beating fast; he was nervous. What if Kyuhyun hated him because of what happened? What if he was scared of him?

“K-Kyu?” Hyukjae called softly; not daring to touch Kyuhyun’s body. Kyuhyun groaned and tried to open his eyes; so slowly so he could get adjusted to the light in the room. “Kyu?” Hyukjae called again biting his lower lip.

Kyuhyun just turned his eyes towards Hyukjae and looked at him with a poker face; Hyukjae gulped nervously and turned away.

“I-I’m sorry…” Hyukjae muttered. “I-I guess you might be a little confused…” He continued reaching his hand to take Wulffrith’s hair just so he could feel some support.

“H-Hyuk…” Kyuhyun groaned again; his body hurt but not as much as the night before. “What happened?” Kyuhyun wanted to know everything and he could see Hyukjae was nervous and maybe scared.

“Uh… Um… well…” Hyukjae but his lips nervously.

“Hey Hyuk! Is Kyuhyun awake already?” Siwon opened the door suddenly.

“Oh thanks goodness Siwon!” Hyukjae threw himself into Siwon’s arms; being that the first time he was actually happy to see the other.

Kyuhyun sat down on the bed slowly; frowning deeply because he hated the idea of his boyfriend clinging on Siwon; no, it wasn’t as if he was scared of losing him; Cho Kyuhyun wasn’t scared of anything; that was something he knew since time ago.

Kyuhyun felt something in the inside of his chest; and he hated the feeling; he has never in his life felt the same; never that insecure and he didn’t like it. Am I jealous? He asked while seeing how Siwon automatically placed his hand in Hyukjae’s waist. Cho Kyuhyun was a possessive brat; but he was never jealous because he had never been in love with someone.

“So what’s happening here?” Siwon asked softly at Hyukjae who just cleared his throat.

“Don’t touch him.” Kyuhyun said firmly; not really knowing why or how was it that his voice sounded as if he was so mad. But well… Kyuhyun was really mad.

“Is Kyu awake already?” Sungmin entered the room and smiled when he saw his brother in the bed. “Oh Kyu!” He exclaimed. “How do you feel?” He asked; but Kyuhyun’s eyes were on Hyukjae.

“We should call the others too Sungmin…” Siwon commented ignoring completely the death glare he was receiving.

Sungmin hummed and nodded before going out. “Where’s Hae?” Hyukjae asked pushing away lightly from Siwon and looking at the other puzzled.

“He slept here.” Siwon said lifting an eyebrow confused.

Hyukjae looked around the room; Kyuhyun following every movement carefully; hissing in annoyance.

“Ahhhh!” Hyukjae flinched and backed off when something fell from the ceiling; Kyuhyun jumped and opened his eyes widely in surprise.

“H-Hae?” Siwon called; the room was made a mess and Eunhyuk was now hugging Wulffrith.

“Hey!” Donghae greeted happily as he stretched himself. “Is breakfast ready?” He asked cheerfully.

“What the hell happened?” Kyuhyun demanded confused.

“What happened here?!” Hankyung came with a broom in his hands and a pink apron; courtesy of Sungmin; Sungmin behind him a little scared.

Donghae smiled shyly before scratching the back of his head. “Well…” He trailed off. “I had a nightmare in which I was a fish and there was this huge shark who wanted to eat me!” He started dramatically. “So I had to swim to the surface in order to become stronger… and then the shark kept on following me!” He opened his eyes widely as if trying to make everybody know it was the worst thing ever. “And then somehow I ended up in the roof and it was easier for me to just come here like this.” He concluded.

Hyukjae was tired and slapped the back of Donghae’s head. “What the hell are you saying?!” He demanded. “You just destroyed my room you idiot!”

“Yah Hyukkie!” Donghae whined. “How can you talk like that to your best friend?”

“Who said you were my best friend?” Hyukjae asked crossing his arms in his chest.

Donghae opened his eyes widely. “Don’t tell me you don’t remember we used to even shower together!” He snapped offended.

A pillow landed on Donghae’s face and Hyukjae gasped. “Shower together?” Kyuhyun asked and everybody swore there was a dark aura around him.

Donghae gulped and opened his mouth to speak when Siwon cleared his throat. “Anyways..” He started nervously. “There’s something we would like to tell you; Sungmin; Kyuhyun; Hankyung…” He continued.

Soon after; the three humans were sitting on a couch; Kyuhyun frowning deeply as he could only see how Hyukjae was so close to Donghae and Siwon.

“As you might know…” Siwon started. “Hyuk is not a normal human; and neither Donghae or myself.”

Hankyung opened his eyes widely. “H-Human?” He asked and laughed nervously. “H-How can’t you be not human?” He asked and Siwon sighed.

“You see…” Siwon started. “I’m an archer; and archers are legendary warriors from the world we come from; Donghae is a prince and Hyuk is a Prince too.”

Sungmin smiled brightly. “I KNEW IT!” He laughed to himself and everybody turned to look at him confused. “I knew Hyuk wasn’t human! He wouldn’t be able to predict everything if he were!” Sungmin laughed hysterically.

“I’m not surprised either…” Kyuhyun said crossing his legs and arms coolly. “It’s so obvious by the way things are; I mean… that wolf can actually understand me..” He signaled Wulffrith who was just sitting down by Hyukjae’s side.

“So you’re not surprised?” Donghae lifted an eyebrow. “I thought you would faint or something…” He pouted disappointed.

“Hankyung seems surprised though…” Siwon noticed and Hankyung gulped.

“You mean the one attacking this house last night wasn’t someone from the government or things like that?” Hankyung asked nervously.

“It was an archer; just like me.” Siwon said sighing. “There might be a few things you all need to know now that you’re living here.” He continued ignoring completely Hankyung’s state; the latter was thinking deeply; as if he were in his own world.

“First thing.” Donghae pointed out and Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Hankyung listened carefully. “If something strange happens; and by strange I mean someone attacking us; you should just hide and wait until we fight; and you must protect Hyuk from the attackers.”

“I would do that anyways.” Kyuhyun said smiling softly at Hyukjae who smiled back.

“Anyways.” Siwon cleared his throat. “Second…” He continued. “You must learn some martial arts and self defense.” He announced making Kyuhyun groan.

“I already know that.” Sungmin and Hankyung looked at each other and smiled brightly.

“Also…” Siwon continued. “You will have to deal with Hyukjae and his endless powers.” He said nodding as if it would be the biggest sacrifice ever.

“YAH!” Hyukjae exclaimed frowning and throwing the first thing he saw; that happened to be a vase; towards Siwon.

Siwon chuckled and dodged the vase easily; grinning widely. “That’s all.” He concluded.

“What powers do you have?” Hankyung asked suddenly interested to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae blushed lightly by the intent gaze of Hankyung on him and he looked away clearing his throat. “A lot.” He answered vaguely.

“Examples?” Hankyung asked and Hyukjae bit his lower lip.

“Well…” Hyukjae trailed off. “I can fly…” He said.

“We can fly too!” Donghae said excited pointing at himself and Siwon. “And Hyukkie is really fast!” He said proud of his friend.

“We call can teleport too…” Siwon said thinking deeply on some more things. “But all the royal family have those powers…” He shrugged it off.

“I can start the fire!” Hyukjae exclaimed happily. “And I can predict what’s going to happen!” He said proudly.

“He can also insert ideas in humans with weak minds.” Siwon said.

“Enough about me…” Hyukjae said; because he just realized he has at least ten more powers and they didn’t need to scare their friends. “Minnie Hyung…” He called softly.

Sungmin smiled brightly at Hyukjae and looked at him in expectation. “Yes?” He asked and Hyukjae sighed.

“Be careful with Siwon.” Hyukjae recommended. “If he kisses you, you will be in trouble.” He said serious.

Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Hankyung lifted their eyebrows in confusion. “Why would a simple kiss be the cause of trouble?” Sungmin asked.

“Because he has that power.” Hyukjae said nodding. “He thinks on a contract in his mind and seals it with his lips; but the other party could or could not be informed.” He explained. “And if you break the contract you’ll become his slave.” He adverted.

“Thanks goodness I won’t ever have to kiss that man.” Kyuhyun said with a smirk when he saw Siwon’s offended expression.

“I wouldn’t kiss you either!” Siwon yelled while Sungmin nodded processing the information. “And you don’t know anything about my kisses!” He defended.

“They’re not that bad…” Donghae commented absent minded; nodding as he remembered a few memories back in time. “What?” He asked confused when everybody looked at him intently. “He made me swear loyalty to the prince!” He exclaimed. “It’s not as if I would betray him!” He threw his arms at the air.

“It was me being careful Hae.” Siwon said nodding for himself.

“I found Siwon’s kisses rather… ummm. Innocent.” Hyukjae said too and everybody’s jaw fell open.

“WHEN DID YOU TWO KISS?!” Kyuhyun stood up abruptly; demanding for an answer as soon as possible.

“You seemed to like it after two minutes!” Siwon said crossing his arms in his chest and lifting an eyebrow; completely ignoring the fuming Kyuhyun.

“Because you had me pinned on the wall!” Hyukjae defended pouting; missing completely how Kyuhyun’s fists clenched in annoyance and his lips pursed dangerously.

“You didn’t even fight back!” Siwon said and Hyukjae blushed lightly.

“It was my first kiss you bastard…” Hyukjae hissed and Kyuhyun groaned piercing Siwon’s head with his death glare.

Siwon gulped; he somehow felt threatened by Kyuhyun; he was scared and he stepped back nervously when Kyuhyun had the look of wanting to kill him. It was absurd; being afraid of a simple human; but right in that moment; Siwon actually thought Kyuhyun was even more powerful than himself.

“K-Kyuhyun?” Siwon called nervously while still stepping back.

Nobody dared to move; Kyuhyun’s glare was so strong that it made everybody frozen; they all stopped breathing when Kyuhyun stepped forward and Siwon couldn’t step back because his back was already against the wall.

“You dared to kiss Hyukjae…” Kyuhyun whispered loud enough for everyone to hear; gulping nervously and feeling shivers running through their bodies; Kyuhyun’s voice was extremely calm; so calm that it was terrifying; he wasn’t asking; he was affirming.

“It was just a deal!” Siwon defended waving his hands in front of his chest. “And you didn’t even know him then!” He said but he still felt nervous.

“Touch him again and I swear I’ll kill you.” Kyuhyun threatened.

“Yah! Kyu!” Hyukjae called pouting.

Kyuhyun turned to Hyukjae and his expression softened. “Why did you allow him to kiss you?!” He whined and everybody opened their eyes in surprise at Kyuhyun’s change of mood.

Hyukjae blushed lightly and looked away from Kyuhyun’s intent glare. “Well…” He started. “It was a deal…” He said but he knew everyone had still their doubts. “I kind of ask him a favor…” He said looking away and scratching the back of his head.

“What favor?” Kyuhyun asked narrowing his eyes and Hyukjae caught Donghae’s curious eyes on him.

“I kind of… needed umm…” Hyukjae looked down and played with his own fingers trying to find the right words.

“What was it?” Kyuhyun asked still clenching his fists.

“I…” Hyukjae chuckled nervously and looked at Siwon so he could get some support; the latter just looked away and Hyukjae felt frustrated because of that. “IWANTEDSIWONTOTELLMEIFIWASPRETTYENOUGHFORHAVINGABOYFRIENDORGIRLFRIEND!”

Kyuhyun looked at Hyukjae puzzled as his mind tried to actually comprehend why Hyukjae was so red and looking away from him; he opened his eyes widely when he finally caught the words. “And you let him kiss you because of that?!” Kyuhyun asked feeling as if his most precious things was sold by nothing. “You’re the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life!” He exclaimed throwing his hands to the air.

“So Siwon asked your first kiss in return?” Donghae asked curious and Hyukjae just nodded still looking away.

Kyuhyun approached Hyukjae and hugged him tightly; making Hyukjae gasp in surprise. “Don’t worry Hyukkie…” He whispered and then glared once again to Siwon. “I’ll make sure he will pay.” He assured and Hyukjae just hid his face in Kyuhyun’s shoulders.

“Yah!” Siwon exclaimed posing his hands in his hips. “I’m an archer! Do you think you can actually do something?!” He asked smiling for himself. “And his past isn’t that important now! You two didn’t even knew you exist!” He exclaimed rolling his eyes.

“I guess it would be pretty smart from me if I just go cook dinner right?” Hankyung asked nervously.

“I should help Hannie do it!” Sungmin exclaimed.

“This is so awkward…” Donghae sighed and waved goodbye before disappearing in the air.

“Yah!” Siwon exclaimed to Donghae. “Wait for me!” He asked before smiling softly at Hyukjae and disappearing too in the air.

“You can pull away now Kyu…” Hyukjae whispered because Kyuhyun had him still in his embrace.

“I don’t want to.” Kyuhyun said inhaling the beautiful scent of Hyukjae’s blond hair.

Hyukjae chuckled and hugged Kyuhyun back lightly; resting his head in Kyuhyun’s chest as both of them closed their eyes and smiling for each other.


Hyukjae yawned as he was waiting for Kyuhyun to go out of the shower; he was resting his body in the couch; his hand falling lazily down and moving soothing Wulffrith’s hair; the can was sleeping peacefully in the floor; still; he was cautions in every movement that happened in the house.

Hyukjae opened his eyes widely when he remembered the water was cold. “Hey Kyu!” He called knocking the door of the bathroom.

“OH ! !” Hyukjae giggled nervously when he heard Kyuhyun curse.

“I guess he already noticed…” Hyukjae whispered nervously before motioning to Wulffrith to follow him out of the place.

Hyukjae and Wulffrith tip toed silently and they straightened their backs and froze when they heard the door of the bathroom being slammed open.

“Hyuk.” Kyuhyun called narrowing his eyes.

Hyukjae turned around nervously and scratching the back of his head. “Hey Kyu…” He whispered not daring to look at Kyuhyun.

“The water is freezing!” Kyuhyun exclaimed frowning.

"Oh! Is it?” Hyukjae giggled nervously and Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes.

“You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” Kyuhyun asked. “Yah Hyuk! Look at me!” He demanded crossing his arms in his chest.

Hyukjae bit his lower lip and turned his gaze up, just to look away again blushing hard. “Y-You’re …” He whispered taking his hand to cover his moth and suppress his screams.

“Of course I’m ! I was in the shower seconds ago!” Kyuhyun snorted and he then smirked. “Do you wanna join?” He asked teasingly; stepping forward without Hyukjae really noticing. “We could get the shower get ‘hot’…” He whispered huskily in Hyukjae’s ear when he was just inches away from the other.

yukjae gasped. “K-Kyuhyun?” He called nervously.

“Is that a yes?” Kyuhyun asked rounding Hyukjae’s waist with his hand and pulling him closer roughly.

“Oh my god Kyuhyun!” Hyukjae exclaimed feeling Kyuhyun’s crotch against his clothed member.

“You like it huh?” Kyuhyun asked biting Hyukjae’s earlobe.

“K-Kyuhyun?” Hyukjae called softly.

“Don’t ever go and hug someone else.” Kyuhyun groaned in Hyukjae’s ears; making the other gasp in confusion. “I don’t like it when you touch someone else; you are mine; I’m the only one allowed to touch you.” Kyuhyun talked without thinking; he couldn’t think properly when the images of Hyukjae running towards Siwon were in his head; making him how his blood boil once again.

Even worst when he imagined Siwon kissing his Hyukjae; that was something he couldn’t really stand.

Hyukjae bit his lower lip in confusion and he gasped when Kyuhyun pulled him impossibly closer. “K-Kyuhyun… ngg… N-Not now…” Hyukjae half moaned while Kyuhyun started attacking his neck hungrily; it and biting it while his hand traveled down towards Hyukjae’s .

“I want you to be completely mine now.” Kyuhyun said while squeezing Hyukjae’s . “I want the world to know you’re mine and no one else’s.” He pinned Hyukjae to the wall; his tongue exploring Hyukjae’s milky skin.

Hyukjae finally gave up and circled his hands on Kyuhyun’s neck; lifting his leg up until Kyuhyun’s waist.

Kyuhyun moved his hips sensually and Hyukjae just moaned louder; Kyuhyun groaned when he felt how was getting hard from the friction; he was completely and Hyukjae had way too many clothes on him.

Hyukjae felt how Kyuhyun started undoing his shirt and he opened his eyes widely. “I’m sorry Kyuhyun… but we shouldn’t be doing this now.” He said closing his eyes tightly.

Kyuhyun froze for a millisecond trying to analyze Hyukjae’s words when a horrible pain in his head made him back away and fall on his knees.

“Ok ok!” Kyuhyun yelled. “I’ll just shower!” He managed to say and Hyukjae sighed before stopping the pain inducing in Kyuhyun’s head.

“Sorry Kyu.” Hyukjae apologized and Kyuhyun just groaned.

“You should find some other method than this!” Kyuhyun said annoyed.

Hyukjae just smiled shyly and stormed out of the room; he closed the door and rested his body on it; taking his hand to his chest and breathing deeply; seconds later; he heard the water falling from the room; he smiled weakly for himself and dedicated himself to look for Wulffrith who suddenly disappeared.


“You are such a great actor.” Heechul said taking a sip to his glass of red wine.

“You think so?” The man in black chuckled; actually happy because of the compliment.

Heechul smiled. “You even got him to tell you everything; and it wasn’t our plan.” He said happily.

“We should thank the attacker then.” The man in black said.

“Are you okay?” Heechul asked serious and concerned.

The man in black smiled softly. “You know I heal fast.” He replied softly as well.

“That doesn’t mean you’re immune to those arrows.” Heechul said leaving his glass in the table by the side of his huge chair.

“I’m an archer too.” The young man replied. “I can deal with that.”

Heechul sighed. “Then we just need him to let his guard down; and the other guys as well.” He said narrowing his eyes and smirking. “I will teach him he can’t win over me.” Heechul chuckled bitterly.

The young man in black lift his eyebrow in confusion and Heechul just smiled at him. “I’ll kill him for sure Chullie.” He said determined.

Heechul looked at the man before him and smiled. “I hope so.” He said and took his glass again. “You can leave now; I don’t want them to suspect.”

The man in black sighed; because his encounters with Heechul have been shortest every time; but he has to be determined and do his mission; he was going to make sure Hyukjae would die in his bare hands.


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babyteukieteukie #1
Chapter 10: I was already starting to think that this story was really weird ..I was barely understand the story completely ..I really think that Kyuhyun and Hankyung were the one who wants to kill Hyuk ..But then Kyu ,I think he doesn't want to continue it anymore because he fell in love with Hyuk ?And who the hell is Hyuk's fiancee ?How did Sungmin knows Leeteuk ?I guess you need to update soon so that I won't become this confuse ..
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 10: Please update k...I can't wait already want to know what will happen.. your fic rally intimidating... >____<
wanieyrin #3
Chapter 9: Haha everyone has their secret..and so clingy to hyuk.but I'm excited want to know what will happen ...
Chapter 10: Hello, I am a new reader! I've just finished reading your fic and I can't resist the urge to comment right now.
This fic has such an extraordinarily thrilling plot that I just wanna keep reading and can't stop thinking about what would happen next. At the beginning, I was pretty sure that Kyuhyun was the one in black that had been trying to kill Hyukkie but now, everything seems different and is it Hankyung? I've been curious about Hyukkie's fiance: who he is and why he hadn't shown up and claimed Hyukkie his. Why did Ryeowook say that he and Wulffrith were the only two protecting Hyukkie?
Oh, I had so so many questions needed to be answered.
I really hope you'll come back soon and I will always look forward to your next chapters!
Wish you the best!
Chapter 10: the story is really nice tbhhh :D
hmm i think the prince is kyuhyun but i think i wrong and who's kyuhyun actually and the prince actually ?? so many question in my mind :/ author please continue this fanfic neh ;) im so curious
Chapter 10: ahhh i'm so curious about what will happen next D: please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 10: erii....
why you never update this story...
this is second time I read this story and everything in this story really make make me curious...
update please...
hyukkie puppy eyes...**
Pippavnbk #8
Chapter 10: I hope for you to continue this story, it's really great
teukchulshipper #9
continue this story please, im really curious...
Oh, I want too know more!!