Chapter Ten

Fake Dreams




Kyuhyun looked at Hyukjae and sighed. He had changed, he loved Hyukjae’s skin, his lips, his eyes; he liked everything about him. “Hyuk…,” he called softly, his finger tips tracing Hyukjae’s soft cheek. “Wake up Hyukkie,” he whispered as he watched the other carefully.


It’s been hours already since they confronted Heechul and Hyukjae fainted, Kyuhyun took the other to their room and rested his body there; Wulffrith was on the bed, trying to know what was wrong with his owner while Kyuhyun kneeled on the floor to only look at Hyukjae’s perfect face, he didn’t mind anything for hours, he just stood there with him, sometimes stealing chaste kissed from the other and humming a song so the latter would wake up sooner.


“He’s fine, he just needs to rest,” Siwon had told him and Kyuhyun wanted to trust in those words as he took Hyukjae’s hand and squeezed it tightly.


“Ah Hyuk,” Kyuhyun sighed deeply. “What have you done to me?” he asked chuckling softly and kissing Hyukjae’s palm. “I wasn’t as stupid as I am now,” he said smiling dreamily. “Is it love?” he asked. “Like… real love? I hate when you’re not with me, I feel useless when I’m not able to protect you, every time I notice I’m already craving for your lips… your smile, how can such simple thing make my heart race so fast Hyuk? I can’t stand it when you notice someone else but me, what have you done to my sanity that I become so vulnerable every time you’re not with me?”


Kyuhyun closed his eyes as he pressed Hyukjae’s hand against his cheek. “It can be love,” he chuckled softly. “You have to take responsibility for taking my heart away from me Hyuk,” he said finally opening his eyes and wishing Hyukjae was already awake.


Kyuhyun saw with a weak smile how Wulffrith poked Hyukjae’s body with its nose, as if trying to wake him up.


“You’re worried as well, right Wulffrith?” Kyuhyun asked reaching his hand to pet the wolf’s head. “It’s okay, he’ll wake up soon,” he promised and Wulffrith just turned to him and rested his body on the bed once again, his head on Hyukjae’s tummy, his eyes open as he watched carefully any clue that his owner was fine.


“It would seem as if you really cared,” Kyuhyun turned alert to the voice that suddenly spoke and he sighed in relief when he saw it was Ryeowook. The latter was resting his body on the wall behind Kyuhyun, his arms and ankles crossed as he looked at the other intently; Wulffrith didn’t even flinch.


“I do care,” Kyuhyun said holding Hyukjae’s hand with his as the other caressed Hyukjae’s cheek lovingly. “Do you even know how I feel with him like this?” he asked. “It feels as if something is missing, I can’t be myself if I’m not with him, I prefer having him being clingy on Siwon, or Donghae or whoever instead of him being like this,” Kyuhyun whispered. “Can’t you wake him up already?”


Ryeowook narrowed his eyes; it was his own nature to be so untrusting. “It’s not as if I could Kyuhyun,” he said standing straight and walking towards them. “If I could I would have done it already,” he said looking carefully how Kyuhyun sighed and just kissed Hyukjae’s palm lovingly.


“At first I thought it would be fine,” Kyuhyun admitted taking away the locks of Hyukjae’s hair away from his face. “I thought it was going to be fun, you know, having someone to make out and all,” he chuckled at his own words. “But somehow, with the time, I became jealous, possessive, I wanted to have him with me forever, I couldn’t stand it if he was with someone else, I’m usually a really confident person, but I’m the most insecure one when I think of him not wanting to be with me…,” he said smiling softly at Hyukjae’s sleeping face. “Do you know why is this happening Ryeowook?”


Ryeowook looked carefully at Kyuhyun and he gulped nervously, he didn’t like Kyuhyun, but he didn’t like anyone either. Ryeowook saw how vulnerable Kyuhyun looked, just sitting on the floor so his face would be at the same level that Hyukjae’s sleeping one, his hand holding Hyukjae’s and caressing it with his thumb softly, his eyes glued to the other’s face and a soft, gentle smile in his lips.


Ryeowook gasped at the realization. Kyuhyun was in love.


“Even if I tell you why this is happening to you,” Ryeowook cleared his throat. “You wouldn’t believe me and just take you own conclusions, so I won’t even try,” he said.


“That’s right,” Kyuhyun chuckled before planting a soft peck on Hyukjae’s corner of his lips. “I already miss him so much…,” he mumbled. “I don’t even understand what is happening and I still want to protect him, how the hell am I supposed to do that?” he asked and Ryeowook’s eyes softened when he saw the frustration in Kyuhyun’s eyes.


“That’s right,” Ryeowook said standing by the bed’s side and sitting down by Kyuhyun’s side, looking directly at Hyukjae’s face. “You won’t be able to protect him,” he continued and he heard Kyuhyun’s bitter chuckle. “You will probably just add more problems to his list, maybe you will break him… he won’t stand if anything happens to you, he will try his best to protect you with the only condition of you being by his side…” Ryeowook said softly. “So just stay with him and he’ll be happy,” he said sighing softly.


Kyuhyun smiled. “I’ll try my best,” he said leaning closer once again to peck Hyukjae’s temple. “Ryeowook,” he called serious after a few minutes of silence.


“Mnh?” Ryeowook hummed in response as his eyes were set on Hyukjae as well as Kyuhyun’s and Wulffrith’s.


“What’s happening?” Kyuhyun asked. “What does Heechul want from him?”


Ryeowook smiled bitterly and stood up. “I’ll tell you all in a few minutes, come when you feel like it, we’ll be waiting,” he said as he approached the door. “Wulffrith,” he called and the wolf turned to him, fully knowing Ryeowook wanted him outside; the wolf looked at Hyukjae and then at Kyuhyun who just smiled and nodded softly.


Ryeowook opened the door and let Wulffrith out.


“Kyuhyun,” Ryeowook called turning around when he was almost outside and Kyuhyun just turned up to see him. “Do you love him?” Ryeowook asked serious. “Do you love Hyukjae?”


Kyuhyun smiled.




Kyuhyun sighed when Ryeowook went out finally and he hesitated for a few seconds before biting his lower lip and sigh deeply. “Seriously Hyuk, what the hell have you done to me?” He asked chuckling and leaning closer to peck Hyukjae’s lips softly.


He stood up and squeezed Hyukjae’s hand one last time before leaving the room; he walked to the door and when he was about to open it, he sighed deeply, closing his eyes and freezing his body. “Aish…,” he hissed ruffling his own hair as he turned around and went by Hyukjae’s side. “Seriously,” he whispered making his way to the bed. “I can’t even dare myself to leave you alone,” he sighed once again before placing himself by Hyukjae’s side in the bed and hugging the other tightly, rounding his arms in Hyukjae’s waist softly, trying not to move Hyukjae too much and bringing him as close as he could from him. “They won’t miss me,” he whispered before kissing Hyukjae’s forehead and closing his eyes.


Kyuhyun didn’t exactly know when it all started; but now he could do nothing against his own feelings. He was trying to distract his attention from everything around him, in the last weeks he had tried hard to not look at Hyukjae’s smile too much or to attack the other right then out of an act of jealousy.


Kyuhyun looked carefully at Hyukjae’s face, supporting his head with his eyebrow as his free hand traced Hyukjae’s soft features. “How can you be so beautiful?” he asked smiling gently. “I wonder if you would accept to run away with me in the future Hyukkie,” he whispered now tracing Hyukjae’s soft and pink lips with the tip of his fingers. “Because I really, really, want to be with you forever…”




“So what’s happening Wook?” Siwon asked frowning softly, everyone, excepting Hyukjae and Kyuhyun, were reunited on the living room; silence made its way when Ryeowook arrived with Wulffrith.


“I’ll tell you when Kyuhyun arrives,” Ryeowook said serious. “I need him to hear this as well,” he said sighing deeply, feeling how everyone in the room was tensed and maybe a little confused about what was happening.


They waited for almost an hour and Siwon sighed loudly. “Seriously, where the hell is Kyuhyun?” He hissed crossing his arms over his chest.


Sungmin sighed. “Probably he doesn’t want to leave Hyukkie alone,” he said, fully knowing how possessive his brother was but actually finding it puzzling because he never saw him like that before. “Or maybe he fell asleep; he hasn’t eaten dinner…”


A deep sigh was heard in the entire living room as everyone did so. “I’ll go make something for us to eat,” Hankyung said. “We’re all tired, maybe that helps,” he said standing up and stretching his body.


“I’ll go with you,” Sungmin said standing up as well. “Someone please check on KyuHyuk,” he giggled softly and left the living room following Hankyung.


Donghae and Siwon raised their eyebrows. “KyuHyuk?” They asked as they saw each other with puzzled looks.


“Idiots,” Ryeowook snapped self palming. “He’s talking about Kyuhyun and Hyukjae, you know, KYUhyun plus HYUKjae, equals KyuHyuk,” he explained and he felt as a kinder garden teacher for them.


“I’m not sure if I want to accept that,” Donghae said pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes. “Anyways, I’ll go check on them, come on Wulffrith,” he ordered to the bored wolf.


Wulffrith stood up lazily before following Donghae out of the living room towards Hyukjae’s room; leaving Siwon and Ryeowook alone in the place. “Do you have an idea of when will Heechul come back?” Siwon asked and Ryeowook turned to look at him with a serious expression.


“No,” Ryeowook answered. “But I’m sure he has a plan already, he’s always a step ahead from us,” he narrowed his eyes and Siwon nodded.


“We should keep an eye on him,” Siwon said serious. “Should I call Leeteuk?” He asked after a few seconds.


“Why do we need him here?” Ryeowook asked raising an eyebrow.


“We should keep him here,” Siwon said. “He can read people’s souls, he probably knows what Heechul is planning completely.”


Ryeowook bit his lower lip. “Maybe that’s a good idea,” he mumbled. “But he won’t tell us, you know he can’t,” he narrowed his eyes and Siwon smiled softly.


“I have a secret weapon,” Siwon winked an eye to Ryeowook as he pointed his own lips.


“Oh…,” Ryeowook mouthed as he got what Siwon meant. Siwon could make a deal with Leeteuk and then kiss him; that way he would be obliged to tell them everything. “That won’t work,” he said after almost a minute, frowning softly. “He must already know our plan by now…,” he mumbled frustrated.


“That’s right,” Ryeowook and Siwon flinched and gasped, turning around just to find Leeteuk sitting down on the couch comfortably. “I just came to see how Hyuk is though,” Leeteuk said smiling softly. “He’s in his room right?” he asked standing up.


“L-Leeteuk hyung!” Siwon called. “Please…,” he mumbled and Leeteuk only smiled at him.


“Siwon ah, Ryeowook ah,” Leeteuk called smiling softly. “You both should already know that even when I say something about what’s happening it won’t be of any help; destiny will come sooner or later,” he said starting to walk out of the living room.


“So…,” Ryeowook looked down and clenched his fists in frustration. “Just because you say so, I have to let Hyukjae being hurt? You know I can’t take that! You know he’s way too important! WE CAN’T JUST LET EVERYTHING HAPPEN LIKE THIS! WE MUST DO SOMETHING!”


Siwon froze, he didn’t have an idea of what they were talking about, he didn’t know what was going to happen just as Ryeowook seemed to know. “Wook,” Leeteuk looked at the younger with a tender smile. “I’m sorry,” he said apologetically.


Ryeowook turned up with a determined look. “No,” he said firmly. “I won’t allow anything bad happen to him,” he said frowning deeply. “I’ll protect Hyukjae no matter what,” he pursed his lips in determination. “I’ll protect my younger brother.”





A/N: Remember that Wook is an archer so he's probably hundreds of years; I'll try to reveal the truth little by little! ^^
kekeke here I come with a super short update! ^^’

Sorry! *bows* I’ve been busy… ^^’

But well~ I dreamed last night of this story so expect lots of update from this! (:

Thanks for reading!

Love you all! :D


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babyteukieteukie #1
Chapter 10: I was already starting to think that this story was really weird ..I was barely understand the story completely ..I really think that Kyuhyun and Hankyung were the one who wants to kill Hyuk ..But then Kyu ,I think he doesn't want to continue it anymore because he fell in love with Hyuk ?And who the hell is Hyuk's fiancee ?How did Sungmin knows Leeteuk ?I guess you need to update soon so that I won't become this confuse ..
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 10: Please update k...I can't wait already want to know what will happen.. your fic rally intimidating... >____<
wanieyrin #3
Chapter 9: Haha everyone has their secret..and so clingy to hyuk.but I'm excited want to know what will happen ...
Chapter 10: Hello, I am a new reader! I've just finished reading your fic and I can't resist the urge to comment right now.
This fic has such an extraordinarily thrilling plot that I just wanna keep reading and can't stop thinking about what would happen next. At the beginning, I was pretty sure that Kyuhyun was the one in black that had been trying to kill Hyukkie but now, everything seems different and is it Hankyung? I've been curious about Hyukkie's fiance: who he is and why he hadn't shown up and claimed Hyukkie his. Why did Ryeowook say that he and Wulffrith were the only two protecting Hyukkie?
Oh, I had so so many questions needed to be answered.
I really hope you'll come back soon and I will always look forward to your next chapters!
Wish you the best!
Chapter 10: the story is really nice tbhhh :D
hmm i think the prince is kyuhyun but i think i wrong and who's kyuhyun actually and the prince actually ?? so many question in my mind :/ author please continue this fanfic neh ;) im so curious
Chapter 10: ahhh i'm so curious about what will happen next D: please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 10: erii....
why you never update this story...
this is second time I read this story and everything in this story really make make me curious...
update please...
hyukkie puppy eyes...**
Pippavnbk #8
Chapter 10: I hope for you to continue this story, it's really great
teukchulshipper #9
continue this story please, im really curious...
Oh, I want too know more!!