Soul Bound
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Woohyun's part was inspired by:

Compass by Zella Day


Woohyun cried in agony. They were all gone. They weren't coming back. They were burnt to crisp. His family, his family was gone and they'd never come back. He could smell the fire and the bodies. He could hear the echoes of their screams. In fact, he could still hear the fire crackling away, as if mocking him of his lost family.  

All that remained where the leafless trees and burnt bark...a pale comparison of what they used to be. 

Woohyun felt as the ashes of the fire found its way way to his flesh. He felt as his lungs filled itself with smoke and let out another cry before falling to his knees.

He didn't know when it happened but soon his body began to shake as sobs escaped his lips. Everything hurt, it was too much and blackness began to over take his blurry vision....

And Woohyun, Woohyun didn't care anymore, he was done trying to hang on.


", hyung, we're approaching the Shadow forest!" Myungsoo said as he looked back at Sunggyu and pursed his lips. Myungsoo could hear the older curse under his breath as he ruffled his hair in distress. And he had every right too, many  men who traveled through would either never comeback to tell the tale or they spoke of wondering shadows and unseen voices. Sunggyu wouldn't have believed it if not for the number of comrades that he never saw again once they stepped into that forest. 

"Well, I guess we have to go in...it's not like we can turn back..." Sunggyu said with a sigh as the forest got closer and closer. If he could, Sunggyu would have avoided the forest but it wasn't like they had a choice. No, any minute now the They would appear, and while his team was by no means weak, the fight would only hurt them. Soon enough, they had entered the forest and the silence was so loud that it was deafening.  Sunggyu could feel his body tense under some unknown force within the forest. Based on the body language of his crew mates, they must have felt the same thing.

"Gee Myungsoo, I know you're a Ice prince but take some chill pills! No need to be so tense!" Sungyeol said with a snicker, earning a laugh from Dongwoo.

"That's stupid, if I'm a Ice prince then why would I need chill pills? Wouldn't that just make me more icy?" Myungsoo said with a scoff as he flicked Sungyeol's forehead.

"Do you need some ice for that burn Sungyeol?" Hoya said with a smirk before widening his eyes, "Oh wait, is that why you're always on Myungsoo?!"

Dongwoo burst out laughing while Sungjong and Sunggyu smiled. Ah, leave it to those three to bicker in such a tense environment. In a matter of no time, the tension was gone and everyone walked in comfortable silence.

"You know, everyone always said that there'd be voices and shadows...." Sungjong said quietly," but we've been walking for some time...I don't hear or see anything....maybe it was all just rumors?"

"Yah don't jinx us!" Sungyeol shrieked with wide eyes as he hid behind Myungsoo. 

"Don't be silly Sungyeol." Sunggyu said with a sigh. Gosh he just wanted to be out of this forsaken forest. 

"Hey hyung?" Dongwoo called out to Sunggyu with wide eyes.

"What?" Sunggyu said with a sigh.

"Are forests supposed to smell like smoke?I mean I don't think so but this forest is weird..." Dongwoo said as he tilted his head innocently. Sunggyu's tiny eyes grew unusually wide, Forests, no matter what should ever smell like smoke.

"You can't be serious....Dang it, the forest is on fire, we need to find a way out before They find us!" Sunggyu stated with pursed lips. 

"Hyung, what are we going to do? We can either go towards the fire or head back and hope They don't see us..." Hoya commented.

"No...no, we can't turn back...we're to far in the forest...Plus if we go

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Chapter 6: Reading this again and again.. ❤️❤️
Chapter 6: Hii, im new reader here, just found this story, its sounds interesting, what will happen next, author nim, wish u remember this story and continue again..
Chapter 6: You are back..can't wait for the next update
Chapter 6: meee tooo love Percy Jackson^^
thanks for update authornim *~*
oggifishy #5
Chapter 6: Thanks for updatee.. Its really make my day...
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating
Chapter 4: A trap? /gasp/
Chapter 5: You are back...
I loved this.update more.
Namu hyun...nam woo hyun..you got me with that
Chapter 2: I wonder what kind of relationship n world this version of woogyu is
Chapter 1: Ah Ed Sheeran's perfect is sucha romantic inspiration ❤ it's sad. Thank you