chapter two / "you didnt love her right"

Chapter Two / "you didn't love her, right?"
Even though she was disguised, he knew it was her, her dyed blonde hair and plastic surgery all over her face didn't change anything. She still had the same dewy double eyelids. She was cloaked in a tan long coat that went down to her knees and wore dark leather boots.
"Lee Yerin." He spoke icily, the resentment obvious in his tone, his eyes looked at her sharply.
"Jungkook? Why are you here?" She scoffed.
When he didn't want to see her and wanted her out of his life, he gave her ten billion won to move wherever she wanted. So why is it that she's near him, or to be more worried, her?
"What do you think? It's my place." He scoffed back at her.
"Duh." Crossing her arms, she sighed. "Why are you here in America, you dimwit?"
"Don't lie, I know my cousin's here. The one you really love and spent 10 billion on her." She looked at him up and down, seeing him dressed up all pretty. "Add more to that."
"Now why are you here?"
"You told me I could go wherever, we never signed a contract, so I'm staying here, besides, this is where my client is."
"Client?" Jungkook asked.
Yerin's lips curved up mockingly. "Like I'll tell you. Besides, you have my little cousin to take care of. Can you promise that you won't hurt a hair of Sunghee? Because I don't know what to do if you did. Although high school was messy, it didn't mean I didn't care for her. But for you though, that's a different story. So Jungkook, though we will probably meet, let's try not to."
She brushed past him, her hands in her coat pockets, and he looked at her as she left. That was his only mistake in his life. But now, he has no regrets after meeting Sunghee. He hid his dissatisfaction as he walked to the school for his next class. But even though his main goal is to be closer to Sunghee, his education was also priority. A shareholder will be taking up the company, not him.
For school though, he didn't take the same obscure ones she took. But he did feel disappointed when he entered his class. The only person he knew there was Sophie, who invited him to sit with her.
As he went out the class with Sophie, who when listening to her, found out she rented an apartment next to Sunghee's. As Sophie could see that her company wasn't enough for him, she then took him to the public library nearest to the school, where Sunghee always hung out after class.
"So, to thank you for putting up with me, I'll help you with something today." She then gave him the slip of paper which she prepared earlier. "Sunghee's always there. But if anybody asks, I didn't tell you. And this, is for tonight at 6. My boyfriend gave it to me to have a girls night out, but you seem to need it more. Don't worry, she'll love it. You understand me, right?”
He smiled and hugged her slightly before nimbly walking really fast (since it's a library) to Sunghee at the directions, the directions to the children's books. Sophie's phone buzzed and seeing the name, smirked as she saw him and then answered it.
"You know I can see you?" She spoke in Korean with an American accent as she looked directly at him, and he looked at her annoyed.
"Well, is everything planned?"
"Yeah. Inside the slip of paper is two tickets to Broadway to see Aladdin, Sunghee's favorite movie for tonight."
"She'll love the music, I can tell you that for sure."
"So, can you get off the phone?"
Instead of replying, he ended the call and walked toward her, smiling, and hugged her tightly. "I really missed you too Sophie."
"I missed you more Seokjin."
"I had to sneak to get here, I love you more."
"Fine. Now let's see those lovebirds." She leaned her head on him and tilted her head slightly up to face him. "But Seokjin, was she always like this?"
"Yeah, always on guard of him. Probably because of her cousin."
"They were fiancés. You know, business transactions, those were the bargaining chips."
"Then what happened to her?"
"I really don't know. Sometimes I know him well, but I usually don't. But she’s in Korea.”
"Really?" She asked him slightly concerned for Sunghee's well-being, "Seokjin, will Sunghee be alright?"
"He wouldn't hurt her."
"I may not be attached to her completely, but are you sure about that?"
"Definitely. He spent quite an amount to be with her." He then ran his hand through her hair and closed the distance between them, his lips touching hers. "He'll probably burn out his whole fortune for her."
"How come you don't do that?" She pouted.
"I don't have the money, and I'm not trying to get attention." He grinned as he then kissed her softly on the lips. "I already have yours."
Jungkook was no where close to Sunghee as Seokjin and Sophie as he was peering from the bookcase where he saw Sunghee sitting at a table with books, writing in her notebook, looking at the books every now and then. She wasn't paying too much attention to what she was doing, so when she saw the silhouette of a person across from her, she couldn't help but look up, and saw Jungkook's soft brown wide eyes and porcelain skin.
"What are you doing here?" She whispered annoyed.
"I wanted to see you." He said as he sat down across from her.
"Yeah, so how did you find me?" She asked before pretending to read her books as she turned a few pages.
"That's a secret!" He smiled.
She then glanced and saw he had different clothes, which though she'd never admit aloud, made him look more attractive and stylish, that was if he just stood there silently.
"Did you really spend money on clothes, don't you have class soon?"
"You do too." He puffed his cheeks.
"Whatever." She said as she flipped a page. "Now why did you want to see me?"
"Because you're my only girl friend."
She looked at him, curved down into a frown. "You know Soph, you idiot."
"She's not my girlfriend."
She looked at him blankly trying only for a second to figure out his goal before giving up as she then proceeded flipping a page. "I'm studying I won't ask anymore. Just don't disturb me."
"Fine..." He says as leaned his face against his crossed arms and then murmured slightly in a breathy voice,"Sunghee, you know, you're really beautiful."
She saw him, his bowl cut covering most of his face except for a gold ring earring on his left ear and his left eye making him look mysteriously y. Although she knew he was rather handsome, it caught her off guard and she slipped up, almost knocking her phone off the table.
"You're the most beautiful person in the world." He quietly said as he looked at her in a slight trance, her whole body and aura soothing him as he looked at her. "The world doesn't even deserve you."
Getting caught even more off guard, her ears turned red and he as he noticed it. "At last my dear Sunghee finally paid attention to me."
She opened to snap at him, but then closed it and focused on her books. Though he was slightly upset she would pick books over her, he didn't want to see her mad because of him.
"Sorry." He mumbled, "I don't want to make you unhappy."
"That's quite a claim." She scoffed as she turned another page, looking at Jungkook as she continued to pretend-read.
"Want me to prove it?" He asked giddily as he waved the tickets in front of her face.
Her eyes widened before she hid it and held onto her book and looked at it, pretending to ignore him. He frowned and put his head on the table and passed her her ticket.
"They're front row... if you don't go, it'll be a waste. I don't have anybody else I want to go with." He sighed as he hid his face in his arms.
"Fine." She held her pencil by the tip and poked his arm with the eraser. "This time only."
He rose his head and his eyes were practically sparkling. "Seriously? Yes!"
"Shh!" The librarian and others shushed him as he yelled.
"Sorry." He said in Korean-English.
She rolled her eyes and closed her book. "Now when is this?"
He smiled. "Tonight at 6."
"You know what, you're expecting a lot from a girl you barely hung out with. No person would spend almost all their day with someone they don't know."
"But you're my only friend."
"Fine, we'll meet up at the deli near here at 5?"
He nodded his head vigorously as he seemed to be especially happy, even if it meant they'll eat at a deli. She sighed and then packed up her books. His tricks won't work on her, even if she gets to see Aladdin.
"I'm going to class early, you can go wherever you choose." She sighed as she turned her head to face him. "It's a free country after all."
"Okay!" He said as she chased after her, getting shushed as he ran.
As they left together, he started asking her questions. "So how's America? Is it true that football isn't played by hand? How's the fast food here? How about the portion sizes, I heard they're huge? Speaking of which, are the Korean restaurants delicious?"
As they walked down the street, Sunghee ignored his voice as he continued on yapping. As she looked straight ahead, she squinted as she looked at something familiar. In the crowd of people, she saw someone who looked very familiar to her. She couldn't help by yell out to them.
"Yerin! Lee Yerin, is that you?"
A woman in a coat looked at this person who called out. As she stepped forward, she saw the person next to her and glared at him before turning around and running off.
"Yerin! Wait!"
She tried pushing through, but she rebounded at was pushed back near Jungkook who held her back, holding on her arm. In a fit of anger, she snapped as she yelled at him in English, but a lot more in Korean.
"I knew it! Ever since you started dating her I knew you were bad news! Now that I see her you scare her away! Just let me see my cousin again you selfish rich heir!" She walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar, glaring at him only centimeters away from his face. "Of course you made her leave. If you don't return her back to society, I'm rethinking tonight."
A few spectators crowded around as others people it, but as much as she noticed, she was too angry at him. Tears appeared on the corner of her eyes as she yelled at him.
“Such a two face liar needs to get surgery to learn how to behave.”
With that, she pushed him away and ran from the crowd to her class. He got up and patted himself down as he glared at the camera crew.
"What are you looking at?" He seethed in anger, speaking in fluent English as his eyes turned cold. "Get lost before you get hurt."
In a fit, he crushed the closest recording person's phone and threw him a handful of hundred dollar bills. "Here, have fun."
Everyone stopped recording as they were too scared to jump him for money and instead scrambled to get the money. He though walked off to his apartment. Right now, he didn't want to go to class. Not when he was mad. As he walked to his apartment, Sunghee was at her class, slamming her head against the desk.
"I'm so stupid!" She cried out loud as she whimpered, scared for her life. "I just told of Jungkook!"
Sophie was there trying to comfort her. "What's the worst that can happen?"
She turned her head to face Sophie who didn't show that much sympathy, her face completely blank as she leaned back on her chair. "Trust me, he got my cousin to disappear from my life."
She stopped leaning and gasped as she made the chair thunk as it hit the floor. "She's dead?"
"No, she's never been found in Korea for years. She's absolutely afraid of him. She didn't say anything when she saw me with him." Sophie sighed with relief as she heard that, though felt very gullible to believe that.
"Didn't she... date him?" She asked carefully.
"I don't know. High school was harsh and she didn't really say much." She sighed. "They had more of a physical relationship."
"Ew." Sophie gagged in the inside as she imagined that.
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