Innocent Love

After School Couples One shots

*Your cresent moon eyes that reflected me and let me see that I was really falling in love with you.I know it is stupid but I can't help falling in love with your smile,your brown hair,your eye-smile,your kissable lips.It makes me want to taste it badly.....My innocent love for you....

[Nana's Point Of View.]

I was in school,walking to my next class.It was another boring school day as some of my friends didn't come to school and I have to stick with others that were so awkward with me.My hair was messy and untidy,my shoelaces was left untied,worksheets all crumpled and textbooks been filled with drawings and small sketches.My shirt was ed at the top and my skirt was totally like a mini skirt,I sling my bag around my shoulder.I totally looked like a bad student now.

I walked in the class and immediately everyone looked at me.Everyone started gossiping about me being so untidy and coming into class in that manner.I hate people talking about me like that but since I was in a rather bad mood,I didn't wanted to bother about them.Some classmates then came closer to me and we started discussing about something.

Jooyeon:"Hey guys! I heard that a new teacher is coming in today!"

Lizzy:"Really?! What about Miss Oh Hye Rin?"

Jooyeon:"I'm not sure....but I wish that new teacher is a good teacher...."

Nana:"I will make sure she be a good teacher."

My favourite lesson was Maths so nobody could ever spoil my day by spoiling my Maths lesson.You may think that I am a nerd but I'm definitely not,I just love Maths a lot.

BeKah:"How you gonna do it this time?Punch the teacher in the face?Prank him?Or pass rumors of nasty things about him?"

Nana:"I am going to do all if he doesn't listen to me."

Uee:"Wow...Mind your after that,you will be caned."

Nana:"Do you think I look like I care?"

BeKah:"What if the teacher still doesn't listen?"

Nana:"Then I will make sure that the teacher would suffer."

I said it almost in a whisper to make it sound scarier but unfortuantely no one creeped out.I was preparing to say something again when someone came in.I took a quick glance at the person and I was amazed by her outstanding beauty.She came ot the front and greeted us.We greeted her back and she introduced herself.

Teacher:"Good Morning Everyone~I'm your new Mathematics Teacher.I'm Kim Jung Ah.But you can give me nicknames if you want,I don't mind it."

Uee:"Can I call you Jungie Bunny?"

Jungah:"Of course."

BeKah:"What about Jung Babe..?"

Jungah:"That would be great!"

Nana:"Can I call you Omma?"

Everyone was cheering as names were shouted out,everyone went silent when Nana ask that question.Everyone looked at her curiously and suspiciously.


Jungah:"Of Course dear.I would be glad to hear that."

The class quieten down soon after that and Jung ah started the lesson.Nana enjoyed the lesson throughout as everyone laughed at their teacher's jokes and clumsiness.It was time for a short quiz.Jung ah picked Nana to answer the question.

Jungah:"May I know what is the solution to this problem?"

Nana:"Just do this and that and this."

After Nana explained,everybody was amazed as she provided a very detailed answer and even Jung ah was impressed by her smartness.The school bell rang,signalling that it was the end of the Maths Lesson.They bowed to their teacher and everybody started chattering around each other.

Kahi:"Do you wanna make a bet?"


Bekah:"Me too."

Uee:"Me three."

Jooyeon:"Me four."

Lizzy:"Me five."

Kahi:"Whoever fall in love with Miss Jung Ah will need to pay each of us 50 bucks."

Nana:"The amount is surprising but it is still okay with me."

Nana was very confident that she wouldn't fall in love with her teacher.

After lunch,Nana went back to her classroom again to pack her books and leave.Just then,she heard an angelic voice singing.


You lingered by my side

And always was in pain

And it is time to do another

Eventhough I knew you

I ignored it and turn away

Like a habit

Because I used to say that time will make you forget

After the star disappeared

Now I finally know

I think I know the pain you felt

Finally Finally

I can feel everything that you felt

Now I can feel that heart

Your turned back seems like there was so sadness

And it is time to do another

With a cold voice

You said it as if it was natural

Like that

We seperated again

Because I always believed it would be okay

After the star disappeared

Now I finally know

I think I know the pain you felt

Finally Finally

I can feel everything that you felt

Now I can feel that heart

I knew after the darkness came

Because of that small star

The world had shone

It would have been better if I don't know

Because I can't go back anyway

Please hold onto me for being like this

After you were gone

I finally look for you with regret

Now Finally Finally

I think I can feel your pain

Finally Finally

I can feel everything that you felt

Now I can feel that heart


I listened attentively to the song.When the song ended,I went in the classroom and saw our Maths teacher sitting on my chair and having her earpiece on her ears.I then found out that the angelic voice belonged to our teacher.

Nana:"Erm....Teacher,can you pls move,I need to take me bag."

Jungah:"Oh I'm really sorry....Anyway you can call me "Omma" like what you suggested just now."

Nana:"Nah....I prefer calling you Teacher."

Jungah:"Are you going home now?"



Nana:"Oh....You sound fantastic just now."


Nana stared at the cresent moon eyes as it was so beautiful and perfect.Nana stopped staring when she came back to reality again.

Nana:"Then I will be off now..."

Nana walked out fast but soon after,she was stopped by a hand holding her arm.She looked behind and saw that it was her teacher.

Nana:"What's wrong?"

Jungah:"Do you perhaps need any help for the Maths worksheets I gave you as homework?"

Nana:"I can handle it myself."

Nana smiled and walked off.

[Nana's Point Of View.]

I was so nervous when I spoke to our teacher but I didn't know why.Was I scared of her or was I actually falling for her?I couldn't fall in love with her if not I need to pay money.I can't!!! What should I do?! My mind is occupied by her now....Argghh......

[Jungah's Point Of View.]

I was trying to spend more time with Nana but unfortuantely she answered my question in a nice manner.I was quite upset with the outcome but I was determined to make Nana fall in love with me.She is indeed a difficult one to catch.....

[To be continued in the next chapter]


Could not finish it on time but I hope that you enjoy and anticipate what would happen between the both of them in the next chapter.Comments are appreciated.


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Chapter 7: So Nana actually have wons Jungah's heart...lets see whats going happens next ;)
Chapter 6: Ahh just when its getting more interesting we're hanging in the line....please be kind and update...u left me dying with curiousity here ;p
--->After School's Autographed CD and Poster Giveaway Event!!!!!<---- wanna win? check it out:)
Sing123: I'm really sorry...I was writing the 4th chapter with another idea but failed so it took me some time to think of another idea....I'm really so sorry!!!
Sing123 #5
ASPlaygirl #6
I can't wait to see what you have in store for JooEe, U-Na and JooNa - especially JooNa; currently my favourite AS pairing <3
unknow:Glad that you like it.I was kind of worried whether you will like it or not...