Taemin Part 1

Stay Strong Shinee

It was raining so bad, so dark outside and cold, too cold even for Shinee's well warmed up dorm. Onew sighed, Minho was pacing back and forward while Key was just sitting on the kitchen chair drunk in his own thoughts, him eyes unfocused looking somewhere behind the white wall in front of his, they all looked ... worried

"GOD ... just pick up Lee Taemin" Minho him for what seems to be the 50th time, he's exhausted and even worse ... worried to death 

"Minho sit down, my headache is getting worse with you coming and going in front of me" Onew said as he passed his hand through his hair he was obviously having a nasty headache

Minho droped himself into the couch sighing, holding his phone in his hands

"If he could only just pick up, once" Key was frustrated, they knew that the younger was feeling down lately, they all were and at nights like this one, he wasn't supposed to be alone. Thye haven't seen or heard form Taemin the whole day and it's driving them crazy

"I can't help loosing another bro-" Key said as his eyes started to water and tears threatened to come down his eyes but only to be cut off by his leader

''Don't you say that ... NEVER ok?"

Key let his head fall in defeat, he knew that he shouldn't think that way or say those words but how could he? His thoughts were darker than this night, he wondered where the younger could be and if he was safe.

They set there with nerves breaking until Onew got a call. He someheow felt relieved when he saw the caller's ID, it wasn't Taemin but he had hope that it might bring good news

"Hi Hyung" the soft male voice on the other side of the line greeted

"Hi, how are you?" Onew greeted back, his voice came out frustrated and shaking 

"I figured you'd be worried, hearing your voice just confirmed that, Hyung don't worry he's with me"

"Oh" Onew sighed "Thank you JongIn"

"I should have called you earlier sorry Hyung"

"It's okay I'm just glad that you did ... how is he?"

"Sleeping ... he's a little tired"

"That's good ... it's okay,  if he wants to stay with you I don't mind just make sure he's safe, I'm counting on you JongIn- ah"

"Don't worry Hyung, my Hyungs and I are aware of what you guys are going through now and you know Taemin and I go way back you don't need to ask me that"

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Chapter 5: Nicely written story. 3 years ago, but still hurt, specially when that day was very next day of my bday....it hurt. Onew really worried for members. Loved this update.
Chapter 5: 3 years ago. It still hurts to watch anything with Jonghyun present. You did well Jonghyun!!!!
Chapter 4: great
Oeh, SHINee <3
Chapter 1: you finally update this
are u going to continue this????
just asking.
tutimeow #7
Jjong will be missed by everyone that love and support him.. may he resting in peace and well now..
i wish someone would have noticed and maybe gotten him some help... damn jjong was a good actor. i will sincerely miss him. he was my shinee bias. r.i.p.