Bouquet de fleurs

We'll always have Bourbon street

"Krystal." She heard her professor walk fast and call her. 

It didnt shock her or anything, girls like Sulli could convince any man easily. In contrary to her, she'd make them giggle if she tries anything, she had some innocence within her soul that somehow had effects on her personality, you could tell she was a soft, warm hearted girl even when she tries hard not to be.

"Yes?" She turned around facing him.

"Would you like to grab coffee? So we could talk?" He suggested, thinking that she must've seen him in a whole different light.

"I'm sorry, I have to check on He'll be home soon." 

"Can I walk you a little bit, miss? I need to explain myself."

"Sure." She seemed hesitant as she walked next to him, the awkwardness of what had happened was basically suffocating her on the inside.

He coughed

"As a man, of course it had effect on me, what she was doing. But believe me when I say that, I had no intention in going any further." He had some sort of honesty in his voice, he'd glare at her and then look down again several times to check on her reaction.

"Have you got any issues with her? Miss Krystal? I've noticed the tension between you two in the classroom, has anything ever happened?" He spoke again when she didn't say anything, and kept a poker face expression on. 

"Frankly, yes." She peeked up at him, batting down her lashes.

"Tell me about it." He said

They sat down on a pretty appartment's steps.

"She had my own man as a target. She'd chase him around, corner him alone and seduce him." 

"I'm sorry to hear that." 

"Oh no, he didn't give in. No need to feel sorry for me or whatsoever, and we weren't even officially together at that time. I guess it just bugged me how often she has done it, and knowing she's gotten away with it almost every time, it scared me and-" she stopped suddenly as her eyes widened and she stood up, like a reflex.

"You really need to go, mister Choi." She said with her back facing him, as if he wasn't even there.

"Is everything okay?" He stood up and turned her to face him

His eye caught a black haired man with a bouquet of red roses walking towards them. She quickly turned around, staring at the man with the roses.

He smiled at her and spread his arms, a gesture to tell her he wanted a hug.

She smiled back and jumped into his arms. He hugged her smaller frame, and kissed her head with a wide smile on his face. 

His smile was suddenly replaced by an expressionless face and a cold gaze. 

She let go of him and stared at him until he smiled at her again, handing her the bouquet 

"It's for you, my lady." He said.

She turned around and introduced them to eachother

"Jiyong, this is mister Choi, he's my teacher. Mister Choi, this is Jiyong, my boyfriend." 

Mister Choi shook Jiyong's hand, both of them maintaining a poker face.

"Krystak, let's go." Jiyong held her hand and she froze there

"Krystal?" He called again, with a more serious face expression.

Seunghyun noticed her sombre expression, he coughed

"Don't we need to look over your project again one more time?" Seunghyun suggested.

"No, I'd prefer to do so tomorrow." She hesitantly walked away, hand in hand with Jiyong. 

He watched her walk and until she disappeared, he opened his appartment and walked in.

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