
Borrowed Memory

Hanshin Hospital

“Why didn’t you say it to me earlier? I should have imposed not to go to the gallery.”

“But I didn’t know that he is the owner of the gallery, that is why I did not mind going.”

“Have you not seen the name of the art gallery? It was named after her”

“I thought it is someone else.”


“We cannot change the what already happened. Let’s just pray for our son’s fast recovery. It is not the first time this happened to him.”

“I know. We should be careful now.”


“Mom, Dad”

“Hyesung, dear”

“Why I am here? Did I faint again?”

“Unfortunately, Yes, Son”. His dad replied.

“At the gallery?”


“Last thing I remember I was looking at a painting of an oak tree, my chest hurt, and I started to breathe heavily and may vision got blurred.”

“That exactly what happened to you.”

“Why? It is not the first time, isn’t it? It there something wrong with me?”

“There is nothing wrong with you, son.” His mother replied in concern.

“We are still waiting for the lab result to know exactly your condition.” His dad added.

“Okay. I’ll rest for a bit; my head and chest are still in pain.”

“Okay, dear. We’ll wake you up when the doctor came for the result.”



Hyesung laid down to the bed and turn against his parents, facing the wall.


“Do you think the reason behind these is the accident that happened six months ago?”

“I don’t think so.”

“But Dr. Han told us that there could be side effects after the operation”

“It is not that.”

“Try to remember one of the side effects that Dr. Han mentioned. He said that once he saw any object or anyone that could triggered the memory there is an instance that he cannot handle it and he will collapsed.”

“Please, don’t mention that when Hyesung is around”

“We cannot stop anything from happening. Time will surely come where we will remember all what happened that day”


Little they didn’t know, Hyesung heard everything they talked about.


“What are they talking about? What is the thing I shouldn’t be remembering? Why are they hiding it from me?”


“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Shin”

“Good morning, Dr. Han.”

“Is he already awake?”

“He woke up a while ago. We said we will be waking him up when you arrive.”

“The result of the medical examinations is out.”

“Dr. Han, can we talk outside?” Hyesung’s mother insisted

“Okay” Dr. Han answered.


“Is there something wrong, Mrs. Shin?”

“I don’t want Hyesung to hear the result of the examinations?”



“Are you afraid that he will hate you for hiding him the truth?”

“Dr.  Han, you ought to know that the reason I made that decision is because of my love for my son.”

“I know, Ma’am.”

“But like as I said six months ago, we cannot stop these things to happen, the time will come, and it is already starting.”

“You mean…”

“Yes, the result shows that there have been complications from the operation and the events he has been experiencing these past days triggered the complication. These are the reasons why he collapsed twice now.”

“Can would do anything to avoid these?”

“I am afraid none, Ma’am”

“He already been asking some questions to asked especially about his dream.” Hyesung’s dad added.

“Dream?” Dr. Han asked.

“Yes. He told us that he has been dreaming the same dream for the last six months now. He saw a guy and a girl in an oak tree curving their name on it. What surprised me, is what happened yesterday.”

“What do you mean, Sir?”

“He remembers the name of the guy in his dream, it was Eric and the owner of the art gallery we have been to yesterday was named Eric Mun. Our son also collapsed in front of an oak tree painting in the said gallery.” Mr. Shin explained.

“You mean the incident yesterday was like what he had been dreaming of? The name of the guy and the oak tree?”

“Yes, Dr. Han. You also know who is Eric, right?”

“You mean, he is ….”

“Yes, we also cannot believe such coincidence would happened. We should not go there in the first place.

“That explains everything, what is happening to your son? It is only a theory in the medical field, but some patients have been experiencing the same thing.”

“What is it?” Mrs. Shin asked.

“Cellular Memory”

“Cellular Memory?”

“Yes, a theory in the medicine that a recipient of an organ adapts the personality and the memory of the donor.”

“Is it possible?”

“Like I said, it is also a theory because it is still not proven. A little percentage of organ recipient experience that. According also to the research the percentage to experience cellular memory increased due to the relationship of the donor to the recipient.”

“What operation did I undergo? Cellular Memory? Organ Donor?” Hyesung whispered all these questions while listening behind the close door of his room.


 “Mrs. Shin, I suggest it is for the best for both of you and especially for Hyesung if you say the truth to him now than for him to discovered it by himself.”

“I’ll find the right time, Dr. Han. Thank you.”


Mr. and Mrs Shin entered the room to see Hyesung still laying on his bed, awake.

“Good morning Son.”

“Good Morning.”

“How are you feeling?”

“I feel a little bit better”

“We are so glad you are okay.”

“Has Dr. Han arrived yet? Hyesung suddenly asked.

“Yes, we did not bother to woke you up when he arrived.” His mother replied

“How’s the result?”

“Yes, Dr. Han said it is due to stress and over work.”

“Is that it?” Hyesung asked in doubt.

“Yes, he recommends that you should take care of your self a little more and do some exercise and don’t over stress yourself at work to avoid such incident to happen again.” His mother replied.

“Okay, it is true that I been so busy these past few days. In lieu with that, can I take some vacation leave?” asking his father

“Okay. Take you time to rest. I will assign Senior Manager Park to handle your work for a while you are on leave.”

“Thank you, Dad.”


What happened to Hyesung six months ago?

What is that thing Hyesung should not know?

How did Hyesung’s parents know Eric’s girlfriend?


Thank you for your continuous support to my story.

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 6: Wow, great story. I like the leading questions at the end. Keeps me wanting to know more!
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 4: Aha, this gets more intriguing...
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this~ I think I know why Hyesung's parents are hoping he doesn't remember the details...
missstery #4
Chapter 6: Good job. I think you can see the future or read the mind because every time that I finish a chapter I found the questions that I was thinking in that moment, is amazing. I waiting the next chapter hoping know the answers for all the questions.
missstery #5
Chapter 5: I really want to know the answer at all the questions, This fic is going better in each chapter. Good job. Waiting the next update
Chapter 4: This is really good
missstery #7
Chapter 3: OMG this come better in each chapter. Thanks for the fast update. Waiting the next
draghag #8
Chapter 3: Omg what is happening?? I love these cliffhangers. :D hope the next chapter comes soon. Thanks for the update, you write well and the premise of the story is interesting
ooh ... i like how this is going, Lizzie27, and i can't wait for your next chapter. SUBSCRIBED!
missstery #10
Chapter 1: Interesting chapter, I ask too why is the photo of a girl, I thought it would be Hyesung. Well I think I have to wait for the development of the story to answer all the questions that came up since this first chapter. Good job and I hope for a new update