
Because Of You

I lay myself on my bed and stared blankly into space. I don't know what's the meaning of this life anymore. I still want Eunwoo. He took my heart and it seems like its not returning back.

Its been 3 weeks already, Kris and I still talk even though not everyday but when he got the time. I thought to myself that I should go out today. But where to? 

I am thinking of hanging out with myself. Reading and surf the internet at a coffee shop. I went to a coffee shop and saw a figure that I seem to know. I saw Shirney was there too. 

"Eunwoo... what are you doing here with Shirney?" I said.

"Oh Jina! Me and Eunwoo are together now. Hehe!" Shirney said and held Eunwoo's hands.

I cried and clenched my fist. Since then, I want to get out from this country and to forget everything about Eunwoo. I hate him so much and why Shirney!?

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