Remember You Forever

Because Of You

Kris P.O.V

Why am I even being nice at her? She's just a fan. She looked so worn out and tired but still she's able to bowed at me. So much respect. 

Blessed to have this kind of fans but its her lucky day that there are no fans at all. 

Jina. Her name is unique also her looks. I even gave her VIP tickets, what am I thinking about? Whatever. 

Jina P.O.V

His party will be held next two days and today I'm going to get him his gifts. 

My present may not be that pricey but I hope he'll use them well. 

Fluffy hoodie✔

Pj's pants✔

Instant noodles✔

A cologne that I made by myself✔

I put his presents inside a box and put it inside a black paper bag. 

I hope he'll like it. Especially the cologne that I made. 

I learn how to make cologne via YouTube and I really like it how it smells like. It was made by me for Kris. I couldn't thanked him more. 

I wrote him a card, 

'Hey Kris, this is Jina... Happy Birthday! Thank you for what you did to me last time. I really appreciate it so much. I don't know how can I repay you. And this gifts may not be pricey at all but its spefically for you. XOXO'


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