Let's have our baby

And Baby Makes Three

A/N: Hello readers, and thank you so much for the comments and interest so far. Please enjoy chapter 2


Seulgi stayed with Joohyun all night. The couple held one another as they talked heavily about their feelings. They discussed about what they may or may not do in regards to their baby. Joohyun cried in Seulgi’s arms, and the monolid girl consoled her as best as she could. She can’t really imagine what it is that Joohyun is really going through. She is the one with a baby inside of her. A baby she might not even decide to have. It’s not like Joohyun is wrong about how young they are to have a child now.


“We’ll be okay Hyunnie. I promise you.” Seulgi told her, while caressing her still flat abdomen. Joohyun knows how much Seulgi wants for them to have their child. And, something about Seulgi telling her they’d be okay does make her feel better. Her girlfriend makes her feel better about practically anything.


“I love you.” She tells the monolid girl, because she does. She loves her more than anything. And is grateful that she has Seulgi as her partner through this, and everything else.


“I love you too Hyunnie.” She promises, and Joohyun places her own hand over Seulgi’s.


“You want the baby don’t you?”


Joohyun knows Seulgi really wants them to have the baby. She just wants for Seulgi to not be afraid to tell her just how she feels, really. The slightly older girl knows that no matter what Seulgi would respect her choice, even if it ended up being the one that hurts.


“I do. It’s our baby Hyun, why wouldn’t I want them? But, I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. It’s your body Hyunnie, and your decision.”


“You’re this child’s parent too Seulgi. It’s not only my decision, when I care about how feel too.” She runs fingers through dark locks.


“Okay, well it would honestly hurt so much if you decide that you can’t go through with the pregnancy. But, I mean it when I say that I will respect your decision.”


“Alright, I just always assumed we’d have kids after we were married, and stable.”


“Yea.” Seulgi nods.” I did too. But, it’s happened and now we just need to figure out what we do from here.”


“Will you, hate me if I decide not to keep them?” Joohyun, asks softly, holding back more tears from coming. She can’t bare it if Seulgi were to ever hate her. She loves her so much, and means everything to her. The monolid girl looks up, and kisses her lips softly.


“I could never hate you. I am in love with you and I always will be, okay. Don’t worry anymore.”


The next morning Seulgi awakes to the sounds of her girlfriend throwing up in the bathroom. She gets up and hurries in to see if she’s okay.


“Hyunnie, sweetie are you okay?”


“I’m fine.” She nods through shaky breaths. Only Seulgi is gently lifting her brown locks from her face. She rubs her back at the same time.


“I’ll make you some tea.” She offers and helps Joohyun up after she’s finished heaving. She starts to make her some tea right away while the brunette sits at the kitchen table.


“Thank you.” Joohyun tells her when Seulgi comes over soon with the hot cup of tea for her.


“You’re welcome.” She gently touches her shoulder. “Do you throw up a lot?”


“Almost every day so far.” She admits. Seulgi just takes to caressing her lower back. They still haven’t really come to any definite conclusions on what it is that they should do. Seulgi said that she’ll be there for her no matter what, and she meant it. That reminds Joohyun, she needs to see a doctor.


“I’m going to go to the doctor soon.” Joohyun tells her. “I need to find out how far along I am.”


“Yeah, that makes sense. You could be…” Seulgi thinks back to when the broke. That was well over a month ago though. “Well, no one can tell you’re pregnant unless you tell them. So it’s probably really early. Um, do you want me to go with you?”


“Yes, please I don’t want to go alone, baby.” Joohyun doesn’t want to go without her. She already feels so much better from having told her the truth about the pregnancy in the first place. She feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of her shoulders, because Seulgi is there to help deal with her burdens.


“You won’t. You don’t have to do anything alone, whatever you need from me Hyunnie. I’m going to be here.”


She’s still scared of what to do, whether or not to have the baby. But Seulgi is here and that’s what matters most.


“When’s your appointment?”


“Tomorrow morning. Can you come? You have to work though, right?”


“I do, but Byulyi-unnie can cover my shift. It’s more important that I be with you.”


Joohyun nods. “I love you Seul.”


“I love you too.”


Seulgi can’t stay the whole day with her though. She has afternoon classes and evening shift at the department store she works in. Seulgi makes decent enough money, especially during holidays and overtime. But she isn’t ruling out the possibility of having to get a second job, in order to help take care of Joohyun and their baby. She’d do anything she needs to do for them. Her mind is on so many thoughts that she can barely focus on anything, except for the fact that Joohyun is pregnant with their child. Her best friend Seungwan also notices that she’s off. So, when the friends are supposed to be on a lunch break. Seungwan decides to ask what is going on.


“Seul, what’s up? Are you okay?”


“Wan, I’m fine.” She does want to tell her what’s going on. But isn’t sure if Joohyun even wants people to know just yet. It’s probably better to wait until after they have this appointment tomorrow.


“No, you’re not. What’s going on, did you finally get in touch with Joohyun-unnie?”


“I did, yesterday.”


“So, did she finally tell you why she’s been MIA?”


Oh, boy did she find out why Joohyun has been off the grid.


“She’s not feeling well right now. But she’ll be okay.”


Seulgi leaves it at that. She doesn’t want to get into further details now. Not until she and Joohyun really figure out what they are going to do.


Joohyun’s best friend Kim Yongsun comes to see her, wondering why she’s taken so many sick days from work. It’s not like Joohyun to do so, and Yongsun is really worried about her. Joohyun smiles as she opens the door for her best friend.


“Hi Yong.”


“Hyun-ah, I’ve been worried about you. Are you okay?”


“Yes, I’m okay. I just had some things on my mind.”


She knows her best friend though, and she will not rest until she finds out everything that’s going on.


“What’s wrong? You’ve been crying.” She takes immediate notice. “Did you and Seulgi-yah have a fight, or did you break up?”


“No we didn’t fight or break up.”


“Yeah.” Yongsun nods. “I didn’t think so, I never seen two people more meant for each other. But, seriously Hyun what’s wrong? It’s weird to see you take so many days off from work.”


“I wasn’t feeling well.” It’s not a lie, as she has been feeling really nauseous and lightheaded. Not to mention how stressed out she’s been lately too, which she is positive isn’t good for either her or baby.


“Okay, but what else is going on, talk to me okay.”


This is her best friend. Yongsun would want to help her, as she would help her if the situation were reversed.


“It’s just…” She stops, not sure if she can do this now.

“Oh my god, you’re pregnant!”


“What, how did you know?” Joohyun asks startled, because really how the hell does she know that.


“What, you are? I was only kidding to get you to say something. Hyun, are you really pregnant?”


Joohyun sighs, how could she have let it be known so easily.


“Well, you already guessed.”


“Wow,” Yongsun says with wide eyes. “Baby bear or bunny is really on the way?” She adds softly, and that actually makes Joohyun smile. The idea of having a mini Seulgi sounds so good. She can imagine it too, a cute child with those round ears, button nose and her monolids. It’s almost too cute to imagine Seulgi and a mini Seulgi walking around.


“I’m going to be an Auntie. How’s Seulgi? And how, are you doing Hyun? This is huge.” She questions while running her fingers through brown locks.


“I’m actually really scared about this. We’re not ready to have a baby right now, but Seulgi she’s great, like always. I know she’ll do all she can for us.”


“Yeah, of course.” Yongsun knows how devoted Seulgi is to her. “Seulgi-yah will definitely be there for you and the baby. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now Hyun. But, you know you won’t be alone at all. You’ve got Seul, Byulyi and I will certainly help you. Baby Bunny or Bear be so lucky.”


The brunette smiles softly as Yongsun hugs her. She is right they won’t be alone. She and Seulgi have really great friends, and they also have one another. Joohyun ends up placing a hand to her belly. Their baby would have so much love. And honestly as long as she and Seulgi are together, and have one another. There is nothing the two of them can’t do.


That night when Seulgi is asleep she dreams of a small child that has Joohyun’s features. She can see those same round chocolate brown eyes and face that looks like the girl she loves and it makes her happy. It causes so many pleasant thoughts to imagine a mini Joohyun walking around. They would be a family, the three of them. And she could never imagine having a child or starting a family with anyone who wasn’t Joohyun.


“Please keep the baby Hyunnie.” She thinks to herself as she wakes. She couldn’t bare if Joohyun decides she doesn’t want their baby. She promised to support whatever decision Joohyun makes, even if it could possibly hurt her. She hears her phone next to her ringing.


“Hello?” She answers semi asleep.


“Seul, hey.”


She wakes up a bit more. When she hears Joohyun’s voice, if she’s calling this late then she is probably not okay.


“Hey, Hyunnie are you okay?”


“Yes. I just can’t sleep and I wanted to hear your voice.”


“Are you feeling nervous about later?”


“Yes I’m really nervous, but you’ll be with me.”

“Yea, I’ll be there Hyun.”


That’s when she hears Joohyun sniffle, and she’s got to be crying and trying not to worry Seulgi.


“Hey, sweetie, don’t cry okay. I’m here and I love you.”


“I love you too. Can, you maybe sing me a song?” Joohyun loves Seulgi’s singing voice and it always calms her.


“Sure, of course.” And so the monolid girl stays on the phone, singing songs to her girlfriend until she falls asleep.


Seulgi comes over early with breakfast for Joohyun and they eat in comfortable silence. Joohyun’s nerves don’t really start hitting her fully until they are sitting together in the waiting room. It’s more real than ever as they sit with other parent’s to be waiting for their own appointments.


“Babe, you’re shaking. Are you cold, nervous?” Seulgi hurries to place her jacket around her.


“I’m fine. Seul, can you get me some candy or gum from the vending machine?”


“Sure, I’ll be right back.”


Joohyun watches though, as a small child stops Seulgi before she can buy the candy.


“Hi unnie, can you please help me put my money into the machine?”


“Sure thing kiddo.” Seulgi nods with a smile. Then helps her up,so she can put her money into the machine.


“Do you know which one you want?” Seulgi asks her, and the child excitedly points to the skittles. The entire interaction is so very sweet. That of course Joohyun is thinking of how Seulgi will be with their own kid, and it would no doubt be just like that.


“Thank you, you’re a nice unnie.” The child tells her as she now has candy in her hand.


“You’re very welcome, are your parent’s nearby? Do you need any help?”


“No, omma is right there.” She points to a woman sitting in the waiting area. “Bye unnie.”


“Bye.” Seulgi waves and then heads back to Joohyun. The brunette is smiling when she returns.


“You were so good with her.”


“Well, she’s a cute kid. Oh, your candy.” Joohyun puts the candy in her bag for later, as her name is being called. She meets Dr. Jung Tiffany who will be her OB-GYN and the nice lab tech Lee Sunny.


“Okay, so are you ready to see your little one?” Sunny questions.


“Yes.” Joohyun nods. Seulgi hold her hand, they are both nervous to see their baby. Sunny places the cool gel on her stomach and they wait for a few moments, until there is a small image on screen.


“Ah, there we go. You’re about 6 weeks along Ms. Bae.”


“Oh, okay. Thank you.”


6 weeks or even if it were more, there is definite proof of the life she carries within her.


“Um, is it too soon to tell if it’s a boy or girl?” Seulgi wonders.


“Yes, it would be too soon.” Sunny nods. “We’d be able to tell in the second trimester. Oh,” The lab tech stops. “I’ll let Dr. Jung tell you more.”


“Ms. Bae, hi.” The dark-haired woman smiles warmly. “I am of course here to tell you that you do have options, on whether or not you will continue with the pregnancy. If you are to proceed then I will continue to follow up on your care, and would like to start prescribing you with prenatal meds. I do understand the importance of your decision, so please take all time you need to discuss things with your partner. If you need to make an appointment again, please have my secretary Sooyoung schedule it.”


That’s when Sunny and Tiffany both bid them farewell, and wishes of good luck. This isn’t an easy decision. Seulgi just finds herself staring at the image on screen. That tiny, little blob is their child.


“Hey.” She kisses knuckles. “Are you okay? We don’t have to decide anything today. We can make an appointment with Dr. Jung, another time when you have some more time to think.”


Joohyun is also looking at the screen, zoned out with many thoughts, about Seulgi and her. This baby is theirs, and they will be a family together. She has the best partner in the world sitting right here besides her. They will be okay together.


“Hyunnie, are you okay?”

That’s when the brunette turns to look at her girlfriend, who is just looking so concerned about her.


“Seul, I love you. You know that right, how much I love you?” She places a hand to her head.


“I know. I love you too Hyun.” Seulgi wonders if this is the part where Joohyun tells her that she can’t go through with the pregnancy. And the next appointment will be to schedule an abortion, and not to further see what the progress is. She grabs the monolid girls hand and places it to her belly.


“I’m scared, I’m not going to pretend that I’m not. But, we also made this baby together. This child was made because we love one another, and she or he is ours. And I love them very much already, and I know that we can do this Seul. We can do this together, because there is no one else I could or would want to do this with.”


The dark-haired girl looks surprised. She hadn’t known what to expect, but she is really relieved.


“You want to keep the baby?”


“Yes.” Joohyun smiles. “Let’s have our baby.”


Seulgi hurries to hug her, crying tears of happiness. And it also makes Joohyun cry the same happy tears as she rubs Seulgi’s back.


“Yes, Hyunnie let’s have our baby.”


A/N: That’s it for chapter 2. Seulrene are having their baby! So no worries there and look forward to more. Thanks for reading


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Alexav94 #1
Chapter 4: I have arrived 4 years late, but this story is incredible even if it does not have an end 🥰 I can only reiterate my admiration for your great imagination, work and effort in each of your projects, author. Thank you very much for sharing your talent 🙌✨❤️
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 4: It's been more than 2 years now, Authornim. Where are you?? Feeling better?? Can you continue the chapters??
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 3: omg i didn't except for them to go and visit seulgi's parents like that... it broke my heart :((
Chapter 2: I'm crying wvjeysvhdys
turtle88 #7
Chapter 4: Just found this fic..
The story's amazing author..
Sadly.. This come to an end x(
Thanks for writing this story author~

Are you really not gonna continue this story author ? Hehe..
578 streak #8
Chapter 4: Stil miss this
578 streak #9
I still miss this...
Chapter 3: Oh gosh, Joohyun is naturally crazy so a pregnant Joohyun would be a hell of a roller coaster ride. Props to Seulgi for being so careful and acting out thoughtfully. The plus side is, that no matter what mood Joohyun is in, whenever Seulgi wraps her arms around her, Joohyun will feel all better. Aww it’s kinda cute, they both are having a mini miscommunication. Joohyun feels like Seulgi is forced to marry her, while Seulgi feels like Joohyun just doesn’t want to marry her omg :’) Oooo you have wenjoy paired up in this one lol at least she isn’t meeting up with some “friends” (who are clearly thirsty hoes) Aww they told Seulgi’s parents the big news, I am sure they heard from above and are happy for the both of them. This was a great chapter and I’m glad that Seulgi wasn’t so distant towards Joohyun. She just needs to understand that no matter what Joohyun’s emotions will be more sensitive and they both just need some time. Everything is happening so soon. It’s sad to see that you have discontinued this story, but at the same time I understand. I did enjoy these three chapters though, thanks for writing!