What do you want to do?

And Baby Makes Three

A/N: Hello readers, another Seulrene story from me because I love them so much and when I get ideas I have to write them down. This will have futa though and as always hopefully it will be enjoyed. I’ll only really continue if it gets enough interest though for I have seriously a lot of ongoing fics. Enjoy!


For the better part of two days Bae Joohyun has been holed up in her apartment. Not only avoiding life for a while, but also her girlfriend Kang Seulgi’s calls and texts. She knows it isn’t fair to make Seulgi worry about her like this, but right now she can’t deal. She’s way too nervous and on edge. A part of the brunette definitely wants to talk to Seulgi, as she always makes her feel better when she is worried or anxious. More importantly she really does need to tell her girlfriend something.


The brunette slowly gazes down at the pregnancy test in her lap, that says she’s pregnant. She’s had time to let it absorb, but it’s still fresh in her head that she is. At first before she even decided she should take one, the young woman thought nothing of her suspicions. She tried to ignore the warning signs, about how exhausted she seemed, thinking that it had to be just work related. Her nausea was another sign she tried to play off too, but it was another sign. Joohyun tried not to freak out when her period never came the month prior, only it’s never late so that worried her.


It scared her enough that she bought the pregnancy test to find out. It wasn’t entirely impossible for Joohyun to be so, her girlfriend who’s inter had told her a long time she had fertile . Which, was the main reason they were being so careful, especially when they first started to have . Joohyun remembers the waiting, her nerves as she took the test and waited for the results. It would have helped if Seulgi was there as she always calms her down. Only, at the time Joohyun didn’t want to freak her slightly younger girlfriend out, especially in the event she wasn’t pregnant.


Now, she actually is and the proof is staring at her. The test constantly reminding her that she is definitely pregnant. Joohyun sighs, massaging her temples. What on earth is she going to do about this? It isn’t that she doesn’t love Seulgi so much or didn’t want to one day have kids with her. Once she knew that it was possible for them, she wanted to have a family with the girl she’s loved for years. It’s just that there is no way they are ready for a baby right now. She’s 23 and Seulgi is only 20, just thinking about it makes her cry.


She dries her tears, as she has been stressed and crying about it for the past two days. She also remembers the exact moment the possibility came up for them.




Joohyun remembers very vividly the two of them coming down of their mutual high. She remembers looking at how worried Seulgi looked when she removed the now broken from her , full of .


“What’s wrong?” She asked her, even though she already could see the broke off inside of her. It’s worrying because their condoms never have broken before.


“Oh .” The dark, haired monolid girl whispers. Now, Joohyun looks even more worried because of Seulgi’s expression. She didn’t expect for that to happen, not that it doesn’t happen. But they were so careful.


“Seul?” She has to get her to say something, and not look so freaked out.


“Hyunnie, I’m so sorry.” Seulgi apologizes to her. There are tears now forming at the dark-haired girl's eyes.


“No, don’t cry. It’ll be okay.” She tells her softly, even if she doesn’t know for sure it will be. She can’t bare to see Seulgi so upset and worried about this, like it’s all her fault or something.


“You’re on the pill right?” Seulgi asks nervously. She was always nervous about the possibility of making her girlfriend pregnant, especially because she knew she was able to. The last thing they need is a baby right this moment.


“Yes.” Joohyun nods. “But I’ll get Plan B okay, and we’ll be fine, don’t worry.”


Joohyun had gotten the morning after pill, only it changes nothing now. As, there is definitely a baby. She’s terrified, but remembers how great Seulgi is. She’s so warm, loving, very sweet and takes incredible care of her. She’s an amazing girlfirend and Joohyun always felt so lucky to have her. And no doubt Seulgi will probably want to be there for her.


Seulbear: Hyunnie, please talk to me. Did I do something wrong? Joohyun reads her text. Of course Seulgi thinks she did something wrong, when she hasn’t. The slightly older girl texts her back that she’s fine and not to worry. Of course Seulgi will worry regardless. She always knows when there is anything wrong with her, and vice versa as Joohyun knows when anything is going on with her too.


“Hyunnie, open the door. I’m outside.” The next message reads.


That doesn’t surprise the brunette. Seulgi is worried about her and the fact that they haven’t spoken for days. She better get the door, Seulgi won’t go until she knows what’s going on. First, she gets rid of the pregnancy test. When she gets to the door Seulgi has a box of carrot cake in one hand.


“Hyunnie! Hey, I’ve been so worried about you. I thought, maybe you were mad at me. So, I uh bought you some of your favorite carrot cake.” She smiles, uneasily.


It’s been too long now since Joohyun has hugged her. And, seeing her other half always makes her want to be in her arms, even when she doesn’t see Seulgi she wants to be together with her. Joohyun quickly hugs her, whispering apologies for worrying her so much. They enter her apartment, and just before the slightly older girl can offer her some tea or water. She’s being engulfed in another hug.


“Hey, are you mad at me about something?” Seulgi whispers.


“No, baby. I’m not angry at you. I’m sorry for being so distant these last few days.”


Seulgi looks at her though. She definitely looks like she has been crying. The dark-haired girl caresses her cheek.


“Hyun, are you okay? Why have you been crying?”


“I’m not.”


Seulgi knows her too well though, and it’s very clear she has been crying and upset about something.


“Don’t lie okay, please talk to me. I’m really worried about you.”


Joohyun takes her hand, and leads her over to the couch. She doesn’t want to keep on hiding this from Seulgi. It’s her baby as well, their baby together. Something about the fact that they created life is heart-warming as she does love her so much. And also can’t imagine having a child with anyone who is not her warm, loving, bear-like love. Only she starts crying again and that worries Seulgi. She hates to see Joohyun upset about anything.


“What’s wrong? Talk to me okay, whatever it is we can get through it okay, baby.”


Seulgi is being her sweet self, wiping her tears away and hugging her. Joohyun feels so much better in her arms, but still doesn’t know if she should tell her. So, she gets up and heads into the kitchen.


“Hey, I’m fine. So, how about something to drink, or are you hungry?”


Seulgi follows though. “No, I’m not hungry. I’m worried about you, tell me what’s wrong Hyunnie.”


The brunette is leaning up against the kitchen counter, avoiding her gaze. She really doesn’t even know how to start. This is huge life changing news and it will affect them. Only she doesn’t have to say anything as Seulgi’s eyes look to the garbage can. She sees the pregnancy test and goes to take it out.


“No.” Joohyun says weakly. “Don’t look at it.”


“But, Hyun it’s….” She pauses, staring into the garbage can, and at the two blue lines she sees. It’s saying positive. Her monolid eyes look up into her chocolate brown orbs.


“I’m….” The older girl starts, tears still fresh in her eyes.


“Hyunnie, talk to me.” She whispers gently.


And from that she knows that she can tell her, obviously she sees it already.


“I’m so nervous though.”


Seulgi comes over to hold her hands. “Tell me okay.” She needs for her girlfriend to tell it to her, despite what she saw.


“Alright, Seulgi. I’m pregnant.”


The monolid woman freezes. Although, she has seen it with her own eyes, there is something much more powerful from Joohyun telling her this. It isn’t exactly what she was hoping to hear. If Joohyun is pregnant then it could be from one night.


“Hyun, this is because of the broken ?”


The brunette nods slowly. “I took the morning after pill, but…” She pauses. “I am so sorry Seul.”


That really alarms the monolid girl. She doesn’t ever want for Joohyun to feel that she needs to apologize for anything. This is not her fault at all, and they were careful. They both took all sorts of precautions to avoid this from happening.


“Hey, no don’t apologize. You don’t have anything to be sorry for. It’s not your fault. I should have been more careful.”


The brunette caresses her face. “It’s not your fault either Seul, we were careful and things happen sometimes.”


Nothing is 100 percent foolproof, and Joohyun supposes it was meant to happen regardless of what they did. The timing is terrible though, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s a baby now. She has a very, real baby inside of her that already Joohyun is becoming aware of. Seulgi nods, but it hits her fully that Joohyun’s pregnant. There is a baby in her belly that is theirs, partly her and her amazing girlfriend. She smiles softly, placing her hand to the still flat surface. Seulgi knew it was possible that this could happen for them, only didn’t know it would really.


“Hey, so what do you want to do?” Seulgi has to ask, this is Joohyun’s body and she has the choice to do whatever she wants about the pregnancy. She could decide she doesn’t even want the baby. Seulgi hopes that isn’t true. It will be hard, but she wants to do everything she can for the girl she loves so much and their child.


“I don’t know.” The slightly older woman admits, because she doesn’t know what to do. All she can really think about is how they aren’t really ready for a baby. They are still so young. Seulgi looks at how hesitant Joohyun is.


“Hyunnie, do you want the baby or….” She swallows nervously. “Or do you want to abort?” Seulgi can’t even really believe she just said that. It’s a real possibility though. Joohyun may decide that she doesn’t want the pregnancy. She hopes that isn’t the case though, it would really hurt if she were to make that decision, only Seulgi would have to respect it because it’s her body. Joohyun’s silence is saying so much.


“Do you?”


“Seul, I just found out that I’m pregnant. I don’t even know what do right now. I know that we aren’t ready to have a child.”


Seulgi knows that they aren’t, doesn’t make her want the baby any less. To her ears it sounds as if she wants to have the abortion.


“So, then you want to have an abortion?”


“That’s not what I said. Seul, babe please understand where I’m coming from.”


“I do, I know we aren’t really ready to be parents. But, it just sounded like you don’t want the baby.” Seulgi whispers, then sighs. She doesn’t think now is the time to get into this. They both have a lot on their minds, and maybe they do need time to figure out their own feelings before getting into such a heavy topic.


“I think I should go for now. Just, let me know what you want to talk again, or if you think you know what you want to do.”

The brunette doesn’t want for Seulgi to leave. She really also doesn’t want to be alone right now. She’s been alone for two days and needs Seulgi with her.


“Seul, wait. Don’t leave okay. I’m scared, baby.” She admits softly. “Aren’t you scared too?”


Seulgi is definitely scared. She’s only 20 years old and she understands how they aren’t ready. She just really wants their child so much more than whatever fear she has. She loves Joohyun so very much, and knows this isn’t easy for her. She hurries back over to her.


“I am, but I love you. And I want to be there for your Hyun.”


“I love you too Seul.” She promises with a hug. “I just need time to think, about all of this. But, please don’t leave me okay Seul. I need you.”


The dark-haired girl nods, her back. “I’m not leaving you Hyunnie. Whatever you want to do I’m going to be here.” She promises, and that alone makes the brunette feel a lot better. That Seulgi means it, and will be here for her no matter what she decides to do.


A/N: Hi, so thoughts of any kind? Let me know what you thought, and if you want to see this continued. Can’t promise how often I will update this though, that will depend on responses. Thanks for reading!


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Alexav94 #1
Chapter 4: I have arrived 4 years late, but this story is incredible even if it does not have an end 🥰 I can only reiterate my admiration for your great imagination, work and effort in each of your projects, author. Thank you very much for sharing your talent 🙌✨❤️
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 4: It's been more than 2 years now, Authornim. Where are you?? Feeling better?? Can you continue the chapters??
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 3: omg i didn't except for them to go and visit seulgi's parents like that... it broke my heart :((
Chapter 2: I'm crying wvjeysvhdys
turtle88 #7
Chapter 4: Just found this fic..
The story's amazing author..
Sadly.. This come to an end x(
Thanks for writing this story author~

Are you really not gonna continue this story author ? Hehe..
578 streak #8
Chapter 4: Stil miss this
578 streak #9
I still miss this...
Chapter 3: Oh gosh, Joohyun is naturally crazy so a pregnant Joohyun would be a hell of a roller coaster ride. Props to Seulgi for being so careful and acting out thoughtfully. The plus side is, that no matter what mood Joohyun is in, whenever Seulgi wraps her arms around her, Joohyun will feel all better. Aww it’s kinda cute, they both are having a mini miscommunication. Joohyun feels like Seulgi is forced to marry her, while Seulgi feels like Joohyun just doesn’t want to marry her omg :’) Oooo you have wenjoy paired up in this one lol at least she isn’t meeting up with some “friends” (who are clearly thirsty hoes) Aww they told Seulgi’s parents the big news, I am sure they heard from above and are happy for the both of them. This was a great chapter and I’m glad that Seulgi wasn’t so distant towards Joohyun. She just needs to understand that no matter what Joohyun’s emotions will be more sensitive and they both just need some time. Everything is happening so soon. It’s sad to see that you have discontinued this story, but at the same time I understand. I did enjoy these three chapters though, thanks for writing!