Let's get married

And Baby Makes Three

A/N: Hi readers, once again thank you for reading and reviewing my second chapter. I hope you will continue to enjoy this third chapter as well.


It was Joohyun’s first trimester. But, with her constant morning sickness that was actually more like all day sickness. Seulgi was trying to be there as much as possible. Between work and school, she’d still find ways to spend time with Joohyun. Who was as to be expected really moody in ways that the monolid girl had never seen. If she wasn’t angry she was crying, and if she wasn’t crying then sometimes she wanted to see Seulgi. The younger girl had no idea which Joohyun she was going to get any longer, and had to learn to adapt based on the moods. Today, seemed to be a better day as Joohyun called her sounding happy.


“Seul, baby you’re coming for dinner right. I miss you.”


“Uh, sure Hyunnie. I’ll come by for dinner.”

“Good, I miss you. I love you so much you know that right?”


“Uh, yeah sure.” Seulgi swallows nervously. She doesn’t know how long this lovey dovey Joohyun would last. And, as soon as she got to her place. That sweet Joohyun was replaced by an angry and frustrated one.


“You’re late.” The brunette deadpans.


“I’m sorry. I had to close the store today, um….” She notices that there is a bunch of takeout boxes though on the kitchen table.


“I fell asleep and burned dinner. But, I was so angry that I burned everything that I ordered takeout. Only I was so hungry that I ate everything, sorry Seul. You’re not angry right baby?”


All Seulgi can do is stare at the empty, drained takeout boxes. Then to how Joohyun’s tone is now much sweeter. She doesn’t know how much of these instant mood changes she can take. But, she doesn’t expect it to get better for a long time.


“So, there’s no food then?”


“Hey, I’m eating for two here! In case you forgot Seul. I’m sorry for eating.”


“Hey, hey calm down Hyunnie.” The taller girl wraps her arms around her waist. Joohyun relaxes into her arms slowly. It always feels good to be in Seulgi’s arms.


“Of course I’m not angry with you Hyunnie. I know you’re pregnant and you’ll be hungry. I’m glad that you’re eating well, especially now with the baby.”

The shorter girl turns and hugs Seulgi fast. She peppers her face with tons of kisses.


“I love you Seul. You’re so sweet.”


“I love you too okay.”


“Okay, good I know I’ve been moody lately. I’m sorry sweetie but you know I don’t mean it.”


Seulgi just leads her over to the couch and places her arms securely around her. She doesn’t want for Joohyun to feel in any way that her mood is her fault.


“I’m here for you Hyunnie.”


“I know. I’m so glad you’re here.”


Joohyun has been thinking. Ever since they came from the appointment, and Joohyun decided to go through with the pregnancy. The brunette has been wondering if Seulgi should just move in. As her pregnancy progresses she’s going to need her girlfriend here with her. They need to be together through the appointments, and especially when the baby is born.


“Seul, what do you think about moving in?”

“You want me to move in?”


“Yeah, it would make sense right. I don’t want to be alone here as my pregnancy progresses. And it’s not like we haven’t been dating a while.”

Seulgi nods. It makes sense for her to move in with Joohyun, not only for the baby. But, it would be better to just pay one rent instead of two. And Joohyun is right they have been dating for long enough. It’s only logical that they should move in. Then, Seulgi thinks about something else important that they should do.


“I’ll move in soon. But, Hyunnie will you marry me?”


And that has the brunette sitting up and looking at her curiously. It’s not as if she hasn’t ever thought of being married to Seulgi, eventually. This girl is her soulmate and her other half. She’s always believed that since they started off as inseparable best friends. What Joohyun wonders though is why is Seulgi asking her now, really? So she caresses her cheek softly before asking.


“Seul, are you asking me to marry you because I’m pregnant?”

It’s part of the reason, but it’s not the only reason. Seulgi genuinely wants to marry Joohyun. She really wants for them to be a family, the two of them and their baby.


“It’s not just because of that Hyunnie. I love you a lot, more than anything. And I just want for us to be a family.”


Joohyun nods, she believes that Seulgi definitely wants for them to be a family. She wants the same thing of course. Only, she wants for Seulgi to propose to her because it’s what she wants. Not only now that there is a baby on the way.


“Seul, sweetie. I love you but I don’t want you to feel like you have to marry me right now.”


Seulgi gets what Joohyun is saying to her. She thinks that Seulgi has asked because she feels obligated.


“Hyun, I’m not asking because I feel obligated or anything. I want to marry you.”


“Seulgi, I don’t think we should get married right now just because there is a baby. I don’t even know if we’re ready to be married yet. Not, that I don’t want to one day be your wife it’s just….”


“No, I understand. You don’t want to marry me right now.” Seulgi nods, and that really hurts that Joohyun is turning her down. In fact she really just wants to go back to her place right now. She moves her arms from Joohyun and gets up.


“Babe, where are you going?”


“I need to go. I’ll call you later.”

“Hey, Seul don’t leave.” Joohyun reaches for her hand. The last thing the brunette wanted to do was hurt Seulgi’s feelings.


“I need to go. I don’t want to stay here right now, I’m sorry. I’ll call you later Hyun.”


“But…” Only Seulgi heads out the door and that really hurts Joohyun. She’s more hurt that Seulgi is upset right now. She never wanted for feelings to be hurt. She just wanted to be honest. Tears drip down her cheeks and she wipes them away. The older girl places her hand to her belly subconsciously.


“I didn’t mean to hurt your mommy’s feelings. You know that right, baby?”


Seulgi doesn’t go home though. She meets up with Seungwan and her girlfriend Joy. They are hanging out at Joy’s playing video games and it’s a major distraction for now. Seungwan though knows her best friend really well and that she needs to talk. So, she tells her girlfriend she’ll see her later but needs to talk to Seulgi. Joy understands and tells Seungwan she hopes Seulgi feels better, since even she can tell something is up. The best friends soon are walking around the city with ice cream.


“So, Seul what’s up? You seemed down the entire time we were hanging out.”


“It’s nothing Wan. You could have stayed back with Joy you know.”


“She understands. And I know you, something is definitely wrong so you better tell me what’s going on.”


Seulgi nods, it would probably be good to get this off of her chest. They sit down on some nearby benches.


“Hyunnie’s pregnant Wan.”


There is a long pause of silence and then Seungwan is hugging her suddenly. She let’s out a loud, excited scream.


“Oh, wow you’re going to be a mommy! I’m going to be an Auntie, wow this is huge. Sure, the time is a bit messy but I’m so happy for you Seul.”

Seulgi smiles. She knew that Seungwan would definitely take to being an Aunt well.


“Thank you Wan, I’m happy too. I know it’ll be hard but it’s worth it.”


“Hm.” Her best friend nods. “So, why do you seem so down?”


The monolid girl explains to Seungwan what happened just a little while ago. How she thinks that Joohyun doesn’t want to marry her, and also that she probably thinks Seulgi asked out of obligation.


“Did Joohyun-unnie actually say that she thinks you feel obligated though?”


“No, but I’m sure that’s what she’s thinking.”


“Well, can you blame her Seul. Getting married right now couldn’t have been on either of your minds. So it makes sense that she might feel like an obligation now that she’s pregnant. Now, I know you don’t see her as an obligation and that you love her. But, maybe give her some time to think about it. She could change her mind Seul.”


“I just want us to be a family Wannie. Her, me and the baby.”


Seungwan nods and hugs her best friend. She wants that for them too. She hopes whatever little dispute this is gets resolved quickly. After all there is definitely a baby to consider. And that baby will need both of them.


When Seulgi gets home to her apartment Joohyun is waiting for her. It surprises the dark-haired girl to see her girlfriend just standing outside her door.


“Hyun, hey what are you….” Only she get’s cut off by Joohyun wrapping her arms around her tight. It’s not long before Seulgi returns her hug and she hears Joohyun crying.


“Hey, don’t cry. Come in.” She opens the door, which is a little difficult to do with Joohyun clinging onto her.


“Hyun, do you want some tea? Are you cold? How long were you just waiting out there?”


“I’m sorry.” Is all Joohyun whispers to her. The minute she realized just how she must have hurt her girlfriend’s feelings she needed to come here. Only she didn’t expect that Seulgi wouldn’t be home.


“No, don’t apologize. You were just being honest with how you feel. I just want you to know that I didn’t ask because I feel obligated.”

Joohyun nods. “I know. Can we maybe revisit the proposal thing another time?”


“Sure, anything you want. Do you want me to drive you home?”


“No. I don’t want to be alone tonight. I want to stay with you.”


“Alright, let’s go to bed okay. You’re probably tired.”


And so the couple fall asleep, cuddled up per usual. And for Joohyun she always sleeps so much better when she’s besides her bear-like love. She could never get tired of going to bed or waking up to her. When she wakes up in the morning. She kisses her other half awake, who groans slightly at the interruption.


“Hyun, I’m sleepy.”


Joohyun smiles. “I know baby, but if your lips are the first thing I see in the morning. Of course I’m going to want to kiss them.”

Monolid eyes blink rapidly before her vision settles. Joohyun is always the most beautiful girl ever to her, at any time. She runs her fingers through her brown locks.


“Hi, good morning.”


“Good morning.” Joohyun nods with another kiss to her lips. They sit up soon and just sit for awhile, Joohyun tracing her knuckles as she thinks about something else.


“Hey, so we should probably tell my parents.”


Seulgi nods. She knows Joohyun’s parents back in Daegu definitely should know about this. It doesn’t seem like something they should just say over the phone though. This feels like they should go in person to tell them.


“When do you want to tell though?”


“I want to before I start showing. We can go on a weekend and tell them.”


“Alright, I’m free next Saturday.”


It’s set then as far as Joohyun’s parents. She doesn’t think they will be angry. They love Seulgi and are always telling them to get married and have kids. Well, the kids part is definitely happening anyway. Still, they need to tell Seulgi’s parents.


“Babe, do you want to tell yours?”


Seulgi looks suddenly distant and avoids Joohyun’s gaze. She’s just staring at Seulgi concerned and runs her fingers through her dark locks.


“We’ll be together okay, when we tell them. I think they would want to know.”


“Okay, let’s go tell them Hyunnie.”


She kisses her lips a few times and whispers to her that everything will be fine. Joohyun has a bunch of clothes she has left over so she showers and changes. Seulgi is waiting in the kitchen already dressed by the time she finishes.


“I could make breakfast first?”


“No, let’s go out after for breakfast. I’m nervous about this and I want to go okay.”


Joohyun nods and squeezes her hand. “Don’t be nervous. I’m with you okay.”


They drive for awhile. Joohyun knows Seulgi is definitely nervous so she tries to hold her free hand as much as possible. This is important though and the couple need to do this. When they get out the car, Joohyun immediately links arms with her.


“You ready sweetie?”


“Yeah.” Seulgi nods. “I haven’t been here in awhile.”

“I know. Let’s go okay Seul.”


They walk a bit with Joohyun whispering to her that everything would be fine. And then they stop at the correct gravesite, there seems to be fresh flowers placed so someone must have visited recently. Seulgi takes a deep breath. The way Joohyun is holding onto her is making her feel a lot better.


“Hi, omma, appa. It’s been a while I know, I’m sorry I haven’t come to visit as much. But, Hyunnie and I have something to tell you both.”

“Hi mama, papa.” Joohyun speaks next. When Seulgi’s parents were both alive they would insist on Joohyun calling them mama and papa. They had always treated her like family.


“Seulgi and I both miss you so much. And, we knew we needed to tell you this. I think you’d be happy for us.”


“Yeah, I think you’d both be happy.” Seulgi nods. “Hyunnie and I, we’re having a baby.” The monolid girl smiles softly, while caressing her still flat abdomen. The brunette places her hand over Seulgi’s.


“I’m pregnant mama, papa. You two are going to be grandparents. It’s soon but Seulgi and I both want our baby. And we’ll be together for everything. We really love one another. And I know you both are watching over us.”


Seulgi feels tears strolling down her eyes. It’s always emotional when she comes to visit her parent’s grave sites. They were in a deadly plane crash years ago when Seulgi was 14 that took many other lives as well. It’s always difficult for her to come here, but Joohyun has always gone with her. It makes coming here easier because her girlfriend is with her.


“I know they’re watching over us Hyun. Thank you omma, appa.” They soon leave together hand in hand. Joohyun hugs her before they get in the car. She understands it’s not easy for Seulgi being here. She had lost her parents pretty young, and Joohyun would never forget that time in her life. She was right there with her throughout it. It was also how she knew that she loved Seulgi more than just as her older best friend and was willing to wait for her so they could date one another properly. They could only wait but for so long, when Seulgi turned 17 but their age difference wasn’t so great that it caused issues. They only wanted until recently to raise the level of intimacy to when Seulgi turned 20, and also when Joohyun herself felt ready.


They made many conscious decisions together, like when they were both ready. The fact that they were both as careful as possible with condoms and her on birth control. Only, of course baby is on the way now. Still, they handled everything as a couple. And no doubt will continue on as they become parents together.


“Are you okay sweetie?” Joohyun wonders while running fingers through her dark locks.


“Yeah, it’s just always hard coming here.”


“I know, but we needed them to know. I’m sure they heard us.”


“Yeah.” Seulgi nods, only hears Joohyun’s stomach grumble suddenly. It makes her chuckle. “Hungry Hyunnie?”


“Yes, starving actually. Someone promised me breakfast, and me and baby are hungry.” Joohyun snuggles into her arms and Seulgi kisses the top of her head. She’ll do whatever it takes to take care of Joohyun, in any way.


“Alright, let’s go get mama to be some breakfast okay.”


Seulgi feels a bit better now that they have both spent some time here telling her parent’s the good news. She agrees that her parent’s would be happy for them, despite the fact they are young. Now, all they have to do is go to Daegu next weekend to tell Joohyun’s parents. Seulgi doesn’t know for sure how well that’s going to go, but as long as she and Joohyun are together. Seulgi is sure they can get through anything.


A/N: That’s it for chapter 3. Hope it was okay to read, I have no idea when I’m going to update this or anything else for that matter. But, yeah look forward to the next chapter readers


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Alexav94 #1
Chapter 4: I have arrived 4 years late, but this story is incredible even if it does not have an end 🥰 I can only reiterate my admiration for your great imagination, work and effort in each of your projects, author. Thank you very much for sharing your talent 🙌✨❤️
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 4: It's been more than 2 years now, Authornim. Where are you?? Feeling better?? Can you continue the chapters??
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 4: aww it's okay. i really loved the story but we can imagine to ourselves what comes next HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 3: omg i didn't except for them to go and visit seulgi's parents like that... it broke my heart :((
Chapter 2: I'm crying wvjeysvhdys
turtle88 #7
Chapter 4: Just found this fic..
The story's amazing author..
Sadly.. This come to an end x(
Thanks for writing this story author~

Are you really not gonna continue this story author ? Hehe..
582 streak #8
Chapter 4: Stil miss this
582 streak #9
I still miss this...
Chapter 3: Oh gosh, Joohyun is naturally crazy so a pregnant Joohyun would be a hell of a roller coaster ride. Props to Seulgi for being so careful and acting out thoughtfully. The plus side is, that no matter what mood Joohyun is in, whenever Seulgi wraps her arms around her, Joohyun will feel all better. Aww it’s kinda cute, they both are having a mini miscommunication. Joohyun feels like Seulgi is forced to marry her, while Seulgi feels like Joohyun just doesn’t want to marry her omg :’) Oooo you have wenjoy paired up in this one lol at least she isn’t meeting up with some “friends” (who are clearly thirsty hoes) Aww they told Seulgi’s parents the big news, I am sure they heard from above and are happy for the both of them. This was a great chapter and I’m glad that Seulgi wasn’t so distant towards Joohyun. She just needs to understand that no matter what Joohyun’s emotions will be more sensitive and they both just need some time. Everything is happening so soon. It’s sad to see that you have discontinued this story, but at the same time I understand. I did enjoy these three chapters though, thanks for writing!