Application Form + Position

Sent the letter? "D'Mail" [Girl group apply open]

Application Form

First... From You. Personaly... You there;

AFF Account:


Then... Her;

Character Name [Any name is fine]:

Nickname [Optional]:

Age [from 16-23 only]:


Born In [Any place]:

Hometown [You spent most time with]:

Ethnicity [I accept half]:

More About Her;

Personality [Make it interesting please. At least 2 paragraph with long 5 sentence is enough. I like originality and flaws~ don't make your character too perfect]:

Likes [7+]:

Dislikes [7+]:

Hobbies [5+]:

Habits [3+]:

Trivia [7+]:

How do she look;

Ulzzang Link:

Ulzzang Name:

Back-up Ulzzang Name:

Style [Tomboy? girly? cool? cute? Describe it or give me 2+ links for Formal, Casual and Dorm and Training or if you want just one link is enough]:


Family Members [Idols are accepted min.1. No INFINITE as your sibling. Use this format- Name II Age II Job II Short personality]

Family Background or Background of your life [Make it detailed as possible. Write it interesting if you want. I like reading lots of nice thing here. What happen in your life?]:

Let me be with her;

Friends [Idols are accepted and even OCs max 5]:

Bestfriends [Same like above max 2]:

He... [From Infinite only. Sungjong is taken~ pick top 2]:

How he acts around peoples that is not you [when he is with her friends or a crush and such. Make it detailed but short if you want Explain for each of your choice:

How he acts around you [Same like above. How does he acts aroiund only you? Same? different?:

How you acts around him [You acts like what around him?:

Rival [Optional either for you or your lover.]:

Reason for Rivaly [If you have a rival. explain it]:

Your Hard Time;

How Do You Get Discovered [Make it detailed and interesting as possible. Short if you want but at least i still can get enough info about this]:

How Was Your Life There [People love you? Hate you? adore you?]:

Years of Training [at least more than 1 year but no more than 4 years]:

Yeah Let's Get On To The Stage;

Stage Name [Optional. Leaving this balnk means your stage name is your normal name]:

Talents [No more than 5]:

Position [Pick top 3. Look from below]:

How About ... ;

What is your first impression when you hear that you are going to be in a show called 'Sent The Letter?' [From character point of view]:

Do you like your partner when you hear that you're gonna be pair up with him?:

If you didn't get accepted here would you want to be a friend, bestfriend, stylist or manager? or may be get accepted in my first apply fan fic? [Your point of view]:

Suggest any mission you think it would be fun but hard [What idea you have?]:

Leave Me? [Any comment, suggesstion or anything?]:



List of Position

Main Rapper

Main Vocalist

Lead Rapper

Lead Vocalist

Jack of All Trades

Rapper and Vocalist

Sub Vocalist

Sub Rapper

Main Dancer

Lead Dancer

You can mix them up except if you choose jack of all trades.



Any bands you like. Please write from what group they are in too.

Example: Friends - Sandeul - B1A4  or Mir - MBLAQ

Enjoy~ even Soloist is accepted~ :)

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AteNa-Na #2
imma gonna apply soon! :)
--runaway #3
hi, this my applied
-thanks you-
Aww glad to see my name there<3
Update soon~
Hey I applied as Park Shika<br />
Hope you will like her<br />
Thank you in advance<br />
piscesdog #7
hii i would like to apply as Yong Jae Rin <br />
Hope you will like her and this is my application<br />
K-popBias #8
Owh sound interesting, Can't wait to apply~
AteNa-Na #9
Oooooo!!, this sounds so call. Can't wait to apply! XD
piscesdog #10
excited for the story and <br />
i wanna apply \\(^~^)//