Application for Letter entertainment D Mail


Application Form

First... From You. Personaly... You there;

AFF Account: piscesdog


Then... Her;

Character Name [Any name is fine]: Yong Jae Rin

Nickname [Optional]: Rinnie, Jae, Prankster Jae

Age [from 16-23 only]: 18

D.O.B: 25/02/1994

Born In [Any place]: South Korea

Hometown [You spent most time with]: Seoul

Ethnicity [I accept half]: Koream

More About Her;

Personality [Make it interesting please. At least 2 paragraph with long 5 sentence is enough. I like originality and flaws~ don't make your character too perfect]:


Jae Rin is a person who hate wearing girly things she doesn't care what she is wearing in her fashion sense. She love to wear skinny jeans, graphic tees and high top shoes, in short she dress just like a boy yet stylish. She dosn't care what people says about her since she think that what they say doesn't hurt her more than the words that two person that betrayed her had said. But if you said something bad about her friends,members brother and cousins, she won't stay quiet she will make you hear what she think about you that will make you feel regret in hurting her friends. she doesn't like people to bad mouthed her friends, members and Brother so if you dare to bad mouthed them you definitely will get on her bad side which will thus be ignored when there's party and even if she is in front of you or beside you , you will be ignored by her and if she heard you the bad things you say death glare will be send to you immediately and you will regret it for saying all those things.If you are sick or hurt physically or emotionally , she will get really worried and will try to make you better even if she tired or came back from harsh training she will still take care of you no matter what. And if you don't listen to her and rest well be ready to get her wrath of speed nagging that she learnt and get from her brother and you will immediately regret for not listening to her
She doesn't trust people easily therefore you have to gain her trust step by step or open up to her first. She loves to play prank on people when she is really bored but she hate it when people pull a prank on her. She tend to look at people eyes when she feel that they are lying to her and she hate people who lie to her. She may look cold at first but she isn't she was hurt by two people that betrayed her a few years ago, only a few close friends and her brother and cousin knows about it. Her eyes is full of sorrow and hurt which only a few people can see through it over a cold and emotionless facade. She is willing to push herself to a limit  if she need to even exceeding her limit to do her work.
She doesn't like to be push around and people who don't take her seriously and ignored her. Like her brother and cousin she have a habit in composing music and writing lyrics. She also love to choreograph dance move while listening to random musics. She loves to take pictures thinking that everything is a precious memory to her. 


Likes [7+]:


Brother Yong Jun Hyung 

playing prank on others

taking photos with SLR


taking selacas with friends

High Top Shoes



Dislikes [7+]:


people pranking her



Her Brother speed Nagging 

Short shorts and mini skirt

Killer Heels



Hobbies [5+]:



playing guitar

compose music 





Habits [3+]:


tend to smirk alot like her brother

using her tongue to play with her inner cheek

ruffles her hair when she is frustrated, annoyed, worried, irritated and confuse

listen to music when bathing

Keep her feelings to herself which worried  her brother and cousin


Trivia [7+]:


She loves to cook for her Brother , Cousin, Boyfriend , Closed Friends and members

Have Been an underground dancer and rapper before

she have two tattoos one on her left back near the shoulder that say " i love my life"

the other one is on her back waist that say " music is my life"

You can see her in the corridor/ hallway dancing with her head phone on

She will have her IPAD ITOUCH MACBOOK and Iphone with her 24/7 everywhere she goes so she can compose if she is bored

She will be at the dancing or figure a choreograph with any music if you can't find her in the dorm

Her cousin is the Woo Ji Ho of Block B and Brother is Beast Yong Jun Hyung. 


How do she look;

Ulzzang Link:


Ulzzang Name: Park Yong Hee

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Lee Ye Rin

Style [Tomboy? girly? cool? cute? Describe it or give me 2+ links for Formal, Casual and Dorm and Training or if you want just one link is enough]:


Casual [At dorm]:
Outing [With group members]:
Link 1  
Fancy [For parties and such]:
For television shows [like variety shows]: 


Family Members 


Yong Jae Jin| 50 | Businessman | Carefree father who thinks that money can replace that he is not by his children side | Father not really close | Alive

Woo Soon Rin| 45 | Fashion Designer | a Fashionable mother who care about her children and their style in clothing | Mother, Close | Alive

Yong Jun Hyung| 22| Idol | Protective over her little sister may hurt anyone who made her sister cry or hurt physically or emotionally | Brother, Extremely close | Alive



Family Background or Background of your life [Make it detailed as possible. Write it interesting if you want. I like reading lots of nice thing here. What happen in your life?]:


She is born into a Rich family yet she doesnt have a very memorable memory with her parents since she was little her parents are always overseas working leaving her brother and her alone for many year so she was already used to it. Her parents thinks that giving her and her brother money will replaced them from leaving her and her brother alone for works. Even though she smile when her parents return home, it still different from what she long for family love. She doesn't even have one photo of the whole family photo with her since they didn't took it before.

 Her Brother Yong Jun Hyung is a very protective brother who will do anything to the person who hurt her and will do anything to make her smile and laugh .His Brother took up the roles of Father, Mother and brother ever since their parents left them to work in america and they seldom return to visit them. The two of them are really close since little and they both love to dance and rap and will sometime tried to write out some poems so they can make it rhyme when they made it with rhythm this is how they bond. Jae Rin once had a best friend and a boyfriend but both of them backstab her by going out with each other behind her back . They told her that they were just using her to go out with each other and told her that she is pathetic. She ran home and lock her self up and made her cousin Ji Ho who want to visit her favourite cousin and junhyung worried. She cried herself out and when her brother finally got the door open she is so weak that her brother and cousin went to hug her asking what happen after that day, She decided to become stronger and start to became a cold person who doesn't show much expression on her face. She is close with her Brother Friends and some of her cousin friends. So this is why they pampered her like hell when they are at  their apartment when Junhyung and her decided to move out of their huge mansion since its always empty plus they doesn't need that much space.She  know minzy and Sung jong ever since she was little . She spend 2 years in america when she was 10 to 12 able to speak english since then and continue to take up English Language and thus she was fluent with it . She start training at the age of 13 since her brother is following his dream she also want to follow his brother so that they can still be close and won't separate like what his parents have leaving them. went underground before and love to rap alot. Close with every beast members, since her brother is one of them and all of the members in Beast is like her brother 


Let me be with her;

Friends [Idols are accepted and even OCs max 5]: SoHyun - 4 Minute, Gong Chan - B1A4, P.O - Block B, Amber - F (x), L JOE - Teen Top

Bestfriends [Same like above max 2]: Minzy - 2NE1 and Sung Jong - Infinite

He... [From Infinite only. Sungjong is taken~ pick top 2]:

1. Myungsoo aka L

2. Lee Sung Yeol

How he acts around peoples that is not you [when he is with her friends or a crush and such. Make it detailed but short if you want Explain for each of your choice:

Myung Soo is cold when he is with other people he aren't closed, When he is with he is with he  tend to talk to them but when there is camera around them he will seldom talk and he will only talk when neccessary.

Sungyeol is a dork whenever his is with a living things that can communicate with him, he is a chodingn who love attention given by others. 


How he acts around you [Same like above. How does he acts aroiund only you? Same? different?:

Myungsoo act differently when he is with her, he will use agyeo on her which she like about it. He doesn't like it when people bad mouth her so he will glare at them when they did. He knows how to calm  Jae Rin down with his hug and how he can force Jae Rin sleep by singing her to sleep with his y and soothing voice. He knows where to find her when she want to be alone without telling anyone.

Sung yeol act the same around JAe Rin but he tend to whenever he like and felt that a Angry Jae Rin is cute.


How you acts around him [You acts like what around him?:

L doesn't like Jae Rin calling him " L oppa" or "L Sunbae" or " Myung soo Sunbae" as he think that L oppa is just his stage name and calling him sunbae means that they are only sunbae and hoobae relationship therefore Jae Rin like to by calling him sunbae, She unknowingly always use her hidden agyeo on him which is rare as he only use it on her brother and cousin . when Jae Rin is upset or sad the first one she look for is Myung Soo as he always lend a listening ear to her whenever she can't contact her brother. And a shoulder to lean on when she is tired.

Sungyeol is her partner in crimes when come to pranks they will help each other in pulling a prank on their partner and get to laugh at them and in trouble , She felt comfortable with him


Rival [Optional either for you or your lover.]: N/A

Reason for Rivaly [If you have a rival. explain it]:

Your Hard Time;

How Do You Get Discovered [Make it detailed and interesting as possible. Short if you want but at least i still can get enough info about this]:

She was scouted when she is competing in an underground dance battle when she is just 15 years old. She rap and dance so strong and powerfully beating almost everyone her cousin and her brother who was there to see what was the hype about the underground dance and rap battle about was shock and their trainee friends was also shock to see a girl who rap with full of swag and dane so smooth and powerfully and since they are still a trainee there is someone accompany them one of them is a manager from JYP entertainment decided to come up to her and ask her to join jyp entertainment. Her brother Jun Hyung and cousin Zico decided to persuade her in following her dreams making the manager shock that she is Jun hyung's sister which made him want her to join them even more so she decided to follow what her heart says since she has been battling in underground dance battle for 2 years and become a trainee in JYP entertainment after auditioning. She was transfer to Letter Entertainment after her brother is going to debut in Cube.


How Was Your Life There [People love you? Hate you? adore you?]:

She spent 3 years in JYP  and 1 years in Letter entertainment . Since her brother has debute in cube she decided to try out in different entertainment and wanted to learn from them and debut there so there will be not too much stress. Since she start training at Letter Entertainmrnt she improve in her composing and lyric writing tremandously and she will also help trainers in choreographing dance routine too. Though training is tough she enjoyed training in Letter Entertainment as everyone is close with each other.


Years of Training [at least more than 1 year but no more than 4 years]:

Yeah Let's Get On To The Stage;

Stage Name [Optional. Leaving this balnk means your stage name is your normal name]: Jaei

Talents [No more than 5]:



dancing ( she love this more)

composing music / writing lyrics

Choreographing dance moves



Position [Pick top 3. Look from below]:

Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

Main Dancer, Sub Rapper

Lead Rapper, Main Dancer


How About ... ;

What is your first impression when you hear that you are going to be in a show called 'Sent The Letter?' [From character point of view]:

I was Shocked i can't believe that i'm going to debut through a variety show !!! I'm really excited and i can't wait for the recording for the first episode , I was wondering why this show is call " Sent the letter" maybe is involved in letter writing but whatever im really excited and wonder whether there will be guest in this show... I better tell my brother about  this news =D

Do you like your partner when you hear that you're gonna be pair up with him?: Yes i just hope he isn't cold and unapproachable

If you didn't get accepted here would you want to be a friend, bestfriend, stylist or manager? or may be get accepted in my first apply fan fic? [Your point of view]: i wanna get accepted in your first fan fic but if im unlucky i don't mind being their Manager or Stylist.

Suggest any mission you think it would be fun but hard [What idea you have?]: how about when they first met base of their first impression on them they have to buy the person favourite drinks and food or buy the style of clothes that they think they will like.

Leave Me? [Any comment, suggesstion or anything?]: nope nothing for now 




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