D'Mail Application


Application Form

First... From You. Personaly... You there;

AFF Account: Love4life

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/25915


Then... Her;

Character Name: Choi Shin Ae

Nickname: Shina, Shinnie

Age: 20

D.O.B: May 22, 1992

Born In: Washington DC, USA

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean 1/2 French

More About Her;

Personality: She is a very outgoing and playful person. She loves to meet new people. She can start a conversation anywhere at anytime as long as she finds that person interesting. She will sometimes act like your best friend even though you guys just met. She just really likes to make friends. Annoying she maybe at first, but if you take the time to get to know her like she gets to know you, then best friends it will be. She loves it when others smile because of her. It makes her happy to see others happy because of her. She like's telling jokes and playing pranks.

She talks a lot. Though she knows how to please others with her words. However sometimes it just gets way to annoying, if you just tell her nicely to be quite then she'll shut . If you tell her harshly then she'll talk even more and louder. She doesn't like to be bossed around. If you tell her nicely she's do it, don't then get the complete opposite of what you asked. She's a very stubborn girl. Doesn't like to listen to others. She has a short-temper and will get mad easily. She isn't easy to cheer up. She'll stay mad for as long as she wishes. When she does, she likes to be by herself, alone. It's best to stay away from her unless you want to get yelled at with hurtful words that she most likely doesn't mean. Sometimes she'll hold on to an argument/grudge for a long long time. She'll ignore you, and will act like you aren't even there. Do something amazing that blows her mind then maybe she'll forgive you.

She doesn't like to talk about her feelings. Never even if she's feeling confused. She keeps them to herself. She also doesn't like it when others see her cry. She will hide her tears and cry secretly when everyone else is asleep or she'll find a secret place to cry. She will act like nothing is wrong and will continue to be her playful self. Though the sad thing is that others will believe her. She doesn't want others to worry about her, but deep inside she wants to feel that feeling of being comforted. She hates when others cry too. She'll get mad for no reason.

She is tends to get jealous of others and she is very competitive. She wants usually what others get that she doesn't. Though she doesn't show her jealousy. Her competitiveness is crazy. She hate's being seen as a weak person that can't do anything. If someone is to say that she can't do something she'll challenge them to a match (even if she can't do it). She hates losing even though she tells others that it doesn't matter who wins. She is sometimes way to cocky of herself. Well most of the time. She seems to surprise herself with these matches. Finding out new talents she has. If she loses she'll get mad at herself. She isn't all that great when she loses. Her sportsmanship is bad. She will never admit she lost and will walk away like it never happened.



• Candy

• Flowers

• Ice cream

• Fashion

• Soy Milk

• Sushi

• Bunnies

• Warm Weather

• Mellow colors

• Smiles

• Music



• Snakes

• Crying

• Bugs

• Banana Milk

• Peanut Butter

• Running

• Lies

• Backstabbers

• Air promises

• Peppermint



• Shopping

• Drawing

• Pulling Pranks

• Telling jokes

• Taking a walk

• Reading



• Looking in the mirror way to much

• Bite her bottom lip when she's nervous

• Tap her fingers together when she's bored

• Playing with and touching her hair

• Gets mad easily

• Taps her feet while she waits for things

• Talks a lot




• Her blood type is O

• She's afraid clowns

• She does wear glasses, but it is only necessary when she reads

• She talks in her sleep

• Her favorite drink is boba tea

• She used to have a pet dog named bunny, but she died of old age

• She's alergic to chestnuts

• She has two ear peircings on each ear.


How do she look;

Ulzzang Link: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Ulzzang Name: Moon Dambi

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Hong Young Gi

Style: Shin Ae is a very stylish and modern girl. She care's A LOT about how she looks, from the time she wakes up to the time she's asleep. Shin Ae is also up to date on what's hot and what's not. She likes to wear short, skinny jeans, and skirts. She usually sticks to shorts and skinny jeans though. She doesn't like to wear really bright colors, but once and a while you can find her sporting a bright yellow or neon colors. She also loves patterns and texture in clothing. She likes to wear fitted shirts, nothing baggy unless it's in style. She loves to wear her big nerdy glasses. She finds them cute and fashionable. Love wearing headbands and hats too. She has a HUGE collection of glasses, headbands and hats. She likes to stick to flats, flip-flops, sneakers, sandals etc. Not a big fan of high-heels. (She think they just get in the way if there is to be an urgent situation.) She doesn't like to show to much skin, though she really likes to show off her legs. However she knows when she's to 'showy'.



Family Members:

Choi Dong Ho | Father | 47 | Business man

He is French. He is very strict and protective of Shin Ae.  He's a nice and polite man, but he is strict and quick to judge. He's also very stubborn.


Heo Eun Ae | Mother | 44 | Doctor

She is Korean. She's nice, kind and caring. Like what ever mother should be, but she is perfectionist and is also quick to judge.


Choi Eun Sun | Aunt | 35 | Florist

She is a very kind person. Just like Shin Ae she is very outgoing and loves to have fun. She is very supportive of Shin Ae's dream of becoming a star.


Choi Minho | Cousin | 21 | Idol

He is very nice, kind and at times funny. He is very competative like Shin Ae and they like to have many competitions.


Family Background or Background of your life: 

Shin Ae was born in Washington DC, but moved to South Korea, for her parent’s work, when she turned 4. She shared her childhood with her cousin Minho. Though he was older than her he cared for her just like a brother and they developed a close bond. Shin Ae had all the right influence and grew up well until she reached her last year of elementary. Her interest in music grew and her dream changed from being a doctor, like her mother, to a singer/dancer. She watched her cousin practice over and over and she wanted to do the same. Both her parents disapproved of her dream, for they believed that becoming a singer would be beneficial enough for her future. Over her middle school years her grades started to drop due to her participating in the dance club at school which was also a secret from her parents. She was banded from doing any of that, taking away her CD's, Ipods anything she could use to get music, and if she didn't raise her grades they would send her back to America. Shin Ae had no choice, but to give up all her stuff. This didn't stop her though, she became more determined. 


Let me be with her;

Friends: Eli - U-Kiss, Wooyoung - 2pm, Victoria - F(x)

Bestfriends: Baro - B1A4

He...: Dongwoo or Hoya

How he acts around peoples that is not you:

Dongwoo - He's playful and loves to tease them. He's outgoing and talkative and everyone gets along with him. He loves to tell jokes and play pranks too. He's happy-go-lucky and doesn't take much to heart. He's also clumsy and tends to bump his head on things.

Hoya - He's a nice and polite guy, but he doesn't talk much. He's more on the quite side. When he does talk, his words are full of thoughts and he has witty comebacks. He seems to always be serious, but when you get to know him he's a lot of fun to be with.

How he acts around you:

Dongwoo - He acts the same, but a lot more teasing happens. He becomes a bit more clumsy and shutters sometimes.

Hoya - He's more talkative and tries his best to carry out a conversation. He is sometimes shy when asked to dance or singing or rap.

How you acts around him: Shin Ae acts the same, but holds herself back from talking too much. She likes to try as  many jokes as she has to get them to laugh or smile.

Rival: N/A

Reason for Rivaly: N/A


Your Hard Time;

How Do You Get Discovered: Shin Ae originally trained for 2 years with SM Ent. along side her cousin Minho. However Shin Ae was dropped. at 17, after she went through the usual contests. They didn't think Shin Ae was talented enough and let her go. From there Shin Ae lost hope. She thought she really had a good future with SM.

Shin Ae decided she wanted to give up on her dream and decided to visit her last underground performance and preform one last time. To her luck though a scouter from Letter Entertainment was there and noticed how she put so much passion into her dancing. He approached Shin Ae and quickly scouted her. From there Shin Ae trained under Letter Entertainment for another year.

How Was Your Life There: Mostly everyone adored her. She was fun to have around and made everything and everyone happier.

Years of Training: 3 years


Yeah Let's Get On To The Stage;

Stage Name: Alex


• She can play the flute and guitar

• She's very good at tongue twisters

• She can rap and beatbox

• MCing

Position: Main Dancer, lead rapper, rapper and vocalist


How About ... ;

What is your first impression when you hear that you are going to be in a show called 'Sent The Letter?':

I was excited. I mean not everyone gets a chance to film with another group, especially a boy group, right after debut. Plus it's a game show with missions and games, which means competition. I'm always up for a good game.

Do you like your partner when you hear that you're gonna be pair up with him?:

I'm happy with my partner I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.

If you didn't get accepted here would you want to be a friend, bestfriend, stylist or manager? or may be get accepted in my first apply fan fic?:  If I don't get accepted I would like to still be in the story as one of those.

Suggest any mission you think it would be fun but hard:

A food mission that makes them have to find cards that have letters to spell out the type of food. When they find all letters they get to eat that food. A mission at an amusement park. They have to find something such as a Cinderella crown and the first to find all of them wins a prize.

Leave Me?: Good luck! ^^



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