03. Ride

Playing With Mr. Idiot

            It must be the wind blowing. It must be the feeling of being closed to death. It must be because he had to risk his dear life in a big clumsy hand of Chanyeol’s. Baekhyun tried to reason the weird feeling churning in his tummy right now. Maybe he was just hungry after all. One thing obvious, it was not because he was feeling nervous or something being near Chanyeol, definitely not.

Though it was a motor sport Baekhyun knew he could ride it into a race and went head to head with Mark Marques, Chanyeol rode the red thing so slowly a snail might pop up out of nowhere and won the race. And Baekhyun didn’t know if he should be thankful or curse Chanyeol instead. He felt much safer now since he was still debating himself if he should hug Chanyeol and cling to him for dear life or smack him in the head for thousands reason and arrange some worst scenario regarding his crime.

Hugging Chanyeol… ugh it sounded so gay. Even to his disguise. Baekhyun enjoyed acting like a fabulous careless diva, knowing how pretty he could be even since his days in middle high school. But at some points, he was still fond of women, not some idiot lanky giant who had deep voice and seemed like pretty well built— NOT THAT Baekhyun had measured in his head about some toned abs Chanyeol hid under his shirt. Obviously he never thought of such other man’s body. That’s so gay, and Baekhyun was the straightest of straight like a ruler. Little did he know ruler could break easily.

There was a sharp turn in the corner. Chanyeol didn’t ride fast, hell he actually rode slower than Baekhyun’s grandma, and Baekhyun’s grandma couldnt even ride anything except his grandpa but that was another story. But to his bad luck (or probably good luck), suddenly a puppy just came out of the bushes and waddled its way across the street. Did Chanyeol one second late to pull the brake, only God know what would happen to the poor puppy. The sudden halt, however, brought Baekhyun’s hands automatically wrapped around Chanyeol’s tummy. Both their eyes got widened by the impulsive action. Baekhyun’s arms s perfectly around the taller’s body and it didn’t feel bad, though it only lasted for some brief moments. Chanyeol felt... warm, and he indeed had a hard toned abdomen, something Baekhyun thought shouldnt be possesed by some idiot giant. Baekhyun quickly retrieved his hands back and Chanyeol hopped off the motorbike to pull the puppy up in his arms. Baekhyun followed behind.

“Oh… what is the puppy doing here, though,” Baekhyun reached hand out to caress the little white bundle of fur in Chanyeol’s hand. The puppy looked so small and fragile Baekhyun just couldn’t… He was weak for cute little things, for puppies.

“I think he’s hurt?” Baekhyun followed where Chanyeol’s fingers pointed and momentarily gasped. His finger is so thick and long. Quickly, he brought his hand to slap his own face. WTF are you thinking, Byun Baekhyun?! Did you just.... did you just... dirty thought...

“Is something wrong?” The deep voice cut Baekhyun’s thought, dragging him back to where it should be. There was a little scar with dried blood on the front leg of the puppy.

“He needs to get healed...” Baekhyun chewed his lips. He’d love to take care of the puppy but his apartment was small, he lived alone and no one would take care of the poor pet when he was off to school or his part-time job.

“I will take care of him.”

The sentence got Baekhyun looked up to find Chanyeol’s eyes. They were big, puffy and bright, and then he realized the taller was smiling, making the corner of his right eye twitching. And he looked so... so... charming that way. With his innocent look, and his care for small animals. He looked like... someone you could hold onto, someone who would do anything to protect you. Baekhyun was even lost for words to deny that. He seemed like a nice and loving person, that was all.

“Can you hold him?” Chanyeol’s words snapped Baekhyun out of his thoughts, again. Absentmindedly, the smaller reached for the puppy and embraces it in against his warm chest, the puppy snuggled to him.

“Let’s go home now?” Through his eyelashes, Baekhyun saw Chanyeol ran his fingers on the back of his neck, looking awkward. “I forgot to ask, where is your home?”

If it was another day, another time, another dimension of place and situation, Baekhyun would do two options: first to laugh his organ out and he rip his own cheeks, or to high-five the man on the face and say ‘you’re welcome’. Most probably he would prefer the second. But it is now and he wasn’t Byun Baekhyun anymore, not here, not now. He was Byun Baekhee. Baekhyun flashed back the events of today. And once again reminded of his purpose: seducing Chanyeol. And as far as he could remember, he wasn’t being seductive enough yet. He had to do something.

Putting aside all his shame, Chanyeol pouted. Pouted. POUTED. P. O. U. T. E. D. He pouted at Chanyeol and tugged on the other’s jacket, making Chanyeol had his eyes almost jump out of its sockets and his jaw escaped its place. Yeah yeah, I would be as freaked out too if I were you, Idiot Giant, Baekhyun thought. Or not. I’m pretty, I’d kiss myself senseless if I could.

“Oppa~” he sing-song.  “It’s still daylight, let’s not go home yet~”

The giant had to gulp and waited few more minutes before he was able to collect some senses back to his head and gave a proper answer. “O-oh okay… yes. W-what?” Okay maybe that was not so proper anyway.

Baekhyun bat his eyelashes and pouted even more with his plump pinkish lips that looked shiny under the afternoon light, all thanks to his cherry flavour lipbalm. His body swayed from side to side in a clingy way as she clutched Chanyeol’s hem of jacket even more. That would be so cute and no one, like literally no one could ever refuse, Baekhyun knew his charm very well.

“I’m suddenly craving for ice cream, Oppa~”




Baekhyun had the puppy in his lap. He had put a plaster on its wound and now the puppy looked much more hyper than before. Baekhyun laughed as he let the little one his palm, sending tickling sensation on Baekhyun.

Chanyeol was off buying ice cream after dropping Baekhyun in a park. Looking around and hadn’t seen the sight of the giant yet, Baekhyun fidgeted anxiously. He pulled the hem of his skirt to cover more of his skin. Curse Jongin who told him to wear a skirt instead, a super short one! He didn’t even know if Chanyeol would prefer SNSD-like legs or legs like his, thick thighs, thanks to all soccer practices since elementary school. Was there even any girl has thigh as thick as his?! What if Chanyeol despise it? What if it turns Chanyeol off?

He was in the middle of his struggle to pull his skirt, hopelessly hoping that the skirt would somehow turn elastic and wrap him whole like nun’s longdress, when a jacket being put into his lap. Without thinking, Baekhyun looked up to see Chanyeol smiling down nervously at him, two big ice creams cones on his hands.

“I thought…,” he trailed. “I thought you might feel cold, you kept pulling it.”

Does he not like to see my thick thigh? Is it gross? Is it irritating to see? Does he think my thigh looks so bad?! Thought by thought rapidly bombarding Baekhyun’s mind and got him panicked. No… he was here to seduce Chanyeol.

Now or never, Byun Baekhyun.

He must have lost his shames somewhere when he brushed off the jacket and revealed one of his thick milky white smooth thighs for display, for Chanyeol whose eyes couldn’t get bigger than that. Baekhyun side eyed him while caressing his thigh subtly, he found the taller’s adam apple moved quickly and hard as if he was swallowing a rock or something.

It must be a good sign. He likes thick thigh, doesn’t he?

Still eyeing Chanyeol with subtle smile on his lips, Baekhyun placed the puppy on his smooth skin, making Chanyeol looked at anywhere but his thigh wildly. The giant cleared his throat and took a seat on the very edge of the bench, There was almost half a meter space between them.

“Oppa, are you allergic of me?” There was a pout even in that sulky tone.

“Oh? Wh-what? N-no… of course no.”

“Then why are you sitting so far as if I’m a plague?” Baekhyun moved his , closing the distance between them as they meet hips by hips, thigh by thigh.

Chanyeol, nervously took a big bite of his ice cream for the action and soon regret it. His brain froze, causing Baekhyun to laugh in his high pitch before he could stop himself. He quickly covered his mouth hoping Chanyeol didn’t realize. The giant seemed like he didn’t see anything off but his own clumsiness that made him rubbed his nape in shy manner, bless Baekhyun. Blessed Chanyeol’s little wit.

Once again, the awkward silence enveloped them. Baekhyun quietly his ice cream and Chanyeol did the same. The ice-wall getting thicker and ticker and someone needed to break it. Baekhyun kept quiet, he wanted Chanyeol to talk first. He was here to get Chanyeol’s heart in order to get rid of Chanyeol, no matter how nonsense did it sound. He didn’t want to look like a , anyway, Chanyeol had to say something too. Anything, even stupid thing from his stupid head. Eventually, as if hearing Baekhyun’s prayer, Chanyeol initiated the conversation first.

“Hmm. Nice weather,” he started using lamest topic in the world.

And as if the world had conspiracy against him, soon enough the flash of light made its way across their vision, followed by a low hum of faraway thunder. Baekhyun looked up at the dark cloud hanging above their heads with eyebrows knitted. “Hmm I’m not sure,” he replied. “I think it’s going to rain soon.”

Chanyeol looked up at the sky too as if he just discovered it and laughed loudly in the most awkward and humourless manner. “Oh you’re right! Since when did it start becoming dark?,” he kept laughing at nothing funny. “I didn’t realize.”

Okay, probably Chanyeol shouldn’t talk at all. Like, at all.

“What’s your favourite flavour of ice cream?” Baekhyun took over, opting to offer Chanyeol his one kilogram sugar smile instead of packing the giant into somewhere in North Pole. “Mine’s strawberry.”

“Oh, it’s banana,” Chanyeol seemed thankful Baekhyun started the conversation. “Wanna try?” He asked again out of instinct before he knew what he was saying. And before he could retrieve his words back, Baekhyun nodded. The shorter leaned to reach for Chanyeol’s ice cream, but since the giant was too eager (read too clumsy and awkward and didn’t know what the hell he was doing) to give Baekhyun his ice cream, he shoved it forward and accidentally hit Baekhyun on the tip of his nose.

“M-mian Baekhee-ya!” Chanyeol was panicking. He fidgeted around trying to find something he can used to wipe ice cream on Baekhyun’s nose and lips but to no avail. Well, glad he didn’t use his jacket. He almost did, after all.

However, Chanyeol finally fidgeted when his hand reach for Baekhyun’s face, wiping the dirt off using his thumb. Then, not knowing where to get off it clean, he them. His attempt was clumsy and obviously nervous, but still, Baekhyun’s breathe hitched the moment the big thumb touched his lips. And the way he it…. Was that indirect kiss?!

Baekhyun didn’t want the sudden warm air and nervous glances they shared linger too long. It felt so weird. So he cleared his throat, one free hand automatically caress the puppy on the soft fur.

“We haven’t given him a name yet, Oppa.”

“Oh right. Hmm.he looks so cute, shall we name him after you? Baekhee?” He smiled sheepishly.

I’m not blushing. I’m not blushing. I’m not blushing....Right? Baekhyun reminded himself as he felt the blood rushed up to fill his cheeks. Did Chanyeol just called him cute? Okay okay he knew he was cute so what’s the problem? Chanyeol was just stating the obvious.

“B-but… you’re the one who found him. He should be named after you.”

He didn’t just stutter… right?

“What about we name him after us? Chan… Baek?”

I’m not madly blushing hahahaha of course, I’m not. I’m not. I’m not blushing at all. But why did the name made his cheeks couldn’t help but move on their own will making a shy smile.

“Chanbaek sounds cute…,” he admitted, shyly. Even his voice betrayed his logic now.

At the silent moment following, Baekhyun felt the buzz of his phone in his purse (well, the purse he borrowed from Kai who borrowed from someone else he didn’t need to know). He quickly fished up his phone only to widen his eyes in horror, well, close to that. 12 text messages and 21 missed calls. He almost threw the phone again when it buzzed for the nth time. The same person who gave him bomb of messages and missed call was now calling again. The last person he wanted to talk to right now.

It was his (forgotten) girlfriend, Kim Taeyeon.

Panicking, Baekhyun quickly rejected the call and turned his phone off. He couldn’t talk to her, not now, in front of Chanyeol.

“Who?” The question was written obviously all over Chanyeol’s forehead without even him say it out loud. He did, anyway.

“A-anni. J-just… a- stalker! A maniac!”

Did he just call his girlfriend maniac?!

“I-I mean my mom.”

Did he just mother-zoned his love of life?! Baekhyun stuttered much, making even Chanyeol’s eyebrow knitted in confusion, but thankfully he didn’t question it furthermore. And mother reason seemed like the most make sense one.

 “Then, I think we should go back now. It’s almost rain too.”

Chanyeol stood up first, his ice cream had long finished and now he stood there awkwardly waiting for Baekhyun. The jacket on Baekhyun’s lap fell to the ground and he quickly picked it up to wrap it around Baekhyun’s shoulder. Such a gentleman he was.

It was not until Baekhyun tripped on his heel (AGAIN! After the first in the club), had Chanyeol stopped walking a meter away from him and caught him in the arm. Their eyes locked for few second. And as Chanyeol’s side of a gentleman took over his awkward one, the taller slowly lower his hand to hold onto Baekhyun’s hand, who got his mouth agape in surprise.

He decided Baekhyun –or rather Baekhee- was a small cute girl with clumsy steps he had to take care of. He had to protect. He had to hold her hands always in case she got tripped again. Smiling, he led her to his bike. Baekhee was lost for words and so did he. They were trapped in a silence that was not unpleasant. Baekhee sneaked her arms around his waist at their way back home, her cheeks on his back. That, that was enough. Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile to himself. All the way.


Author's note: late upate. and so lame too, I know /sobs. I don't even know if anyone wants to read this but thanks for those who comments thank you thank you ;;

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Chapter 3: i cant wait for your update...
Chapter 3: DENIAL bae is DENIAL (*´ω`*)♡♡♡
Chapter 3: Chanyeol is sooo cute!! Love how you've written him, he seems like a romantic. With how distracted baekhyun has been over chanyeol rather than his girlfriend... sounds like he is more interested in chanyeol.
Thanks for writing and sharing this with us, I've loved everything so far and can't wait for more xx
paprikashczan #4
Chapter 3: please don't leave this story, it's so so good (like all your fanfics btw). i wanna see how baek falls in love with yeol and if he would tell him who he really is. i need to know dear author ;;;;;;;;;;;

I luv how baek is just like "im suUper StrAiGht!!1!!1" :) denial before the breakdown

ok but im totally rooting for them now ^3^
cant wait for the next update !!
Chapter 1: THIS IS SOOOO CUTE! *u*
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 3: i like this Story, ist cute
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 2: ah i liked the krishun bickering, but i hoped for krishan xD
i like this
Chapter 3: Cute~~~
missyreader #10
Can't wait to read this!