Triple Date?

Playing With Mr. Idiot

Words count: 4.746



Baekhyun glanced at his phone screen for nth time within an hour that morning. It had been a day and a night and a day and a night and  a day again after that night in the club, Chanyeol had not yet called him, nor had Baekhyun received any text or something.

Did the giant boy forget about him? Was he not interested to Baekhyu- Baekhee? Did he.... discover about who the girl (or in case he found out, the boy, the shameless one) he met was? And a lot more bad thoughts and worse schemes kept playing in Baekhyun’s little head, eating him up. Two days were too much of a prove, he was hopeless, and yet Baekhyun at times still found himself kept glancing at his phone, and grabbed it with the speed light to the first buzz. Once it happened only for him to find out it was Taeyeon. And for the first time within their dating history, he felt disappointed, weirdly.

Was he too excited with this crazy scenario Jongin and himself made?

“What are you thinking about, baby?”

Baekhyun  startled,  he found Taeyeon already sat next to him on of the bench in the cafeteria, looking at him through squinted eyes.

“Are you okay? You look... different since yesterday.”

“I’m okay, baby,” Baekhyun replied while stirring his orange juice, trying to flash the brightest smile he could afford at that moment, which ended to a faded one. “Just tired.”

“Just tell me if there is anything, okay?”

“Hm. I will.”

“Anyway, baby, will we go to movie this weekend? There’s one I want to watch, it releases this week.”

Baekhyun smiled at that. “Sure, baby. Anything for you/”




It was not until later that night.

“Have you dinner?” Taeyeon’s high yet soft voice asked him, Baekhyun hummed while putting his phone between his jaw and his shoulder as he used his hands to grab a pillow and moved into better laying position. “You?”

“I did.”

There was silence for a while as Baekhyun was trying to figure out what should he say next.

“You have exam tomorrow, right? Why don’t you study yet?” He asked back, slightly remembering what she told him at lunch.

“No, it was yesterday, baby. What’s wrong with you?” Baekhyun can see the girl was pouting from the way she talked, and his lips formed the slightest smile of embarrassment.

“Oh mian,” with whiny voice of his that he knew would melt Taeyeon down, Baekhyun apologized. He was not very focus these days. “I guess I’m too sleepy. See you tomorrow at school?”

Taeyeon murmured a “see you tomorrow” from the other line. A disappointment could be heard from her tone. Baekhyun chuckled silently and before his girlfriend could hang up, he called her once again.

“What?” Taeyeon didn’t try to hide her sulky tone.

There was silence, and Baekhyun smiling lips was on the phone’s speaker as he whispered “I love you¬”

And he hung up with triumphant smile on his face.

What a handsome, cute, and romantic boyfriend I am? He thought to himself. What a perfect couple he and Taeyeon were. Both good-looking, both cute.

He put his phone down on the bed and went to bathroom. Just as he turned the lamp off and threw himself on the bed, ready to go to dreamland, he saw there was a new line message on his phone.

From: +82104821xxxx

Baekhyun scrunched his nose, wondering who it was. He saw the person was still typing so he waited. It wasn’t a pleasing wait as the person kept on in a ‘typing’ status and ‘online’ status, as if he kept typing and deleting and typing again. After ages, just as Baekhyun wiggled himself under a thin blanket, a new message popped up.

From: +82104821xxxx

Umm… You gave me your phone number. I’m sorry I didn’t call, it was just I’m not good with talking. So, how’s your clothes?

            A blink. And then Baekhyun almost laugh his out at the absurdity of this message. So it’s the Chanyeol guy? He must be really that idiot, he mused as his fingers quickly saving the contact.

To: Mr. Idiot

My dress is fine? o.o

From: Mr. Idiot

Would you like to grab a lunch with me tomorrow?


I mean... it’s to make up for ur clothes. I’ll treat you lunch ^^

Smiling, and almost without even realizing what he was doing, Baekhyun type back.

To: Mr. Idiot






The certain ‘tomorrow’ happened to be Saturday. And Baekhyun had a hard time waking up late because of the problem.

Boy, was he too sleepy last night or was idiocy a tious plague, spreading so easily through chat conversation? What the heck he was thinking ouch! All the morning, Baekhyun spent his time tossing and kicking the air, wanting so bad to bury himself somewhere inside the bed. Putting women clothes with so much glitters on it on and added some make up to walk under the dim light of a bar was something, but wearing women normal clothes, and ACT like a normal lady under the shot of the brightness of the daylight was definitely another thing!

Am I crazy enough to step out of the house with flowery dress and flips my hair (wig)  a little to any guy happen to steal a glance at me?

Baekhyun remembered their last conversation last night, the part before they awkwardly (and cutely) exchanged good-nights with seductive emojis from Baekhyun’s part, Chanyeol told him he would bring his friends too. Mother have mercy! That was double deaths for Baekhyun. Mr Idiot and his friends would laugh their entrails out laughing at him if ever he found out. And will he be found? Baekhyun felt his confident dissipated into thin air already.

Just as he was about to die from too much thinking (and losing his hair from ripping it out of frustration), the bell rang loudly. The voices followed, though, much louder. Baekhyun wondered, why did they even bother to ring the bell in the first place.


Luhan barged in as soon as the door opened. He threw the soccer ball he was holding along with his body to the couch and crossed his legs as he sat down in a ‘manly’ way, as he always referred. Kyungsoo followed him silently with his big doe eyes which seemed like telling Baekhyun he didn’t even know what he was doing there. That, before Kyungsoo spoke ‘almost’ quietly.

“Do you have coffee?”

See? They make themselves comfortable without being asked already. Aish, jerks. But the useful ones, nonetheless.

Upon feeling Baekhyun’s intensed look and creepy smile being shot at them, Luhan spoke up, a curious and full of anticipation frown on his face. “What?”

“I’m sorry Luhan, but I have more interesting plan than soccer today. There’s coffee too...,” he trailed a bit, then smiled at them his biggest, bright, and still looked creepy smile. “Oh, don’t worry, you guys are invited! I insist!”

Then, after spending hours of convincing, or more like begging and threatening and a lot of kicking, Baekhyun finally got Luhan and Kyungsoo strapped on each chair in his bedroom while waiting for Jongin to get some girly clothes for them all. He didn’t even dare to think where are those clothes from but they suited them very well and Baekhyun coulnd’t curse more. Still with Jongin’s help, he put make up on kicking Luhan and confused Kyungsoo.

Before lunch, three pretty girls with long wavy hairs and cute outfits ready to go out catching some boys.

And eventually one of these Charlie’s-shorty-boys-slash-angels, forgot that somewhere else, someone else who he forgot the existence, was looking for the date she was promised.




 Kris made his dramatic entrance with his all-black outfits consisted of long black coat, dark grey almost black sweater, black jeans, black boots, black hat, (probably) black underwear and sunglasses. He swayed his hips while walking as if he was somewhere on the red carpet, attending some Oscar awards where he was nominated as best something.

 “This place isn’t my style,” he sighed dramatically as he took off his sunglasses and observed around until his eyes locked onto two pairs of dark, annoyed ones.

 “Just sit down, would you?” Sehun commented while sipping his bubble tea. He squinted his eyes at Kris’ outfit once again. “Did someone just die?”

 “No, not yet. Probably will. Soon,” Kris replied just as sarcastic. He took a seat with an empty chair between him and Sehun then leaned to the younger guy.

“Where’s Chanyeol?”

Sehun just shrugged, pointing the kitchen with his chin, but before he could speak a word, someone- some girls- three girls entered. The straw on Sehun’s lips dropped and Kris whistled.

One pretty, y and cute girl altogether was already a rare case to be found. Now there are three, huh? Kris felt like he was having a wet daydreaming, if the word ever existed.

“Oi, Maknae, look at hyung’s charm toward those girls, alright? It’s past time you grow up and learn from your charismatic hyung already.” Kris nudged at Sehun and grabbed on Sehun’s drink.

He quickly peeled of the plastic top open before the magic ruined. But maybe he was really late. Or maybe there was neither magic nor charm at all to begin with. Because when the girls standing awkward and confused near the entrance catching his gaze, he took a sip with the cool manner he always believed as something magical (he couldn’t even reject his own handsome aura) and ready to blurt out the cheesiest pick up line he could afford, he choked on the bubble tea.




 “Okay, my ladies, here we go!”

 Jongin parked the yellow old thing he called a car right in front of the said cafe where Baekhyun made his appointment. The sun-loved guy turned to his side and his back, trying so hard not to laugh that he thought his face was going purple. He failed, though. Again, for the nth time that day Jongin burst out into some poor noises of dying pigs in attempt of laughing silently. Luhan threw him a glare, and even Kyungsoo had that scary look on him again even though there was an obvious hint of pink tinted his cheeks Jongin thought it was cute. No, it was very cute. Cross-dressed Kyungsoo was very cute he...he...Jongin just need to look at Luhan or Baekhyun back so he could laugh wholeheartedly again. Not that they look ugly or something, it was just.... hell his girlfriends all are so pretty who would think them hide some ‘ring ding dong’ under those skirts?

 “I feel like I have three girlfriends all of sudden, people would think I’m such a Casanova, HAHAHAHAHA.”

 “Shut up!” Baekhyun shot him a piercing glare, making Jongin continued his laughter silently as if someone had pressed to mute button to the scene. He wiped his non-existent tears and clutched his stomach again. Really, he was not falling in love and had not seen rainbow unicorns and twinkling pink stars on his head but he felt like he was the happiest man on earth now.

Checking his appearance on the rear mirror, Baekhyun took a deep breathe to calm himself. Because damn! He was going to go to public place in the poorest camouflage costumes they could afford.            Huffing his cheeks and took a deep, very very very deep (which Jongin for a second worried Baekhyun already stopped breathing), Baekhyun braced himself and looked at his two friends at the backseats.

“Ready, guys?!”

“Nooooooooooo…” Kyungsoo and Luhan both answered at the same time with the same least hint of excitement. The ‘just kill me’ sentence written obviously on their foreheads.

 “Okay! Good!” Baekhyun replied enthusiastically with a fist in the mid-air as if he was leading some eager kindergarten kids to go to playground.

 Baekhyun was the first to get out of the car, walking shamelessly toward the car while (finally!) Kyungsoo and Luhan trailed behind after almost tripped on their first step. He pushed the door open and the bell on top of the cafe door chimed, welcoming them into a brand new level of hell.




Chanyeol was in the kitchen, making a vanilla latte with ‘I’m sorry’ carefully written with latte-art style. He also made a cute 3D kitten peeking out on the top of the mug, sprinkled with chocolate powder. A contempt smile settled across his lips in a wide line as he leaned back to adore his masterpiece. He just learned latte art for few weeks now since he started working in the café. But man, it was not easy to master such art, Chanyeol hands were too big and too clumsy to handle so he was registered to be working as waiter instead. But today, he wanted to make this special. For Baekhee. As an apologize.

He thought he was ready. He had been preparing his art, his speech, and especially himself for days ever since the night he couldn’t sleep and just staring at the girl’s number on his phone, feeling nausea every time he tried to gather his gut to press the call button. Now with the presence of his friends, he could do this. Yeah I can do this. I can do this. This is easy. I just need to give this latte and say apologize and… he kept telling himself encouragement as he put the special latte on to the tray and made his way back to their table.

And… everything that was holding him back then now all are scattered apart under the sight of Byun Baekhee. It all was how her eyelashes moved ever so gracefully as she darted her eyes and locked them with his. How her cute pink lips slightly opened as if she was to say something but lost it as soon as it came. Pretty… and Chanyeol wanted to smack himself as he thought so because… because pretty is definitely not enough. She was pretty, cute, eye-candy. She was… a perfect description of what adorable is.

And Chanyeol suddenly had the urge to drop the tray he was holding and fall to the floor, pretend to die. Or die for real.



Baekhyun darted his eyes to the two strangers he suspected as Chanyeol’s friends before took few step closer until he stood right in front of them, Kyungsoo and Luhan soon followed on each his side. God, even his friends all are giant as well.When they stood up, Baekhyun could feel their heights intimidated him and his friends who are by now probably drowning in their misery about feeling like hobbits around these tall buddies. But since they were now girls, though, they were just in perfect shape.

Confident, Baekhyun! Confident! That’s the key! He made a fist while clutching his rosy pink skirt. It was like die or alive, though it was a ‘be shameless or be discovered and shame himself on the highest level it that happened’.

There was a brief cough and Baekhyun looked up to see some almost bald giant in suspiciously all black reached a hand out for him. “I’m Kris. And this is Sehun.”

“Hello, Baekhee imnida!” Baekhyun introduced himself back with cheery (fake) feminine voice as she shook his big hand smoothly and threw the giant duo his cutest smile, followed by a wink and a push off hair. Kris almost straddled from his seat to die in the corner.

“This is my friends umm... Lu... Hani, and Kyung...Hee. They are both shy but they are really nice.”

“Yo,” Luhan said, almost forgot his disguise as he took a seat in his manly way but not so manly skirt, if not for Baekhyun who quickly nudged his thighs to close.

 God forbids! He didn’t have enough time to teach them 101 ways to be feminine by Byun Baekhee.

“Sorry, Hani is kinda boyish,” he grinned in a sheepish manner, smoothing the back of his skirt first before sit himself with thighs closed to each other like he had some glue in between his legs. Coughs.

 “Boyish girl is my style,” Kris commented and Luhan almost choked on anonymous’ drink he just grabbed randomly, he secretly threw a deathly glare at Baekhyun who smiled as nonchalantly if nothing happened. If only a stare could kill, Byun Baekhyun had been a corpse for at least eight times now.

“Yah, Chanyeol-ah, you’re finally here!”

That remark got Baekhyun whipped his head immediately before he could even regret his action. He looked up and he found his eyes in instant. It was like a click on something when their eyes are trapped in each other and other things around suddenly turned into blurry images. Park Chanyeol was all he could see. With his obvious height, wearing white shirt which sleeves are rolled to his elbow. His hair, which Baekhyun thought was black, only now he realized that it was actually dark brown. Chocolate color. Looked so smooth as it fell on his forehead. Standing like that, with a tray in his right hand, he looked so... so...

Handsome. y too.

Baekhyun felt his supply of exygen got hacked it almost hard to breathe, not that he remembered, anyway. It took even longer time for him to feel like punching his own face for whatever it was he complimented about Chanyeol.

No. He is idiot. He looks idiot. He is idiot. He looks idiot. He is idiot...

Baekhyun kept spell that in his head like a mantra with every step Chanyeol took closer to him he almost sputtered it out.

“Yah what’s wrong with you?” Luhan asked, and Baekhyun wanted to palm that boy once again for not trying to make himself sound like a girl. Luckily Luhan had no voice like Chanyeol’s or Kris or else they are dead meat by now.

“Boyish girl is my style,” they heard Kris mumbled again and they both mentally facepalmed the innocent guy too.

 “Baekhee-ya.” Damn, that deep (y) voice again, Baekhyun had to bitterly choked himself for sounding so gay again toward the man’s voice. He was just envy, okay?!

And before Baekhyun could ask what did the man wanted, a mug with cute kitten inside was served for him. He almost squealed because it was so cute. “You made it?”

 There was no proper reply from Chanyeol but a sheepish nod and red cheeks. This boy is like some school girl, Baekhyun remarked. He then took the mug with both hands and pretended to take a shy sip from the latte. Pretend, yes. Although, seriously, how could he ever had a heart to ruin this cute kitten in the mug?! And that sincere smile on Chanyeol’s eyes as he watched Baekhyun taking the mug. It was… a little too much, he shouldn’t be that glad, it was nothing. Somehow, at the corner of his heart, he slightly felt guilty for what he was doing.

 “Thank you… Oppa,” Baekhyun hesitantly added the last nickname and smiled to whom cheeks and ears got madly redden.



For almost the next half an hour, things went well. Awkward, absolutely, but could be handled well, Baekhyun thought. They ordered some chocolate cakes, strawberry cakes and cheesecakes despite Luhan’s never ending murmured complaint about the sweets. He was about to order chicken feet but Baekhyun dismissed it with lightning speed. If the other men found out how ‘manly’ Luhan was when eating chicken feet… sigh, he didn’t know how thick his heart was and how strong it could be to feel always like just one breathe away from death.

 They had a little chit-chat too, from sharing deep philosophical view about the weather until gossiping about Kris’ neighbour’s affair with some previous neighbour of his new neighbour’s neighbour. Everything is going alright. I can’t wait to get back and throw myself onto my bed and—

“Chanyeol-ah, you haven’t tell us yet!” Kris suddenly exclaimed, jumping from the topic of Sehun’s y grandma now to Chanyeol. “Isn’t Baekhee here your date?!”

Choked. Choked. Choked. Choked. Four people choked on their drinks and on their own saliva while Sehun chewed his cheesecake nonchalantly, he was hungry and the cheesecake tasted like heaven.

 A date is quiet too much, Baekhyun thought, but couldn’t help but feeling hot on his cheeks. What the hell! He is not blushing, right? Right? RIGHT?!!! Just one centimeter. He is that close to rip his hair out and roaring Chanyeol and Kris name with curses in five different languages: Korean basic, Korean slang, Korean super slang, body language, and asdfgghjkl language (it is his own version of English where only God and Baekhyun knew the meaning).

The smaller boy— ekhem, girl, with wavy honey-coloured hair stole a glance at Chanyeol, whose big eyes got widened and seemed like he couldn’t get over with the statement yet. He took a seat between Kris and Sehun with movements like robot and sat there like he was made of stone. Yet Baekhyun could see his weird stick out ears got redden.


Wait! WTF WTF WTF! WHAT THE DAMNED HELL DID I JUST THINK?! No. He is stupid. He is idiot. He does so much look like idiot right now, Baekhyun tried to calm himself. A cute idiot. He groaned, mentally facepalming himself.

 “I-it’s not like that,” Chanyeol stuttered.

 “Why not?” Luhan, upon being comfortable after past half an hour joined the teasing. It was Baekhyun turned now throwing secret glare at the boy slash girl next to him which only paid by Luhan with a shrug. “Isn’t she pretty? Don’t you want to date her?”

 “O-of course I want!” A heat suddenly rushed to his cheeks hearing that and Baekhyun felt like smacking his head onto the table in front of him. He was not blushing, right? Of course he wasn’t. It was just the air conditioner. “Baekhee is so pretty but I d-don’t think that should be the reason why you like someone.”

At that, Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. The man still looked as idiot and as shy as he was. As if the cool sentence he just heard coming from another mouth. He would believe that, if only he didn’t recognize the taller man’s voice— WHAT THE PPPIG!!! I don’t recognize his voice of course. Hahahaha.

But, nonetheless, it made Baekhyun wondered. Could he… seduce him, then? Could he make him move on from Taeyeon easily?

“To call someone pretty is relative, though,” Sehun butted in after finishing his drink. Eyes someone locked onto Luhan’s. “Is it because they are pretty you like them? Or maybe they look pretty because you start to like them. Can I get your phone number?”

Silence. Everyone turned their eyes to Sehun, whose eyes never leaving Luhan’s even then. Baekhyun silently arranged speech to congratulate Luhan later for being so popular today. Thinking that, he couldn’t help but smirked while the said guy had his jaw dropped to the floor. No... he always called himself handsome and manly, but what now? Here are two guys head over heels for him. HAHAHAHA. He also stole a side glance to Kyungsoo, who looked like admiring chocolate cake in his plate, didn’t aware of anything happened around him.

“Yah! I had an eye on her first!” Kris interrupted, slamming his palm on Sehun’s back. If only they knew they were fighting over a guy who loved soccer more than anything else...

 “Doesn’t mean I don’t have a chance, hyung!”

  “No, Hani, please just give me your number!” Kris demanded now, eyes moving to Luhan who couldn’t quiet lift his jaw from the floor yet.

 “But I ask first—“

  “No I ask first—“

 “I don’t have a phone!” Luhan cutted in. Breathe hitched in annoyance. “Buy me a phone first if you want to call me!” He stared at the two boys who almost claw each other face for him; they both got quite like nice kids.

 “I’m sorry I don’t play with immature boys like you two.”

Luhan flipped his blonde wig across his back. His movement was done with grace that even Baekhyun almost adore. Then with a flick of fingers, he stook up, handbag in hand.

“I am busy. Don’t even think you’re good enough to talk to me, boys,” he said, and without another word, he walked away to the entrance.

WTH he is doing?!

There was a silent moment, before Kris groaned in admiration. “Ohhh... she’s really my type.”

Sehun pouted. Almost suddenly the both guys looked at Kyungsoo who blinked his eyes slowly, seemed like he just registered the chaos that happened since an hour ago now.

 And he looked so cute, so innocent like that. Bet the two boys already think to spare the sweet Kyungsoo from the harm in this cruel world from the way they look.

 “Baekhyu— Baekhee-ya, I think... I kinda having a stomach-ache—“

There were gasps.

 “Kyunghee-ya, are you okay?!”

 “Kyunghee-ya, let’s go to doctor!”

 “Kyunghee-ya, can you walk?”

 “Kyunghee-ya, let me bring you in my arms!”

 “I can do it myself.” The last sentence was said softly, slowly, but with such deathly effect Baekhyun knew could only come from one person, the sweet and innocent-like person sitting next to him. His eyes bored holes into Sehun and Kris that left the boys speechless.

The sound of seat being pushed back broke the silence around. Kyungsoo sat up, but unexpectedly, Kris and Sehun followed.

 “At least let me drive you home,” Sehun said in such gentleness Baekhyun didn’t know the weird guy possessed.

 “It was my car you are planning to use, jerk!” Kris complainted. “Let me drive you home.”

 Kyungsoo just shrugged and walked on, letting Kris and Sehun tailed behind him like puppies. It wasn’t until Baekhyun realized what was left.

 “Wait! What about me!” The almost forgotten Chanyeol called out, half whining.

 Kris turned to him just right in front of the exit door.

 “Take care of Baekhee, huh?! Have fun, lovebirds!”

He waved, before positioned himself into the last person leaving them behind. Baekhyun felt his shoulder slumped. But before he muttered a curse, they saw Kris head again peeking from the glass door.

“Chanyeol, the bill is yours. Thanks for the food! And have fun, lovebirds! Don’t forget the condoms!”

Chanyeol choked. Baekhyun, though, wanted to choke himself to death.

He stared around. The whole cafe stared back. Baekhyun internally sobbed while wishing for harmless and shameless death. He dared himself to look up at Chanyeol and there it was, pinkish cheeks and purple hot red ears, Baekhyun wanted to laugh. Somehow, the sight of Chanyeol calmed him down that he uttered a sweet smile toward Chanyeol.

“I think... we should just go from here.... Oppa,” Somehow, Baekhyun still cringed at himself everytime he had to mention ‘Oppa’ at such level where he promise to rub his mouth with soap once he gets back home.

Baekhyun’s fingers on the table crawled softly to poke Chanyeol’s hand, making the giant jumped back on his seat.

 “Y-yeah I-I think so,” Chanyeol shuddered before stood up. “Wait a moment, hm?”

For a moment, Baekhyun thought he would just be standing awkwardly there then walking just as awkward. But when the big hand brushed against his, giving him a small squeeze that he could barely felt but knew well it was there, Baekhyun froze.

After making sure Chanyeol’s back had disappeared into the kitchen of the cafe, Baekhyun pressed his palms to his chest. Just what the hell was that?! He felt his heart beat faster just because of a small touch. Damn it! Control yourself, Baekhyun. Don’t be nervous, this is easy. You just need to distract him, steal his heart, then you can get rid of him and live happily ever after with Taeyeon. He won’t even know that Byun Baekhee is never exist. Yes, that’s right.

 His heart now slowly got back to its normal pace. And just right when Baekhyun thought he would be calm now,  Chanyeol came with a black leather jacket wrapped around him fitly and two  black and red stripped helmets on both his hands.

 “Let’s go!” He grinned rather sheepishly.

God! Are we going.... are we going... he couldn’t even make a proper question in his head yet when Chanyeol started to walk and he saw a y red motor sport in front of him few minutes later.




A/N: I had half a mind puting back the story into draft status after I got my first subscriber because shy imnida /hides.
Then I almost got a heart attack reading comments I'm /sobs in the corner.

Thank you for reading and supporting me! I hope this chapter won't be too dissappointing. Huhu

Comments, subscribes and votes are loved hehe

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Me seeing someone comments: (」゚ロ゚)」ಥ_ಥ\(;´□`)/


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Chapter 3: i cant wait for your update...
Chapter 3: DENIAL bae is DENIAL (*´ω`*)♡♡♡
Chapter 3: Chanyeol is sooo cute!! Love how you've written him, he seems like a romantic. With how distracted baekhyun has been over chanyeol rather than his girlfriend... sounds like he is more interested in chanyeol.
Thanks for writing and sharing this with us, I've loved everything so far and can't wait for more xx
paprikashczan #4
Chapter 3: please don't leave this story, it's so so good (like all your fanfics btw). i wanna see how baek falls in love with yeol and if he would tell him who he really is. i need to know dear author ;;;;;;;;;;;

I luv how baek is just like "im suUper StrAiGht!!1!!1" :) denial before the breakdown

ok but im totally rooting for them now ^3^
cant wait for the next update !!
Chapter 1: THIS IS SOOOO CUTE! *u*
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 3: i like this Story, ist cute
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 2: ah i liked the krishun bickering, but i hoped for krishan xD
i like this
Chapter 3: Cute~~~
missyreader #10
Can't wait to read this!