Meet Her

Playing With Mr. Idiot

Baekhyun slammed his fist against a hard wooden table in front of him, only to cringed a moment later from the pain (damn! Since when a wooden table became so hard and painful to punch?!) yet dared not to scream or else he would be shaming himself in front of Jongin, his tall, sunkissed-skinned, all toned and y description best friend with shy smile and boy reputation.. In the same fist, he was still holding the letter that made him so angry he felt like punching someone in the face then claw their eyes and pull their hair, eat them alive if possible, leaving only their eyeballs to play with, He shuddered at his own creative thought.

            “THIS IS THE SECOND TIME!” Baekhyun repeated, breathing harshly until Jongin could almost swear he has seen smoke evaporated from his nostrils. “The second time that I found out! I don’t know how many times did the bastard do that!”

            His neck was red and tight that the shape of his nerves became visible. And Baekhyun was breathless of rage. This very morning, he found that letter in front of Taeyeon’s house. When he just came to asked her for a date in that bright Sunday morning with fluffy rainbow around his head thinking what should they do to spend the ‘nice’ day with, instead he found a teddy bear as tall as him and much fatter, a box of chocolate which Baekhyun then smashed to the yard, and a letter. A letter begging for love, written with big ugly letters by some big ugly hand, Bekhyun had no doubt.

            In front of him, calm as a silent fart, still smiling, Jongin took the letter from Baekhyun’s hands. And as if he enjoyed sprinkling salt on Baekhyun’s wound, he read the letter loudly.

            “My dear little baby, Park Taeyeon.

            You have no idea how empty my world now since you’re gone. I am as if a sky without clouds and sun (Jongin smiled), a house without anything inside (Jongin smiled wider), a human without soul (the smile became a little too wide and too annoying). Just like a zombie (came a muffled laugh and ‘oh so cheesy!’ little compliment from his dear friend, Jongin. May the hell burn him more).

            Come back, please? I love you always and no one can love you better than me, I promise. I know maybe you’re just mad at me now. But please come back soon.

            Your lover always, Park Chanyeol, with many hearts after his name,” Jongin couldn’t contain himself any longer and barked a laughter 9 Richter scale.

            Baekhyun, on the other side, never even gave a slightest smile. He took the letter back with annoyance and scrunched it more in his hands, tore it into two pieces, then four pieces, eight, sixteen.... uncounted. As if it was not enough, he threw the pieces to the floor like confetti then stomped feet on them with all his power.


            Baekhyun was burning, and Jongin almost being deaf to hear the smaller high-pitch rant. Baekhyun normal voice alone was already could be heard within radius half a mil. Baekhyun’s scream, though, has super power that Jongin afraid it might kill every creature within 100 meters around.

            “Calm down, Baekhyun!” The tan guy put his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder, pulling him back to sit down.

            “Don’t worry. Taeyeon noona will not come back to her, why would she? Well, that guy is much taller than you, I heard,” at that, Baekhyun quickly shot a glare at him, which Jongin dismissed nonchalantly. “But you also said that he is... kinda dumb?”

            “No. He is not kinda dumb. He is super dumb. Idiot!” Baekhyun nodded, allowed a luxury of satisfaction by the knowledge.

            That much was true. Based on what his girlfriend had been telling him about her ex, a giant called Park Chanyeol, that guy must lack of wits. Big body and big head, and less brain. That fact amused Baekhyun. Though he didn’t like it when his baby Taeyeon talking about other guy, especially her ex, Baekhyun always couldn’t help but laugh every time it was about Chanyeol.

            “We once went out dating to watch a movie,” Taeyeon had told her one day when Baekhyun drove his girlfriend home, a day after Baekhyun found out the first letter from Chanyeol. “It was a kind of horror, thriller and detective movie and it was so scary that I hid behind is arm. I thought he was so brave he never blinked or winched at the scenes. When we were on our way back I asked him why, and he was just... blinked? And said that he didn’t understand what the movie was about.”

            That earned laughter from both of them. Baekhyun never met this Chanyeol guy yet but he already pictured him in his mind. An ugly giant with big jutted out ears and stupid face, poor guy. Still, that poor giant annoyed him so much now he needed to get rid of the guy. Especially from her girlfriend.

            “What should I do to make him stop chasing my girlfriend? It makes me hard to sleep I swear!” He voiced out, frustrated.


Baekhyun clasped both his hands tight to each other on his knees as if he was praying, his jaw tightened and his forehead scrunched. While on his side, Jongin was barely listening, too much to hope of him giving ideas. The latter already got busy in his own world, scrawling down upon the screen of his smartphone, and smiled idiotically (based on Baekhyun’s point of view) to whoever it is he was chatting too.

            That made Baekhyun frowned even deeper.

            “Yah stop for once your business with those bunch of girls, would you? What’s so good even with fake girls with big fake s and fake eyelashes seducing you in all way possible?!“

            He stopped. Baekhyun was the one who made Jongin stopped himself as an idea crossed his mind. A crazy one. And yet, a brilliant one.

.”Why you suddenly look creepy?” Baekhyun asked carefully. Jongin was not type to joke around. So this one creepy smile forming on his tan friend’s lips was all it needed to send shiver through his nape.

“Hyung,” He started and slowly smiled wider. Almost too wide for Baekhyun’s liking, and it was just make him look creepy even more.

“I have a way.” Jongin paused, as if to make more effect on what he was going to say. Baekhyun shifted on his seat, suddenly had the urge to run away. Instead he stayed, waiting.

“I know someone,” his taller friend continued slowly, “…a girl, that any guy would fall into. And who knows, Chanyeol?”




Her steps were a little clumsy under her seven inches heels that glimmered a sprinkle of gold upon the black colour. She was wearing black stocking wrapping her y legs up to her mini skirt that cut dangerously too short, attracting every eye she passed. Some guy gave her hungry look, some guy gave her hungry look and whistled. While the girls, though, those hyenas, looked at her in annoyance. Jealous, they must be, for they couldn’t be any prettier than her. She kept her eyes forward, giving them no mind at all. She swiped her gaze around the dark (but for the colourful light above the dance floor) room and made her careful way scanning every face.

He is not here.

At that thought, she unconsciously bit her lower lip. Will her effort be wasted? Is it crazy idea after all? She knew it was. But she had come this far. She had asked help from her friends too. She just could not back off.

She made her way through the dance floor, letting the loud tump of music mixed with the noises around biting her ears. Some males would move closer toward her like some ants smelling saccharine. She waved them away with a scary glare. One though, a half drunk guy in leather jeans tried to have a grab of her delicious inviting . That pair of hands would be already there if not for her surprising martial art skill. In a blink of eyes, the guy already laid on the floor with a bumping sound and painful groan. After that, thanks God, no one stupid enough to try her again. She had more enough space to look around then under her long eyelashes, tiptoeing her way to find him.

Still. There’s no sign. Maybe he’s not coming tonight.

Her friend told her she might find him here. He did some research but apparently, he was wrong. She took mental note to kick her friend’s sorry later for making her do this, for pushing her this far. Sighing, the girl pushed some strain of long wavy brown hair back, the hair was kinda tickling.

She spun around, about to make her exit when her heels betrayed her, sending the brown-haired girl grasping her way while her body losing the balance. At the last second, she closed her eyes, expecting her head to kiss the floor in the most embarrassing way possible. One second passed and she found herself hanging on the air, supported by a pair of strong arms.

Another second. And then two. Three. It took her three seconds before she could command her eyes to open. Through the naturally long eyelashes, a face soon came into her sight. A handsome face. Familiar face. The face she had seen through a picture. The very same face she was looking for.

Now that he was in front of her, or precisely it was her was in his arms, the back off door was totally closed.

“Are you okay?”

A surprisingly deep baritone voice put an end to her roaming thoughts. Damn, why is his voice so... y? She found herself envy.

Another three second passed in that weird position before she realized and flailed, struggling to get on her own feet. That clumsy attempt caused the wine on the male’s right hand, which she didn’t know was there, spilled on her dress, making her gasp.

“Oh My! I’m sorry!”

The tall male was more panicked that she was. Now that she was standing before him, she realized how tall the man actually was, though she was already wearing seven inches of hell heels and 174 cm is already tall enough for girl. She tried to wipe the wine off her dress in annoyance and was about to say ‘it’s okay’ when the male rubbed her chest where there was a shade darker from her already black dress, the wine stain. And it cost her few seconds to gasp and slapped him on the face. Unfortunately, it was harder than what she intended too. Quickly, she covered her chest and widened her eyes.

As wide as her eyes could be, the male’s wide eyes are twice bigger. Panic, worried, and nervous clearly could be seen on his comical yet handsome face. Yes, he had... that type of face that would make you steal a second longer glance if you happen to meet him on the street. The type of face that would steal breathes away. And could easily steal hearts too.

“I’M SO SORRY!” He blurted, trying to reach his hand out for anything he can help to do but quickly pulled them back, knowing that he would make it worse again. “I really didn’t mean to.”

His frightened expression was childish, and it made her almost laugh. She bit it into a smile instead. He must have seen it that he smiled as well, a crooked awkward smile. But he smiled nonetheless.

“Anyway... I’m Chanyeol.”

He reached his hand out for a hand shake. God, his hand is big. And she shook it with her smaller one, careful as she tickled his palm with her delicate fingers and a smile as seductive as ever painted on her red lips.

“Byun Baekhee.”

Mission one; seducing Park Chanyeol, she (or rather he) couldn’t fail this, no, he wouldn’t.




His pair of seven inches tall of hell was the very first thing he took off and thrown across the room before he, almost frustrated, walked inside his bedroom, the light, and thrown himself on his single bed. His apartment was small, only one small living room, one small bedroom, one tiny kitchen and one bathroom which beyond tiny. As he squished his eyes open back, he saw Jongin followed him through the fluttering long mascara-ed eyelashes.

The guy still had that annoying amused smile upon his lips ever since he saw Baekhyun that evening.

“What are you looking at?!” Baekhyun snapped.

“Nothing. You’re just so pretty, Baekhyun— I mean Baekhee. Woahhh.” Jongin shook his head and made that ‘oh-wow-wo-amazing’ expression. Baekhyun squinted; he could feel that Jongin was making fun of him.

So, he didn’t hesitate when he threw a pillow toward the sunkissed guy, which, damn it, still could be caught.

“What did Chanyeol say?” Jongin seriously asked. He took a seat at the end of Baekhyun’s bed.

The smaller man just groaned in answer while pushing a pillow onto his own face as if he wanted to choke himself to death. The series of events happened was coming back to live in his head and that alone, already sent colour to his face. He felt so embarrassed.

“Anyway, I’m Chanyeol,” He said that time in the club.

Baekhyun could still recall his deep voice. And though there was not enough lights, he was sure that Chanyeol was indeed a giant, with a giant hand as well. He made himself smile in the most feminine way, which actually wasn’t hard, he was just smiling the way he smiled and took the huge hand.

“Byun Baekhee,” he heard himself replied with his soft honey voice.

“I- I’m sorry. I can wash your clothes if you want!” The giant offered with big eyes of his, still panic and nervous.

It was dumb, Baekhyun thought. His expression was so stupid as Taeyeon told him. What Baekhyun didn’t expect was, how cute that dumb face look. How he suddenly had the urge to squish his cheek or play with his nose. Worse, he didn’t expect himself to be just as stupid.

“That’s okay I can wash it myself.”

Silenced reigned. Baekhyun felt the giant’s eyes on him, stripping him that he must cough to break the silence,

            “You look... hot,” Baekhyun heard himself said it with a soft, seductive tone he didn’t know where he got that from. But okay, he said it, anyway. And now it was the time to finish what he had start.

            Biting his plum, naturally pinkish lips, and pushed his long wavy hair off his shoulder, he tried to also push all his shame away and embraced himself as he step forward, making the tip of his heel and the tip of Chanyeol’s shoes almost meet, while his face just few inches away from the other’s neck despite his killing high heels. So he looked up and batted his eyelashes in the most innocent way that he felt Chanyeol wavered a little.

            “Can I borrow your phone?” He asked, trying to sound clingy. And he did, actually.

            “O-oh s-sure!”

            He was greeted with the picture of the giant in front of him doing cute pose of selca with his long fingers making V sign with his eyes in between that almost made Baekhyun laugh. He held back, though, and typed in quickly before returned the phone back to Chanyeol. For a second, their hands brushed together and there was a little jolt of electricity happened. Just a little bit.

            Baekhyun leaned forward until his lips almost touch Chanyeol’s misshapen ear. His tone, though, sweet and seductive with warm breath caressing the big ear.

            “Call me for your compensation, okay?”




A/N: Unbeta-ed, English is not my first language and... I don't know. If anyone ever read this, it may looks like some random scretching can't even be read, but it's actually my poor attempt to write again after years of horrible writer block, BaekYeol is my OTP and yeah, I just wanna challenge myself writing something in English.
Comment will be appreciated.

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Chapter 3: i cant wait for your update...
Chapter 3: DENIAL bae is DENIAL (*´ω`*)♡♡♡
Chapter 3: Chanyeol is sooo cute!! Love how you've written him, he seems like a romantic. With how distracted baekhyun has been over chanyeol rather than his girlfriend... sounds like he is more interested in chanyeol.
Thanks for writing and sharing this with us, I've loved everything so far and can't wait for more xx
paprikashczan #4
Chapter 3: please don't leave this story, it's so so good (like all your fanfics btw). i wanna see how baek falls in love with yeol and if he would tell him who he really is. i need to know dear author ;;;;;;;;;;;

I luv how baek is just like "im suUper StrAiGht!!1!!1" :) denial before the breakdown

ok but im totally rooting for them now ^3^
cant wait for the next update !!
Chapter 1: THIS IS SOOOO CUTE! *u*
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 3: i like this Story, ist cute
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 2: ah i liked the krishun bickering, but i hoped for krishan xD
i like this
Chapter 3: Cute~~~
missyreader #10
Can't wait to read this!