Who are you?

The Fox and the Boy

Walking along the empty sidewalk, Jung Jung decides that the coast is clear. He opens his phone, plugs in his earphones, and starts playing his music. With his favorite piece flowing through his senses, he waltzes through the street with grace and freedom.


The Chinese boy felt the wind coarse through his yellow sweater as he leaped through the air. He looked like a shooting star passing through the galaxy. Living out his fantasies on the sidewalk. His grey shorts giving him free reign over his movements. He felt alive and happy.




Jung Jung looked up to see trash can knocked over at an alley. Suddenly a black shadow was running straight at him. Startled, the boy took a step back as it stopped beside him. The strange figure stared at him for a moment with its hazel eyes then continued with its sprint. "That was..odd..." he mumbled to himself. Continuing his impromptu dance, he couldn't stop thinking about what that thing could've been or why it looked at him. But before he could list out possibilities, a tall young man dressed in a suit came out from the same alley way and jogged towards him.


"Hello, I'm sorry to bother, but have you seen a black fox pass by here by any chance?"


So that was a fox.. It must have been running for some reason though..

"I'm sorry, but I haven't seen anything of the sort"


"It's alright, thank you for your time"


"May I ask though why you're looking for one? Foxes aren't a common thing to see here in Seoul"


"Ah" The man thought for awhile, trying to pick the right words to say. "The fox is my boss' pet. He escaped out of my colleague's arms when we were bringing him to the vet." He pouted


A fox as a pet? This boss must be quite powerful.. and eccentric.

"Ah I see, I wish you luck then" Jung Jung said with a smile


The man smiled. "Thank you again" he said as he turned and ran around to the direction opposite of where the fox went.


The boy felt bad for lying to the man. He seemed nice... He stayed in his spot for awhile, then decided to keep going with his performance while going home, since it was not everyday where he had the chance to do this. Making his music louder, he was becoming immersed with the beat. Following the rhythm with his outstretched arms and jumps, he forgot about the man and the fox. However, as he spun around, he saw a pair of familiar eyes watching him with fascination. Jung Jung stopped halfway in his spin and stared back at the creature. There was a strange feeling that both of them felt. It was as if they were being drawn towards each other. The animal decided to walk closer to the boy, never letting the eye contact break. Suddenly Jung Jung's mouth was wide open. The boy's head was slowly tilting up until the point where the two had the same eye level.

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Hey guys, I kinda edited the story a lot to give more description and fill in the plot holes. I'm sorry if chapter 2 is pretty long compared to the other 2. Please enjoy though~


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