
Little Things

“What makes me love him… are those little things he didn’t notice but it matters to me… There are a lot of that ‘little things’ but I will tell you some of it, because I want you all to know, how great the man I’ve chosen to spend the rest of my life with” Seungcheol smiled gratefully before he continued “Small things like… coffee in the morning”



Seungcheol woke up feeling grouchy but the frowned on his face when he found the other side of his bed was empty turned into a smile when a familiar smell hits him. With his messy bed hair Seungcheol walked to his kitchen and found the source of his favorite smell sitting down nicely on the dining table, a cup of black coffee. Seungcheol took a sip from it and the satisfied smile could seen clearly on his face until someone smacked his back

“Don’t take mine” Jihoon was about to snatch his cup back when Seungcheol put it up “Ya! Put it down!” Jihoon jumped to reach it while Seungcheol was giggling watching on how cute Jihoon was “Fine! Take that! And that will be the last time you ever see my coffee again” Jihoon gave up, walked to the coffee maker and poured another cup for himself

“Awwww is my baby sulking? Come on I was just joking” Seungcheol offered the cup back to Jihoon which rejected by the younger immediately “What do I need to do to bring my sunshine smiles back? I’m really sorry” Seungcheol ruffled Jihoon’s hair which earned a death glare from the latter “Jihoonniieee… smileeee – ya!!! OUCH! IT BURNS!!!” Seungcheol yelped in pain when Jihoon kicked his shin and because of that the cup he was holding tilted down pouring the hot coffee into his hand

“You deserve it” Jihoon was about to walk away when Seungcheol still hissing in pain on the floor holding his hand, Jihoon wasn’t going to buy it but when he saw how red Seungcheol’s ears were he put down his coffee and crouched down to the same level as Seungcheol, worried took over his anger he took Seungcheol’s red hand “Are you ok? Let’s go up and put your hand under the tap water it should be better”

“It’s painful…” Seungcheol still didn’t move from his place “But….”

“But what? Quickly stand up before it gets wor – ya CHOI SEUNGCHEOL!!!!” Jihoon screamed when suddenly Seungcheol kissed him

“But it’s much better now, your lips is my medicine” Seungcheol winked before he indulged himself on the tastes of Jihoon’s lips resulting two of them late for work

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Chapter 2: i love sweet jicheol..
ivytlz #2
I love cute little moments like these, they make me feel so warm and fuzzy :)
Chapter 1: Cant stop to smile like a crazy.. hhehe
Shionhamaguchi #4
Chapter 1: Awwww cute jihoonie (●´з`)♡(●´з`)♡(●´з`)♡(●´з`)♡(●´з`)♡
Chapter 1: awwwwwww.... , maybe you can make it to a series??
Chapter 1: AWWWW!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOO CUTEEEE!!!!❤❤