A Limit to love P. 2

What Arrived After You Left


(Everything in Italics is flashbacks)

                 This year Yunho’s birthday was on a Saturday, which he thought meant he would be able to sleep in, but came to know how wrong he was through the loud cheers of happy birthday and the sudden increase of weight pushing his body farther into the mattress. He opened his eyes to see two giant pools of brown surrounded by thick eyelashes, and was quick to shove his younger sister away by the face.

                 “OPPA! What was that for?” She whined with feigned innocence but Yunho caught the flash of evil across her eyes.

                 “Come on Yunho, play nice, she left Jin Ri’s early just so she could surprise you.” His father said lending the 15 year old girl a hand as she tried to climb off the bed.

                 “Yes,” Yunho answered with a role of his eyes. “Because being woken up at 9 o’clock in the morning on a Saturday is just the surprise I’m looking for.” Yunho mumbled looking at the alarm clock on his bed side table.

                  “Stop your whining, we wanted to throw you a surprise party but you kept telling us how much you hated that idea.”  Said Yunho’s mother

                 “So instead you wait till I’m sleeping blissfully so you can attack me?”

                “Stop being a drama queen”

               “You’ve got some nerve.”

               Yunho’s mother pounced and he hid under the covers flinching every time she pinched or hit him. The whole situation was made worse when his sister decided to join in and began trying to pull the covers from the top of his head. His father stood by watching before calmly walking out. This went on for a few more moments before Yunho shoved his mother and sister off of him and dashed out the door, his sister in hot pursuit.

              “Yunho!  Hana! Stop it before you fall down the stairs!” His mother yelled grabbing onto the balcony railing. Trying to make sure neither one of her children’s lives came to a sudden end. Yunho was already standing in the door way of the kitchen before it hit him. He stopped short but was thrown to the ground when his sister ran straight into him.

               “Ow, babo,” Hana yelled rolling off of Yunho and ignoring his body which was lying forlorn on the floor. Instead she calmly took her seat at the table not even daring to glance back down at her older brother. Yunho finally came to his senses a few moments later popping back up onto his feet as if nothing had happened.

               “Omma!” Yunho yelled unaware that the small woman was currently standing right behind him.


              “Omma, where’s Chun-ho?” The woman seemed to think about it before replying.

               “Now that you mention it, I don’t think I heard him come in last light.”

              “Don’t tell me he stayed over at the dorms?” Yunho’s dad inquired taking the time to glance up from the plate in front of him. “He’s knows today is Yunho’s birthday, and we told him he had to come home.”

             “Forget it for now,” Mrs. Jung said pushing Yunho to sit in his seat “I’ll call him later.” Yunho almost didn’t care that Chun-ho wasn’t there, he was still slightly nervous about his brother’s reaction after yesterday. Just as he was about to drop the subject he had an idea.

            “Mom, can you sit down for a second?” Mrs. Jung looked over at her son, she could tell by the look in his eyes where this was going. She sat the carton of milk she had in her hand down on the table intent on listening to what Yunho had to say. His sister although confused, also gave up on eating for the time to listen to what was being said.

            “I need to tell you something and I figured now was a better time than ever.” Yunho said leaning forward nervously in his seat. “Yesterday I asked you two what you thought about being gay. But I didn’t tell you that, I myself am…. Gay.” Yunho looked up not expecting the silence that followed what he had said. When he had imagined it, he had seen tears, heard sobs, and shouts, but was pleasantly surprised by his sister’s wide grin, and his mother’s subtle smile.  He continued on “I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but you know how things go. Just when you get the guts to do something you change your mind… and I had hoped hyung would be here but-“

            “Just shut up already.” Hana said clapping Yunho on the back encouragingly, “We get it,” She sent him a smile that had him letting out the breath he had no idea he was holding. He looked at his mother who was also smiling brightly.


            “You’re my son, I don’t see how I could do anything outside of loving you, no matter who it is your love. Right yeobo?” Mrs. Jung said looking over at her awestruck husband, seeing him Yunho shrunk back a little. Mrs. Jung pinched her husband’s thigh bringing him out of his revelry.

            “Right,” He said rubbing his leg before arranging his face back to its usual ice cold expression. “Well yeah, I mean…yeah.” Yunho smiled at this but it quickly disappeared when he remembered he still had one person to confess to.

            “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine, maybe a little weirded out at first, but he’ll get over it.”  Hana said reading his mind. “I suggest we eat breakfast now though because I’m kind of starving.” She began shoveling food into .

            “I just have one thing to ask.”  Mr. Jung said looking at his son with incredible intensity. “Please tell me… you top right?” Hana Choked on her food but everyone was too distracted by the eldest male’s question to notice or even care.

            “APPA!” she said once she managed to catch her breath.


            “Really, yeobo?”

            “Oh come on like you’re not curious.”

            “Yunnie, just answer his question so he can get off the subject.” She said while simultaneously leaning in for the answer.

            “Well how should I know? I’ve never even had a boyfriend yet.” Yunho said giggling at his family’s reaction to everything.

            “Well I’m telling you, never let your partner top, you’re a Jung and we don’t submit.”

            “OKAY! Can we please get off the subject?” Yunho pleaded with his hands in the air.

The rest of the breakfast passed smoothly they had spent most of the day doing nothing and he had mostly forgotten the fact that his brother had yet to arrive until said man walked in the door around 3.

            “JUNG CHUN-HO, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Screamed Yunho’s mother before the boy could even take off his coat.

            “I told you I was going out yesterday.”

            “AND I TOLD YOU TO BE BACK BEFORE THE MORNING!” She took a deep breath before continuing. “Or did you forget today was your brother’s birthday?”

            “I didn’t forget. I showed up before dinner isn’t that all we had planned anyway?”

            “JUNG CHUN-“ she began before being cut off.

            “STOP!” Mr. Jung said finally tired of the way the previous conversation had been going. “Chun-ho, take your upstairs and take a shower. You smell like alcohol and . Then come down stairs and spend some time with your family!”

            “Yes, sir.” Chun-ho replied before running up the stairs. The room was silent and everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing but only, Hana had the courage to speak it.

            “Are you going to tell him?” Yunho looked at his sister and she could see the nervousness in his eyes. 

            “Of course…I just don’t know when.”

            “Don’t worry about that now,” Mrs. Jung interrupted just relax until dinner comes and you can tell him then.

Chun-ho didn’t make another appearance until he was forced out of his room by the hands of his father. Yunho could tell by the silent glares sent between his father and brother that this would be a long night. 




Promise to have more recent updates, if not.... may i be struck down by a flying ice cream truck. 

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dan1291 #1
Chapter 12: Plz update your story is catchy :)
Victoria is scary. She seems like she cares about
Min a lot but that one moment she snapped....
you can tell those are er real feelings.
I thought yunho would kiss changmin, hehehe. my heart easy beating really fast when yunho wanted his lips with Changmin's. :-D I'm special curious if changmin would accept to have a date with yunho and what would be going on on the date? ah, can't wait fir that moment. thanks for the update. I love your fits. great situation arrangement :-) look forward to your update dear <3
I was just able to read ur fanfics n I like it lots. u have thus nice piece of ideas. love it. can't wait for the update :-)
itsRaeG #5
hehehe. i love Yunho's father! but! in a situation with changmin, i believe its a 50/50 thing.
free2lifefreely #6
so did the boys knew changmin is deaf? or just yunho?