Love and Kid Sisters

What Arrived After You Left


    “Why couldn’t we have met somewhere more… I don’t know… lively?” Hana whispered folding her legs to her chest and letting her chin rest on her knees.

    “Because I have a lot of work to make up for the classes I missed yesterday.” Yunho replied, school had ended just an hour or so ago and just as they had planned he and Hana met at the library a block from his old school. “You make it seem like you don’t have work to do either.”

     “Well I do obviously but, you want to know what it looks like to me?” Yunho put his books down and looked up deciding to humor his younger sister. “I think you’re trying to avoid the subject all together. You called me all panicky yesterday and now that you’ve interrupted my life you’re just going to ignore my presence, because you know I’m not going to give you that fake pat on the back and ‘you did everything you could’ speech. So spill it.”

      “I asked him out.”


      “I ASKED HIM OUT” Yunho said in a loud, raspy whisper.

      “So he shot you down.”

      “YES, well, no….I. don’t.  know. I asked him to the carnival but I didn’t think he thought of it as a date because he had said Victoria would go with us, but then you called and when I hung up he was all angry and stuff asking me why I hadn’t asked my ‘girlfriend’ to go with me. Then he refused to talk to me then Vic refused to talk to me and now I have no friends.”

      “So you guys aren’t going to the carnival together?”

      “I DON’T KNOW. Forget about that and help me!”

      “Fine, but remember you gave me permission to meddle in your affairs.”


       Changmin woke up in worse of a mood than he went to bed in, and he still didn’t know why. It was obvious to him that he felt bad about treating Yunho the way he did but he couldn’t find any reasoning behind his anger towards the older man.  When he and Victoria left for school, he was shocked and a little disappointed at the fact that Yunho had failed to show. By the time lunch had come around and he hadn’t seen Yunho anywhere Changmin was determined to find him.

       “Where is he?”

       “Where is who? Min!” Victoria tapped the younger on the arm. “Where is who?”


        “He told me he had to meet a teacher today at lunch.” Junsu said speaking through a mouthful of God knows what. “But he’s on the soccer team so he’s bound to be at the game after school.”

        “When did he join the soccer team?”

         "Weeks ago Min, he’s already been in two games.”

         “Hmm he didn’t tell me that.” The bell rang and they all went their separate ways, instead of heading to his next class though Changmin made his way to the gym. Figuring he’d probably be able to find Yunho in his next class. He turned the corner to the locker room and what he saw made his breathe stop. There Yunho was, leaning against the wall outside the locker room beside a young girl, probably around Changmin’s age. Changmin watched as Yunho said something that caused the young girl to laugh, and was ready to take off in that moment. Before he could though, Yunho grabbed the girl’s hand and began walking towards him.


           “What are you doing?”

           “Getting this over with,” Yunho grabbed Hana’s arm and dragged her in the direction of the tall young man standing at the corner.

           “Aw come on you’re going to ruin it.”

           “No you were about to ruin it but I’m not letting that happen.”


            Before Changmin could get away the older man had him by the arm and turned him around. Yunho could see that the other was a little hesitant to look at him.

            “Minnie- ah, what are you doing down here?” Changmin looked down at his feet suddenly interested in the many scuffs and scratches that littered his tennis shoes.

            “I wanted to say sorry for being mean yesterday.” Changmin said it with a pout that made Yunho want to take the younger’s lips between his teeth. Instead Yunho gave him a hug that plucked his feet from the ground. “Put me down” When Changmin was safely back on the ground he looked back to Yunho happy and a little confused.

            “I should have explained sooner but I guess I can just do it now.” Yunho pushed Hana in front of him and watched the obviously forced smile Changmin gave her.

            “I’m Hana nice to meet you.”

            “Changmin, you must be Yunho hyung’s gi-“

            “Sister, yep.”

            “What?” Changmin looked between Yunho and Hana just then noticing the obvious resemblance between the two.

            “Yeah, I’m also the person Yunho was on the phone with the other day after he asked on a date.”

            “HANA.” Yunho managed to shove his sister back by her face but not before Changmin caught what she had said.

            “Sorry she likes to run .” There was an awkward silence, as both of them refused to look at the other. Hana, tired of the atmosphere, decided to leave against the silent plea from Yunho to stay. Someone had to break the silence.

            “Well” Yunho’s head snapped up, “even if she was running I’d still like to go on that date with you.”



            “Well I guess Saturday’s a go?”

            “Yeah, I better get going.” Changmin walked/ran around the corner and to his class which he was already 15 minutes late for.


            Changmin made it to Yunho’s soccer game like he said he would, and managed to give a nice good luck and a tentative hug (requested by Yunho)before the older went onto the field. Of course Yunho was the last to leave the locker room and by the time he came out to greet his friends everyone else had left. Yunho walked out and found Changmin throwing an arm around the younger’s shoulder. They all walked they walked out to the parking lot where Yoochun had parked his car and were shocked to see only one other car in the lot, beside the car stood two people looking on from a distance.

            Both of the people were tall, a man and a woman. The woman had long wavy black hair that, although she looked young, had begun to grey. You could no longer tell the man’s age just by looking at him, he was tall and lanky and strong in posture except for an exhausted slouch. His grey’s were less noticeable but still there. This wasn’t the first time they had shown up around the school.

            “Who are they?” Yunho asked being the first to notice them.

            “Damn, why are they back?” Yoochun pulled out his keys and unlocked his car. “Climb in we’ll drop you all off at home.”

            The three climbed into the back seat Victoria ending up on Changmin’s lap.

            “Who were they?”

            “Long story.”

            “I’m all ears.” 

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dan1291 #1
Chapter 12: Plz update your story is catchy :)
Victoria is scary. She seems like she cares about
Min a lot but that one moment she snapped....
you can tell those are er real feelings.
I thought yunho would kiss changmin, hehehe. my heart easy beating really fast when yunho wanted his lips with Changmin's. :-D I'm special curious if changmin would accept to have a date with yunho and what would be going on on the date? ah, can't wait fir that moment. thanks for the update. I love your fits. great situation arrangement :-) look forward to your update dear <3
I was just able to read ur fanfics n I like it lots. u have thus nice piece of ideas. love it. can't wait for the update :-)
itsRaeG #5
hehehe. i love Yunho's father! but! in a situation with changmin, i believe its a 50/50 thing.
free2lifefreely #6
so did the boys knew changmin is deaf? or just yunho?