Liquid Courage

Do you like me?

“Yoonmi!” Kimm hopped off stage and ran to her.
“Kimm!” Giseok let go of her hand as Yoonmi embraced her.
“Girl~ I missed you!” she squeezed her.
Yoonmi giggled, “I missed you too unnie.”
“Figures that you would steal her first!” Kimm stuck her tongue out at Giseok.
He rolled his eyes, “I brought her back noona.”

She beamed at Yoonmi, “I heard you’re filling in for Miryeo.”
“I’m going to try.” she clarified, “I haven’t sang in a while so-”
“You’re gonna rock it.” Giseok said confidently, “We all know it.”
She was thankful that the lights in the club were dim, otherwise they would’ve noticed that her face had flushed to a deep red.
“YOONMI!” Yohan called out, “Get your up here!”

The rest of M.I.B was backstage with Soul Connection.
“Noona~” Sims lifted her up in a bear hug.
“Jongsu.” she giggled, “Calm down.”
“Sorry.” he carefully set her down.
She looked up at him, “Seriously what did they give you growth hormones when you were younger?”
She was only older than him by a few months but still, he towered over most of them.

“Kangnam.” she smiled, “You’re just as gorgeous as ever.”
“That’s right .”, he fixed his collar and slicked his hair back before hugging her.
5zic quickly stuffed the last of his cupcake before hugging her.
“Itsh gwood to shee you Yoohnmi.” he mumbled.
She giggled, “Good to see you too.”
“Baby sister~” Jinsuk walked in, followed by the rest of New Block.
She was quickly lost in the group hug they initiated.

Yoonmi sat with Giseok at the bar as Soul Connection practiced a few of their songs.
She twiddled her thumbs nervously, she wondered how would she could tell him. You know besides the obvious “Hey I’ve been in love with you since I met you.” line, she didn’t want to scare him. Giseok stole glances at her, his palms getting sweaty just thinking about his confession. It seemed easy enough to just say it but, let’s be honest there was the fifty percent chance that she wouldn’t feel the same way he did. He knew that he made a vow that he would say it even if she didn’t love him back but he wanted her to feel the same way. He wanted her to return the feelings.

“YM get up here!” Maslo said into the mic.
She and Giseok looked up, “Go get ‘em Mimi.” he smiled.
Yoonmi shyly hopped off the bar stool and walked to the stage.
CSP handed her a mic, “Okay I’m going to need you to sing the chorus for ‘Come On Boy’ Do you know it?”
She nodded and he ruffled her hair, “That’s my dongsaeng.”
CSP told Dj Tiz the track and the song started.

“I just wanna love you boy.
Can you be my baby boy?
Come on boy, naega dagawa julae Come on boy
Baby call me, call me, call me tonight~”

Yoonmi couldn’t see the rest of the club since the house lights were off. She sang in the same direction she and Giseok sat at. The chorus pretty much summed up what she was feeling, but she could only hope that he could get the message. To say the least he was mesmerized. He didn’t even notice Yongguk and Jinsuk sit on either side of him, Giseok wouldn’t dare take his eyes off the beautiful girl in front of him.

“I just wanna love you boy.
Can you be my baby boy?
Come on boy, naega dagawa julae, Come on boy
Baby love me, love me, love me tonight~”

After practicing a few more songs they were sure that Yoonmi was capable of performing. She still hadn’t forgotten about telling Giseok. Once she got off the stage Kimm quickly took her to the bathroom, she had run home to bring some clothes for her to change into. With shaking hands she buttoned the dark grey shorts.

“Oh Yoonmi you look-Are you okay?” Kimm came over and took her hands.
Yoonmi shook her head, “I’m fine.” she gulped.
Kiimm looked at her worriedly, “Yoonmi, you know you can tell me anything. Is something wrong?”
She exhaled, “I-I don’t know.” she let go of Kimm’s hands and grabbed the shirt that she had brought her.

She put on the black one-shoulder top and tied the brown belt loosely around her waist.
“Yoonmi.” Kimm looked at her. “Tell me.”
“I love Giseok.” she said.
Kimm tilted her head and raised her brow, “Uh…I’m sorry what?”
Yoonmi turned to face her, “I love him Kimm.” she repeated, “I always have.”
“Oh Yoonmi.” she hugged her.

She sniffed, “I don’t know how I survived these past three years.” she admitted.
“And now that I’m back for good, I can’t keep this a secret anymore.”
Kimm nodded, understanding how her best friend felt, “But, I’m scared Kimm. What if he doesn’t talk to me anymore? I know it’s a long shot if he returns the feeling but, he could just shun me out of his life.”

She held her face in between her hands, “Yoonmi, he’s not going to do that. Giseok has always considered you his best friend.”
“So?” she cried.
“Aigoo.” Kimm patted her back, “Calm down love.”
“I’m just really, really nervous.” Yoonmi wiped her tears. “I’ve never told a guy that I loved him before.”
Kimm squealed lightly, “I can’t believe that you love him.”
Yoonmi chuckled, “I can’t believe that I actually plan on telling him.”
“YOONMI! KIMM!” They heard Yohan’s voice from outside the bathroom. “SHOW’S ABOUT TO START HURRY UP!”

Kimm grabbed Yoonmi’s other clothes and put them in her bag. She quickly wiped away her tears and took deep breaths to calm herself down.
“It’s okay.” Kimm squeezed her hand, “Everything’s going to be fine.”
Yoonmi nodded with a weak smile. “Thanks for listening to me unnie.”
“Of course!” Kimm kissed her forehead, “I’m just a little mad that you tell me now!”
She giggled and followed her out, “I’m sorry!”
“No you’re not!”


Giseok POV:

“THANK YOU OPPA!” a few girls squealed as I gave them autographs. I took a few pictures with them as well, giving them a polite smile.
I blew the air out of my cheeks and looked at the stage, the show would start soon. Yoonmi hadn’t come out of the bathroom yet, I wondered what was taking her so long. I still didn’t know how I was going to tell her I just knew that I had to.

“How you all doin’ tonight?!” CSP got on stage, followed by the rest of Soul Connection.
The crowd cheered, “I wanna thank you all for comin’ out tonight! We also got a special surprise, well maybe not for you guys it’s mostly for Still PM here.”
“That’s right, that’s right. My baby sister came back earlier today and Yoonmi! Where you at?!” he squinted, looking around for her.

She ran up and hugged his waist, “Right here big brother!” she beamed.
I smiled but it quickly dropped seeing her outfit. This might be harder than I thought, no pun intended. “AWE!” the crowd clapped.
“She’s going to be our singer tonight!” Yongguk beamed.
“Now enough wasting time, let’s get this show started!”


Yoonmi POV:

I wiped the perspiration that had accumulated on my forehead. The spotlight was hot on the stage. Thankfully I had already finished my last song. Jinsuk brought up another tray full of drinks from the bar. I picked up one of the clear shot glasses and downed it.
“You okay Yoonmi?” asked Jinsuk, “You’ve been sneaking Goose since the first song.”
I cringed from the alcohol, “You saw me?”
He smirked, “Please girl, I see everythang~”
I chuckled, “Okay, yeah I’ve been drinking.” I shrugged.
He frowned a little, “You seem out of it sis. Is everything okay?”

No, everything right about now. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” I smiled.
He looked at me before nodding, “If you say so.”
I grabbed a bottle of Soju and went to the bathroom, locking myself in one of the stalls. Have I mentioned that I’m a light weight when it comes to alcohol? Must have slipped my mind after the third shot. I paced in the stall while occasionally taking a drink from the bottle. By the time I was done I was on the ground, leaning against the wall, completely dazed.

“Yoonmi?!” I heard Kimm’s voice, “Yoonmi are you in here?”
“OVER HERE!” I shouted, raising my hand as if she could see it.
“Where?” she must have seen my legs and peeked over the stall, “Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine!” I giggled.
“Oh you’re drunk.” she sighed.
“No, you’re drunk~” I smiled and attempted to take another sip from the empty bottle.
I frowned, “You think you can get me some more?”

She chuckled, “Okay, Yoonmi open the door now.”
“How do I do that?” I looked around.
“Do I push this?” I giggled and flushed the toilet.
The door didn’t open, obviously, “Oops, I guess not.” I continued to look around.
“Okay listen to me.” Kimm spoke clearly, “You see the door?”
I nodded, “Yes!”
“Okay you see the little silver thing near the middle?”
“Mhm.” once again I brought the bottle to my lips and frowned.
“Grab the little knob and pull it to the right.”

I held on to the small silver nub, “Which way’s right?” I asked innocently.
She sighed from the other side of the door, “This way.” she lifted her hand above the stall and pointed in the direction.
I pulled in the opposite direction. “Oh my god Kimm, this isn’t working!” I shook it.
“Kimm, get me out of here~!” I cried.
“Yoonmi, you’re pulling it the wrong way!” she tapped her foot.
I got on my stomach and crawled out, “Kimm!” I reached out for her.
“Oh god.” she helped me up, “Yoonmi!” she grabbed the empty bottle out of my hand and turned the corner, throwing it into the trashcan.

“Wha-Where did you get those?” she looked at me oddly.
I had a pack of two saltines, putting one in my mouth, “I don’t know.” I shrugged.
She huffed, “Okay, we need to get you home.”
“No!” I whined, “I still-” I looked around making sure that no one was around, “I still have to tell Giseok.” I whispered loudly.
“Yoonmi.” she put her hands on my shoulders. “I don’t think that now is a good time.”
“And why not!?” I buckled trying to take a step forward.
She caught me, “Because you’re drunk sweetheart.”
I sat down on the tile floor next to the sink, “But I have to tell him!” I hugged my knees.
She sighed, “I’m going to go get Yohan, stay here!”

I heard her heels click as she walked out. I ate the other saltine and stood up using the edge of the sink for support. A few girls walked in and smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back and carefully walked out. The wall was my support system from there on. I almost fell but felt a pair of arms catch me.

“Mimi are you okay?” I steadied myself seeing Giseok in front of me, his hands holding me in place.
“I was just looking for you!” I slurred.
He chuckled, “Okay, you’re drunk. Let’s get you to Yohan.”
“N-no!” I pushed him away lightly, “I…I need to t-talk to you!” I stabbed my finger into his chest.
“Okay…” he sighed. “Yoonmi, I think we should get you ho-”
“I LOVE YOU!” I said loudly.

He furrowed his brows, “I love you too Mimi-”
“No.” I shook my head furiously, “No, you don’t-don’t understand.”
He breathed out, “I should get you home.” he muttered.
“Can I stay with you?” I asked sadly, “You know Yohan won’t want to leave now, and he won’t go home till late…I don’t want to be alone.” I shifted my weight from foot to foot.
He gave in, “Okay fine, but I still need to tell Yohan.”
I gulped, holding in the alcohol. “Yoonmi!” we both turned as Yohan walked up.
“I’m taking her home hyung.” Giseok told him. “She’s beyond wasted.”
He nodded, “Yoonmi, why’d you drink so much? You know that you have a low tolerance.”
“I’m fine!” I leaned against the wall, only to slip and land flat on my .

Giseok quickly helped me up. “Ow.” I pouted.
“Okay, let’s go now.” he put my arm around his shoulders and started walking.
“Yell Yohan bye.” he said as if speaking to a child.
“Bye big brother!” I waved crazily.
He chuckled while giving me an eye roll. “The hangover you have tomorrow will be enough punishment.” he muttered.


No One’s POV:

Giseok set Yoonmi down as he punched in the code to his apartment.
“Come on Mimi.” he grunted as he lifted her up again.
He sat her down on the couch and took off her heels. “I’m surprised that you haven’t sprained anything.” he chuckled.
He stood up, “I’m going to get you something to sleep in. Don’t move.” he motioned for her to stay.
Yoonmi gulped as he walked away.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” she smacked herself on the forehead.

“Mimi, you okay?” he sat down on the coffee table in front of her, a white t-shirt and plaid boxers in his hand.
“No.” she shook her head, “No, I’m not.”
Yoonmi shot forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. I guess I can thank the shots and that bottle for helping me tell him, she thought.
He stiffened up but soon relaxed and patted her back, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
She breathed against his neck, “I love you Giseok.” she said.
“I love you too Mimi.”

“No!” she sighed and pulled away, “No Giseok, you think that I love you as a friend.”
He blinked, “Wh-What are you saying Mimi?”
“I love you Giseok!” she repeated placing her hands on his face and leaned her forehead on his. “I always have.” she whispered.
He blinked, “Mimi-”
“See, I love when you call me that! You’re the only one that ever does. I love when you make other girls think that I’m your girlfriend because deep down I hope that one day you’ll actually want me to be. That day, that day that you told Hyuna I was your girlfriend, I lied Giseok. She wasn’t looking when I kissed you. I just needed an excuse to do it. You’re all I thought about when I was in Boston, I wondered everyday what would have happened if I had told you before I left and-”

He kissed her. Yoonmi’s eyes widened as she slowly kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She eased back down on to the sofa, taking him down as well. His body hovered above hers, their lips never leaving each other. What does this mean? She thought, does this mean he feels the same way? What if I’m just dreaming, I swear if I’m just dreaming-damn you Grey Goose I thought you were my friend!

Their kisses slowed down and he pulled away, looking into her eyes.
“I love you too Yoonmi.” he said against her lips.
“And here I thought that for the past seven years this was one sided.” he chuckled.
She sat up, putting her weight on her elbows. “Am I dreaming?” she asked.
He laughed and shook his head, “No Mimi, you’re not. I. Love. You.” he poked her nose.
“Every time you were around I just got so nervous. That anonymous valentine you got in your locker freshmen year, that was me! Whenever a guy looked at you or whenever they asked me about you I would always steer them away. It was always you Yoonmi, since that first day that I met you. That first time you hugged me, it felt like-it just felt right.”

She stayed silent as he poured his heart out.
“But, Yoonmi…you’re drunk right now…I don’t-I don’t know.” he got up.
“Giseok.” she stopped him, “This isn’t the alcohol talking. Well…it kind of is, I wouldn’t know how to say this if I was sober. I’ve never lied to you and I wouldn’t now.”
He closed his eyes, “I hope not.” a smile slowly formed on his face.
She grinned as he came back to her and lifted her off the couch bridal style.
“You should sleep, we can talk about this in the morning.” he kissed her temple.

Giseok carefully laid her on his bed and went back to get the clothes that he had for her. She stood up and went to the bathroom to change. The shirt and shorts that Kimm had let her borrow were neatly folded on the counter. She stood in her aqua and black laced underwear and bra. Yoonmi contemplated actually getting dressed, she wanted Giseok in a way that she had never wanted anyone, this time it was most definitely the alcohol talking.

Giseok sat on his bed and sighed as he kicked off his shoes. He didn’t know whether or not she would remember his confession in the morning, but he felt better getting it off his chest. He went up and walked to his closet tossing his jeans and shirt in the hamper, leaving himself in his grey and black striped boxers. He pulled on a black muscle shirt and noticed that Yoonmi still hadn’t come out of the bathroom yet. I hope she didn’t fall asleep in there, he mentally chuckled.

“Mimi.” he knocked on the door, “You okay?”
The door slowly opened and he diverted his eyes. “Uhm..What…what are you doing?” he gulped.
“I don’t know.” she answered nervously taking a step towards him.
“Yoonmi.” he breathed feeling her lips kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Please Giseok…” she gripped the hem of his shirt.
He panted as he feverishly kissed her, pushing her back against the bathroom door making her moan lightly.
His hands rubbed against her skin feeling goose bumps develop. He kissed her neck as he moved up to toy with the clasp of her bra.

His conscience screamed at him, she was drunk and sure she told him she was in love with him, but that didn’t mean that it would be right. He had dreamed of this before and when he did, they would both remember every single detail of it. It took all his might to pull away from her, backing into the sink.
“Yoonmi.” he panted and shook his head, “Not like this.”
She cupped his face, “Don’t say that.” she mumbled. “I want you Giseok.”
He lifted her chin up, “Mimi, I want you too. Trust me I really, really do but not tonight. I’d prefer it if you were sober.” he lightly chuckled, curling her hair behind her ear.

She sighed and hugged his waist tightly, “You’re too good for me.” she said.
He kissed her head, “I think you have it flipped.” His hand reached out for the plaid boxers and he straightened up. Yoonmi pulled away and he squatted down, helping her into the shorts. She giggled as he kissed and tickled her stomach. He stood up and grabbed the shirt slipping it over her small frame.

They both laid in his bed cuddled close together. He brushed the hair out of her face and gently pecked her lips. “You should sleep.” he said.
“I don’t want to.” she sighed as she toyed with the strap of his shirt. “I’m afraid to forget all of this.”
He his lips knowing that it was a possibility.
“I’ll tell you what.” he scooted downwards so that their faces were aligned.
“If this is meant to be, then when you wake up you’ll remember everything about it.” he kissed her hand. “And if it isn’t…” he gulped, “Then you won’t.”
She was to exhausted to argue, so she kissed his cheek before nuzzling her face in his neck.
“I love you.” he murmured in her ear.
“I love you too.” she sighed happily and gave in to the drowsiness.

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Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 6: I loved it so much!!!
I really Loved this story! <3
-.-" One of the 4 stories with a M.I.B character in it. I love you for that. x3 Agh! <3 So guud!
invalid #6
I finished! :D
I just had to put Mochi in the story!
Thank you for reading and subscibing<33
I hope you guys liked the story!

clodhopper #8
OHMAHGOD. I LUBBED DIS SO MACH. Berry good. I liked her aqua and black laced underwear. Okay, good day to you. :D :D :D
That was creepy.....but nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww he is sooooo damn adorable... you make me wanna fall inlove with the way you make out these people....

first BANG and now CREAM <3