TINA:  What does yunjae represent to you?

TINA:  Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
JESS:  Because they’re perfect for each other, at least in my fantasy world

TINA:  Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?(Ex: affair, , homewrecker)
JESS:  Because it’s fiction!

TINA:  Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
JESS:  Well, here it goes my YunJae ship…sunk, but! I’ll genuinely happy for him, he deserves to be happy! I can differentiate real life and fiction or at least I try my best…

TINA:  Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
JESS:  It’s their privacy, so I respect it. Besides, I know how celebrity life can be like living hell.

TINA:  How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
JESS:  I don’t know (I don’t have sixth sense).

TINA:  Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
JESS:  I try not to be judgmental so I can’t say. It’s not like I know him personally, but regardless of that, Jaejoong has given me lots of things by being his fans, so I thanked him for that.

TINA:  When Yunjae comes out publicly……..

TINA:  Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
JESS:  Honestly…no, that’s why Yunho is usually on the top, he’s manlier physically.

TINA:  Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?

TINA:  I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
JESS:  I don’t know. It’s his privacy.

TINA:  What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
JESS:  I guess the idea of YunJae is the perfect relationship each of us long for.

TINA: Now that junsu has been in a confirmed relation ship has the yoosu ship sunk?
JESS: Honestly I did for a few second but hey, their ship exists in my fantasy world. Whatever they're doing in real world is their life and right. I'll just support them ^^

TINA: What are your views on Yoochun's scandal?
JESS: I believe it was very unfortunate. I can't imagine what he had gone through. I feel the people who hurt him was judged too lightly. They even covered their faces, I feel it's unfair because Yoochun is public figure so everyone knows him. The bad people should have been announced in public so they will know what Yoochun experienced. Well, that's what I think from the limited news I have. It might change if anything news are revealed because all of them (Yoochun and the bad people) are human and they have flaw. For now, I just feel the punishment is too easy.

TINA: What do you think of Yoochun's upcoming marriage ?
JESS:  That’s a hard one. I honestly don’t know but I hope the world will not JESS: I am HAPPY for him! YooSu (and JaeChun and whoever I ship with Yoochun) ships will always exist in my fantasy world but in real world, I want all of them to be happy so no matter what, I'm happy for him

TINA:  your future plans for fanfics?
JESS:  I HAVE TONS of plots which I’ll probably never or will write…

TINA:  Thoughts on homouality?
JESS:  I don’t judge them, I respect everyone’s choice.

TINA:  What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
JESS:  Again, I respect everyone’s views.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
JESS:  That’s a hard one. I honestly don’t know but I hope the world will not ‘bully’ homouality

TINA:  In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
JESS:  I don’t have kids so I can’t say anything about it yet…

TINA:  Pride or love?
JESS:  Both

TINA:  Love to me is…………
JESS:  something indescribable


TINA:  I have heard Asian think westerns are ugly?

TINA:  Asian gives importance to skin color. dark skin is big no no to Asians? Do you think it is ok to think like that?
JESS:  That’s the culture (I think so too), as much as I want to change that, it’s hard.

TINA:  How Important is skin color to you?
JESS:  I just don’t like the sun so my skin is quite white…but as for relationship with people, I don’t really care…Culture and personal views matter more for me.

TINA:  Opinions on plastic surgery?
JESS:  Honestly, I feel it fake as much as wearing makeup. I am not saying the people who do it are wrong but I am just sad that ‘beautiful’ is defined by the media by plastic surgery and makeup so most people don’t have any choice but to do it, consciously or unconsciously

TINA:  What do you think of Siwon from super junior’s statement when he said in a radio interview..”I don’t mind dating western girls but marry an Asian girl my mom approves off?
JESS: I have never heard about this but I think the way he said it is wrong. That’s just offensive and brutal racism.

TINA:  Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
JESS: Because they give us something in return as long as we can control our obsession in healthy way, such as positive thinking, inspiration in life to do what we love, etc. Even to some people, they’re the reason they get up in the morning and face another day…I do hope all people can find happiness though…

END OF PART 3.we really loved getting to know you and your stories will always hold a special place in our hearts

Dearest Jess,
 Thank you for entertaining us once again with your interview filled with wit and humour..we really loved getting to know you and your stories will always hold a special place in our hearts..All the very best in your future..
                                                          with lots of love

To read Jess stories please visit her Livejournal KYOUYA3
and visit her AFF account KYOUYA3

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Chapter 2: Thank you (^_^.)
Every time I read an interview, I'll found more story/fanfic that I never read...
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 1: Omaigod!!!thank you for this!