TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with
AUTHOR: Jess is fine

TINA: Hi­­ Jess Welcome to the interview..

TINA:  Any special reason behind your journal name. if yes what and how did u come by it
JESS:  Well, I am not sure if you know KyouyaOotori from Ouran Host Club Anime. Anyway, my RL friends used to tell me I am like him…calculating and paying attention to detail kind of person…I guess it was sudden thing I decided out of nowhere when I was trying to create an online persona.

TINA: Where are you from?
JESS:  Indonesia (I’ll leave the city to your imagination), but I only have like 5% local blood haha!

TINA: Age relationship status partners and kids..(answer only if u r comfortable answering)
JESS:  Over 20s, single…

TINA: What is your occupational status as if right now?
JESS:  student and worker I guess…

TINA: Birthday ?
JESS:  3rd March

TINA: What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
JESS:  Watching…Anything, anime/kpop/western series/movie…

TINA:  Favorite color/s?
JESS:  Blue

TINA:  Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
JESS: Katsudon, Japanese

TINA:  favorite movie/s. why?
JESS: This is a hard question! I love too many movies

TINA:  Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
JESS:  Sherlock Holmes…Eragon…Because I like fantasy and mystery I guess

TINA:  Favorite Dress code?
JESS:  Casual (anything comfortable)

TINA: Comfort or Fashion?
JESS:  Comfort 100%

TINA:  Favorite designers dress/shoes?
JESS:  Anything comfortable and not ugly-looking lol

TINA: Personal style statement?
JESS:  Just be who you are

TINA: Dream destination?(fav place u want to go)
JESS:  Japan (even though I have been there three times)ohh and England! (tho I hate the weather)

TINA:  Favorite perfume?
JESS:  Umm…not sure, I’m using some but I decided to buy them randomly because I like them

TINA:  Branded or Generic clothing?
JESS:  Anything that doesn’t destroy my skin but make it shinier and healthier

TINA: Hobbies you are involved in?
JESS: Watching, reading, writing (not much these days though), drawing, playing game…

TINA: Ideal man /woman?
JESS:  Someone who can understand me and I can understand him.

TINA:  What’s in your purse?
JESS:  Money and lots of cards (most of them are discount card though)

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
JESS:  My phone and my wallet

TINA: If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
JESS:  Um…the dead kind of tempting but…I’ve meet JYJ, so I guess maybe between Yunho and Changmin

TINA: Iam obsessed with______ fill it?
JESS: food…

TINA: Iam Passionate about____________ ?
JESS:  travelling

TINA: Motto in life:
JESS:  Life is just oneshot so give it your best shot

TINA: If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
JESS: Doraemon pouch, Harry Potter’s wand and Sherlock Holmes’ brain capacity

TINA: Proudest moment ever?
JESS: When I succeed turning around the people who think I cannot do it.

TINA: Most embarrassingmoment?
JESS:  When I get into the wrong car/ toilet…Oops…

TINA: One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
JESS:  I’ll take picture, shake their hands, and get a hug from both of them if possible (my inner muse is tempted to kidnap them but I won’t…probably).

TINA: If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
JESS:  Trying to reach the horizon

TINA: Goal in life:
JESS:  Be happy and make people I love happy



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Chapter 2: Thank you (^_^.)
Every time I read an interview, I'll found more story/fanfic that I never read...
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 1: Omaigod!!!thank you for this!