TINA:  How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
JESS:  Out of random urge when I was too deep into TVXQ in 2009

TINA:  What made you to sit down and actually write something?
JESS:  I told you the urge, it’s like suddenly you developed another inner mind

TINA:  What is the first fanfic you completed?
JESS:  Umm Secret Game or I’m sorry I love you? I honestly can’t remember

TINA:  How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
JESS:  TVXQ songs…basically…

TINA:  Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
JESS:  Nah…Zero experience

TINA:  Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
JESS:  YES, it took a week for anyone actually comment on my first fic, I thought I

TINA:  How did you promote your fanfic to readers?
JESS:  By replying to their comments I guess and post in forums

TINA:  Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
JESS:  Yeah, I used too, especially when few became offensive but now, whatever, it’s my story I can write what I want. Besides, the comment scale is 1:100 (bad:good)

TINA:  Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
JESS:  I didn’t fail, did I? I am so sorry but I can’t remember the soul who saved me.

TINA:  How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
JESS:  Meditate, think of the plot and character…in private or even public place (like when you’re bored in class or work haha)

TINA:  Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
JESS: I do both. I put the very basic plot line and then let the story goes as I write…

TINA:  When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
JESS:  My muse just comes suddenly, most of the time when I am not exhausted by RL…

TINA:  What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
JESS:  Toilet obviously…I told you private place, right? Hahaha…I can’t remember which fic

TINA:  How much research do you do for your story?
JESS:  Just a bit to make sense, the rest…I made it up LOL

TINA:  What is the easiest part of writing?
JESS:  Typing the words…

TINA:  What is the hardest part of writing a story?
JESS:  Finding inspiration…

TINA:  The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.
When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
JESS:  Now…I’m still not sure…

TINA:  Any useful tips on how to overcome the writer’s block?
JESS:  Read and watch a lot, basically input the data…Someday you’ll be able to output them…

TINA:  Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
JESS:  I tried…But it got deleted by the forum and I didn’t save it…

TINA:  How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
JESS:  Random and spontaneous….That’s it I guess…Sometime crazy and bloody haha

TINA:  How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
JESS:  I notice the topic changed according to what interest me, for example I wrote something dark after watching Hannibal or some mystery after watching Sherlock…

TINA:  How important are readers and their comments?

TINA:  I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..
Any words for silent readers?
JESS:  Well, it’s okay to be silent reader, I am too sometime but 1 comments will definitely lightens up the writer’s day, so why not?

TINA:  Do you read other yunjae fanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
JESS:   Yes…I can’t remember the title, most are old fic though so forgive if I spell the name wrong, such as Look but Don’t Touch, basically all Walin’sfic, and YunJae bible gashiyeon, I forget the rest

TINA:  Are you friends with any other author’s?
JESS:  Yes, but just online friend.

TINA:  How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
JESS:  I do random crazy stuff…I guess

TINA:  Has anyone stole your story and published under their name?
JESS:  Nah…Actually I don’t know, I don’t really browse that stuff and I believe everyone has their own karma so I don’t really care.

TINA:  Thoughts on others stealing your work?
JESS:  I said it up there haha

TINA:  How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
JESS:  I used to be able to do it when I was in high school by finished all my homework at school and write when I got home. I am still figuring out how now in uni and work…

TINA:  Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
JESS:  No…I am random person, but most will be night time

TINA:  Your favorite genre to write?
JESS:  Action, mystery, bloody stuff, psycho stuff, romance, fluff, and …almost forgot, zombie and vampire! Those amazing creatures!

ALL ABOUT STORIES...............

TINA:  Inspiration behind the CHIBI fanfic “CUTENESS OVERLOAD” and “CUTENESS OVERDOSE”?
JESS:  Umm TVXQ being too cute despite their age?

TINA:  Inspiration and ideas and thoughts behind the
“CURSED” trilogy?
Few words on the fics
JESS: JAEJOONG’S MV MINE…Sorry for copy paste but that’s the truth, I the reply button

TINA:  Talking about “NORMAL TVXQ OT5” series.Few words on individual fanfics..ideas and inspirations behind them..

                   “THE SECRET GAME"
JESS:  The song itself and some action movies I watched
JESS:  Honestly…I just like vampire but making story w/ only vampire is boring so I add more species…
             "ETERNAL FIVE”
JESS: I can’t remember which song but probably W by JYJ or other old song by TVXQ
                    “HOSPITAL OF DEATH"
JESS:  Resident Evil, The Evil Within and The Walking Dead (all zombie games or tv series)
JESS:  Hannibal…and random psycho stuff I browse online

TINA:  Inspiration behind the fanfic
JESS:  I can’t remember, this’s my first YunJaefic, like ages ago…sorry haha

TINA:  Few words on
JESS:  It was supposed to be sad fic and I think this fic isn’t sad enough…

TINA:  Inspiration behind the fanfic
JESS:  A manga! I forget the title though…I think I put it in the description

TINA:  Inspiration behind the fanfic
JESS:  I was interested in slave kind of theme so…yeah…

TINA: Few words on the supernatural fanfic
JESS:  Umm…I told you I like vampire right? So I kind of write it out of nowhere and end up having YunJae and YooSu version of it

note for yoosu lovers: "blood er" is the yoosu version of "blood thirst"

TINA:  Few words on this tear jerker fanfic “HEALING” .how did such angst come about in this fanfic?
JESS:  Um…real life experience and despite that fact, this one fic has given me more heartbreak as few readers lost control and asked me unreasonable request and basically didn’t appreciate my plot…But I have learnt a lot dealing with readers by this fic and I unleashed my inner grudge so yeah, win-win.

TINA:  Inspiration behind this sci-fi type fanfic
JESS: Sci-fi inspiration just struck me out of nowhere…Also I kind of just finished watching Frankenstein before writing it so…you know…

TINA:  Thoughts and inspiration behind the fanfic
JESS:  I was struck with cupid…hahaha, I mean I just wanted to write something romantic and Paris sounds good.

TINA: Thoughts and inspiration behind the
“YUNJAE TRILOGY”.Few words on the fanfics in this series
                  “AMOROUS BROGUE”
JESS:  I was thinking what if Jae goes solo and Yun is the manager
JESS:  I was thinking to add more drama
                  “SHATTERED SENSES”
JESS:  And more drama so let’s make it trilogy!

TINA:  Few words on
JESS:  I was mad and crazy so I pour it all there…Animals are cute too right? So perfect!

TINA:  inspiration behind the fanfic
JESS:  Again, my craziness was at its peak and I was doing some traditional research so…

TINA:  Still writing or have you stopped now?
JESS:  I have stopped but I might continue in the future, in other words, I’m in hiatus due to my demanding RL…I’ll not delete my account though (it’s like leaving hope and legacy haha)

TINA:  Any future yunjae fanfics you are working on?
JESS:   To be honest…I have TONS OF UNWRITTEN PLOT…I don’t know if I’ll write them but I’ll save them for now (*cough* some are really crazy or ty or angsty hahaha)

All ABOUT ............

TINA: Tells us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae?Ex. ,cheating,home wrecker etc.
JESS:  BECAUSE YUNJAE ITSELF IS TABOO (I mean if it’s real I’ll respect them but can you image how South Korea will act? How their family will respond? Etc)…HUMAN LIKES TABOO THINGS

TINA:  How difficult or easy is writing ?
JESS:  Depends on my mood, sometime easy sometime hard

TINA:  Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing ?
JESS:  When I first started yes, now…I’m used to it, as long as no one in RL knows about it haha!

TINA:  How do you write the scene? What is the inspiration?
JESS:  To be honest, will be one of them (I’m not addicted to it, I just watch like once or twice a year, see, I’m not addicted), also personal fantasy and movies etc.

TINA:  Have you ever watched GV(gay videos) before writing a scene?
JESS:  I think I just answered it right? I watch , including gay stuff and probably tried the entire genre.

TINA:  Has any family member or friends have ever walked on you while writing a scene?
JESS:  Yeah, I just switched screen, I’m trained for it.

TINA:  Thoughts after writing your first ever scene?
JESS:  Umm…Did I do it right? Did I forget any steps? HAHAHA

TINA:  What is the secret of writing a scene that turns on your readers?

TINA:  It is so heart breaking when u see your favorite authors deleting their journals or accounts,taking away the chance to reread some of your favorite stories..and having those wonderful stories lost..Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
JESS:  NO…I probably won’t ever…I told you it’s my ‘hope and legacy’ *referring to YuzuruHanyu’s skating program , sorry he’s Japanese skaters I am addicted to lately, check out his awesome skating lol

TINA:  Any words for the readers?
JESS:  Thank you for all the readers, past and present who keep supporting even though I go on hiatus again and again. I believe I’ll come back as I have in the past but I’m still not sure when. I hope the best to all of you, my readers and friends, in writing, reading and real life. I LOVE ALL OF YOU.

End of part 2.


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Chapter 2: Thank you (^_^.)
Every time I read an interview, I'll found more story/fanfic that I never read...
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 1: Omaigod!!!thank you for this!