TINA: What does yunjae represent to you?
MIA: A picture perfect of what I will never have. You can imagine everything of them and you will never hate them.

TINA: Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
MIA: Their looks, their friendship which is questionable and because they belong to each other. Well in our mind for the last statement.

TINA: Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?(Ex: affair, , home wrecker)
MIA: Because they are the forbidden fruit.

TINA: Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
MIA: Happy. I just want him to achieve all his dreams and happiness in this life. Same for Yunho and the other members of Dong Bang Shin Ki and JYJ. I will never be used of calling the three others JYJ. So for me I still view the five of them as DBSK or TVXQ. Well, Jaejoong has kept his tattoo on his back, stamping himself as TVXQ forever!

TINA: Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
MIA: Nothing. Just happy for them. They are unreachable for me so why preventing them to be happy?

TINA: How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
MIA: At first, it was surely fan service, but with time it was real. Because even my mother she was and still is under this impression that they are a couple. Because years ago when my sister told us that the new President of South Korea (now not anymore) wanted to make a law for people of same gender to be able to marry, my mother said to us: "so Yunho and Jaejoong will finally tie the knot!" and we choked on our food. It was dinner time.

TINA: Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
MIA: He has just a thing for Yunho. Really, I don't know if he's gay or not. But the man seems to be the kind of person who loves people. So, I think he doesn't care if it's a woman or a man. He just loves them for who they are.

TINA: When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
MIA: Happy and scared at the same time. Scared because the society they live in doesn't admit this kind of relationship.

TINA: Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
MIA: He look manly. Jaejoong is handsome. But truth be told, what does it mean to look gayer than someone? Are there some rules to be gay or even to be straight?

TINA: Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
MIA: I hope so. Lovers, I don't know but a friendship like what they liked to portray in the past can't be thrown away easily, right?

TINA: I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
MIA: I heard that too. Well, if he wants to keep that a secret, let him deny whatever he wants. But honestly, he was always a bad liar.

TINA: What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions?
MIA: You can't deny the attachment you have for them. So, now, there was nothing about them, you can't only hope and imagine them together through fanfics.

TINA: Your future plans for fanfics?
MIA: For now, I must take my time to finish my ongoing stories. But I still write other stories that pop out of my mind. So, I think I will try to post a new one sooner or later.

TINA: Thoughts on homouality?
MIA: There's no difference between homouality and heterouality. Because love is love.

TINA: What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
MIA: To those people, I will say that they don't know what love is. If love is a disease and there's a medication for that, well everyone must take that medicine immediately.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
MIA: Accepting homouality overnight it will be hard. But, what we can do is to make sure that our children will be tolerant about other people who love the same gender. And hoping that in turn, our children will do the same with their own children.

TINA: in the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
MIA: I will only embrace him/her in my arms saying that he/she is my child.

TINA: Pride or love?
MIA: I would be proud of myself if at the end of my life span I become someone who did so much for my entourage by love.

TINA: Love to me is…………
MIA: A complicate feeling. Because, Love can make you a good person. However, it can also make you a bad person.

TINA: do you believe in love at first sight?
MIA: I don't know. It never happened to me.

TINA: what are your views on yoochun scandal?
MIA: I never said anything since the start, just waiting for the result of all the investigations. However, I never thought bad of him as I was sure it was a scam. Now, with the result of the police investigations and those people in jail, I feel relieved for him and I hope that he isn't going to end his career after that. But I'm amazed that some women could destroy a man's life for money.

TINA: since junsu has been in a relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
MIA: I never shipped them.

TINA: how did you react to the news of “yoochuns” upcoming marriage?
MIA: Well, I was surprised at first. But like my mother said, after what happened to him, he doesn't have to follow the rules now. He is the only master of his life and we don't have anything to go against his decisions. Just congratulate him. Yes, my mother is a fan of those five and she likes the actor Yoochun a lot.

TINA: I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
MIA: Nothing. I never saw them in this way.

TINA: Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
MIA: Surely but we are conscious of our reality


TINA: Opinions on plastic surgery?
MIA: If people want to be better physically well why preventing them to do plastic surgery. It's not our money but theirs after all. However, don't claim someone after plastic surgery as a natural beauty. This will be a very bad joke!

TINA: Do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
MIA: I don't think he did one. He just lost his baby face and becomes a man. He isn't a boy anymore. And he has always been good looking, handsome, beautiful… whatever you want to describe him.

TINA: Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
MIA: Obsessed no! Only enjoying the kind of person they are as their songs and their dramas. But I think those idols, even if they don't know us personally, do know that somewhere in this world there're people who look up at them. And mostly, if there's no fan, there's no idol. So, saying that they don't know that we exist is a bit hypocrite. They earn their income with the existence of fans, obsessed or not.


Dearest Mia,
Thank you for agreeing to this interview,we had a blast reading it and getting to know you..hope you find the inspiration and time needed to continue writing yunjae fanfics.wishing you all the very best and good luck in your life.
                                                                                   with lots of love ,

to read MIA's fanfics head out to her AFF account KIRAMIA28


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Chapter 3: Love to know her in a person. She's one of the best yunjae author <3 I love all of her works. They're so amazing. Thanks for the interview dear ^^
syafiz #2
I really love kiramia works and stories.. it is awesome and I'm happy to know more about her.. keep writing yunjae authornim.. you are tge best :-)
It's amazing hownu put the story together
Like i can feel their feeling
Their happiness, theri sadness
Wish the best for both of them
ranmaiz #4
Chapter 3: Love all her stories especially other halves, love whispers and survive you until a sunny day. Wish she can updates these soon.
Chapter 2: I really love her whisper especially..
It's makes me feel warm inside..
Chapter 3: Jaejae is always cute since 1986 (≧∇≦)b
loveyunjae4ever #7
Chapter 2: Im relieve when she say she wont delete her account!thank you!
Chapter 2: I
Aaahhhh finallyyyy~~~~ my favorite authoooor <3<3<3