TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with..
MIA:  Mia.

TINA:  Hi­­ MIA Welcome to the interview…

TINA:  Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
MIA:  Before being kiramia I was caramia. And 'cara mia' means dear friend or sweetheart in Italian.And the 28 means the day of my birthday. A few days after changing caramia into kiramia, one of my readers had said that kiramia means 'sparkling Mia'. So I am pleased to have that name now.

TINA:  Where are you from?
MIA:  France.

TINA:  What is your occupational status as if right now?
MIA:  Student.

TINA:  Birthday ?
MIA:  August 28th.

TINA:  What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
MIA:  I read a lot. My free time is for writing and cooking. I love baking but none of my family have sweet tooth and every one is on diet.

TINA:  Favorite color/s?
MIA:  I don't really have a favorite color. But I used to hate pink. However, now, I love every shade of pink. More when the pink is dusty rose or golden rose. Red, black, white and navy blue are the mean colors in my closet and brown when it comes to purses.

TINA:  Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
MIA:  I don't have a favorite food. But, I like everything that have something related to stew. Favorite country cuisine… There's none as I like a bit of everything from what I ate until now coming from different countries.

TINA:  Favorite movie/s. why?
MIA:  I don't have favorite movies. I don't think I saw a lot of movies in my life apart Star Wars, the series of Transformers and Hunger Games. If not for my mother who had blackmailed my sister to get me away from my books and studies, I would never go to see the last Hunger Games in the movie theatre. I was and still be called a bookworm by my friends since middle school.

TINA:  Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
MIA:  I discovered that series of books called Dark Hunter by Sherilyn Kenyon. It's about mythology, vampires and werewolves mixing with the modern world. And I always found this kind of story interesting because I like everything about mythology. Now, I have those books in two languages, english and french. And now I started to read her other series calling The League.

TINA:  Favorite Dress code?
MIA:  I don't really know but I would say chic with a bit of romanticism. Can we say that?

TINA:  Comfort or Fashion?
MIA:  Comfort with a touch of fashion.

TINA:  Favorite designers dress/shoes?
MIA:  I don't have a favorite designers dress or shoes. I buy only what I can offer and make me feel good. Students don't have much money in the wallet right? Having parents who worked in the fashion industry, I learned from them that if the clothe makes you feel good and enhance your figure, regardless of the brand, cheap or expensive, no one was going to make fun of you for not being trendy. However I don't do compromises when it comes to my pair of shoes. Not that I want to have the trendy ones or something like that. I only buy a pair of shoes that doesn't hurt my feet. I hate blisters and all.

TINA:  Personal style statement?
MIA:  Casual with a natural touch. Meaning a pair of jeans or trousers and t-shirt or dress shirt with jacket and leather boots or sneakers, depending of my humor. I don't know how to walk with high heels. I learn but after five minutes in those stilettos, I find myself throwing the pair of shoes in the corner and cursing for making my feet in pain. My family laugh every time they see me with high heels. Because when I walk, I walk in slow motion. A step at a time. Not natural.

TINA:  Dream destination?(fav place u want to go)
MIA:  I never thought about that. But, if I have to go somewhere far from Europe, I will say Japan.

TINA:  Favorite perfume?
MIA:  La Panthère from Cartier. And I feel in love with La Nuit De L'homme from Yves Saint Laurent, for men. This perfume is what I imagine Yunho and Jaejoong wearing all over them.

TINA:  Branded or Generic clothing?
MIA:  Both.

TINA:  Hobbies you are involved in?
MIA:  Knitting and crocheting. All my beanies and cowls are made by me.

TINA:  Ideal man /woman?
MIA:  He must be tall. As for beauty, it's depend on everyone. For me having colored eyes is the must, blue or green. Black, brown or blond hair, even curly or straight hair, it doesn't matter. Well, Yunho is what I can call my ideal man excepted he don't have blue or green eyes. What a pity!

TINA: Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
MIA:  Never. But I can find a woman beautiful and say it out loud.

TINA:  Natural hair and eye colur?
MIA:  My hair and eyes are chestnut. Not so exotic only the fact that I am an Asian girl living in France.

TINA:  Beauty according to you is?
MIA:  Subjective only the heart matters.

TINA:  What’s in your purse?
MIA:  Hand phone, lips balm, lip stick, hand cream, pen, notebook, credit card, wallet, keys, ID card, commutation pass-case and chocolates.

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
MIA:  computer and internet.

TINA:  If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
MIA:  What a difficult question… I'm not obsessed with celebrities. But if I have to choose, well I am going for Jaejoong. He seems interesting with his 4D character. And my sister always says that him and I will clash really good together. Because we are two klutzy people who have more or less some common interests. So Jaejoong.

TINA:  I am obsessed with______ fill it?
MIA:  Corn. My mother said it was the result of her eating only corns when she was expecting me.

TINA:  I am Passionate about____________ ?
MIA:  Books and writing.

TINA:  Motto in life:
MIA:  Keep your spirits up and do not do to others what you would not done to you.

TINA:  If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
MIA:  My laptop of course with a generator that can be used forever. And a pillow. I can't sleep without my favorite pillow.

TINA:  Proudest moment ever?
VMIA:  Having my driver license. For someone who scared of driving, it was the best day of my life. And in your face to those who didn't believe in me.

TINA:  One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
MIA:  Laughing. I will laugh. Because it's something you don't expect to see one day in your life. But I will invite them to have some tea time with me.

TINA:  If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
MIA:  The diary of an old lady confine in a young body!!!! People say I behave and talk like an elderly person despite my young age.

TINA:  Goal in life:
MIA:  Driving without anyone fearing a car accident every time they sit with me as the driver.

TINA:  How do you describe yourself?
MIA:  A clumsy klutz girl who walks straight into walls. I don't count how many time I have bruises on my shoulders when I pass through a door. Yeah I knock the door frame with my shoulder, left or right. I even cut my forehead by passing under a sign. I even twisted my right ankle because I didn't see the curbside. No wonder no one want to enter a car with me sitting on the driver seat.

TINA:Lastly feel free to include anything else u wants us to know..
MIA:  Well, I think it's all about me apart I am a vanilla ice-cream freak and a strawberry freak.



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Chapter 3: Love to know her in a person. She's one of the best yunjae author <3 I love all of her works. They're so amazing. Thanks for the interview dear ^^
syafiz #2
I really love kiramia works and stories.. it is awesome and I'm happy to know more about her.. keep writing yunjae authornim.. you are tge best :-)
It's amazing hownu put the story together
Like i can feel their feeling
Their happiness, theri sadness
Wish the best for both of them
ranmaiz #4
Chapter 3: Love all her stories especially other halves, love whispers and survive you until a sunny day. Wish she can updates these soon.
Chapter 2: I really love her stories..love whisper especially..
It's makes me feel warm inside..
Chapter 3: Jaejae is always cute since 1986 (≧∇≦)b
loveyunjae4ever #7
Chapter 2: Im relieve when she say she wont delete her account!thank you!
Chapter 2: I
Aaahhhh finallyyyy~~~~ my favorite authoooor <3<3<3