TINA:  How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
MIA: After one year of reading Yunjae fanfics when I ran out of interesting books. So, more than 3 years ago.

TINA:  What made you to sit down and actually write something?
MIA: Truth be told, I write since I was ten. I discovered I have some talent in writing in elementary school with a made up fairytale my friends and I wrote for a homework. And since then it was for my own satisfaction. But talking about fanfics, mostly a Yunjae story, it's because I was fed up of reading the same plot, not that I think those authors aren't inventive. I did enjoy their stories. But, most of the time, Jaejoong was always the , a ty one and a cheater. He was always the one character who incarnates the evil side. I thought, what kind of image they have of him?! Is it because he is too pretty for a man that behind his beauty there must be something bad? Is it that perfection doesn't exist? That's why he can only be a twisted man behind his beauty!? That's why I want to portray him with a good image, the one I have of him. Someone kind, cute and a bit sly if he can. But mostly, because I was watching the American series Ghost whisperer at that time. And I am a fan of that series. I want a Yunjae story with something similar. That's why I first wrote Love Whispers, my first fanfic.

TINA:  What is the first fanfic you completed?
MIA: All my chaptered stories are still ongoing. So, the only completed are those I call one-shot. But, I did say that if I have inspiration, I will write an additional chapter. But in term of my first fic I completed, I will surely say the series of Code Name, with the code name Choikang Changmin being the first to be completed.

TINA:  How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
MIA: My first fanfic story is Love Whispers. And I answered this question in the question before. Ghost whisperer.

TINA:  Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
MIA: I did answer this in the question above. It's surely by force of habit. I studies biological engineering. So when you said how and when, I have to expose everything. You don't give results without telling why you get there. Right? So, yeah, my first experience was when I was ten years old. I wrote a story of fairytale with friends for our homework and we got the best mark for that. We were super duper happy at that time. But, I am the only one who continued to write until I crossed the path of Dong Bang Shin Ki and threw myself in the wonderland of Yunjae, then became myself one of those authors of Yunjae fan-fictions.

TINA:  Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
MIA: Yes, a lot. As a perfectionist, I want to do good and end up myself worrying about trivial details that none of my readers would think about.

TINA:  How did you promote your fanfic to readers?
MIA: I don't really promote them. I did put the link for Love Whispers when I wrote The Jung Family Show for those who would love to read another story of mine. I talk mostly about them in my note at the bottom of every chapter when I can't update any of my other stories, apologizing more often for the long wait.

TINA:  Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
MIA: Always. The perfectionist in me always worry about everything. So, when I finally decide to update a story after a long process of debating with myself, I just hope that people will like it. And it makes me smile and happy when I get good response from my readers. But, now I learned to be more collected and I'm trying to come around with the thought that if people don't like it, there's always others who will appreciate it.

TINA:  Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
MIA: The first comment I received was for Love Whispers. I do feel doing promotion for that story right now. But, it's my first fanfic and mostly the first of my writings I shared with many people. So, It's my baby. And I was happy to read my first comment. The following comments were all good too. Someone even asked me to update faster. It made me laugh at that time. Not in a bad way of course. As from who, I can't remember as it was a long time ago, three years and more.

TINA:  How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
MIA: There's no preparation. I just sit in front of my computer with soft drink and snacks, then I write what is in my mind. It can be a sketch of storyline or a draft of characters. Everything. And with what I have, I make it into a story.

TINA:  Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
MIA: For all my chaptered stories I need to put everything in papers or in files in my computer. There's so much characters and information about them. So, I need support. I need to know who is who and what link they have with others. I have to do that or else I am at lost for later. But sometimes, I let my inspiration take over and of course I correct a thing or two in order not to change the initial storyline too much.

TINA:  When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
MIA: I can say that everything I see or hear can be an inspiration. Like my first Yunjae story, Love Whispers. That story like I said is a version of the series Ghost Whisperer. My other story, Other Halves was inspired by a Japanese manga. The series of Code Name was written because I was watching the show the return of superman and of course by the antic behavior of my nephews. Yeah, everything can turn into a story. But, I make sure that my writing is not a plagiary. I keep a few ideas and I develop a few others. In my story Love whispers, the only thing which is common with the TV series is that Jaejoong can see, hear and communicate with ghosts like the main character in the TV show. And for Other Halves, I just kept the idea of Supplier and Receiver. And I turned the story in another direction. However, I did put the reference in the foreword. Like that, readers and I, we're clear with each other.

TINA:  What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
MIA: The weirdest place… There's none if I'm not wrong.

TINA:  How much research do you do for your story?
MIA: A lot. Too much I think.

TINA:  What is the easiest part of writing?
MIA: There's no part which is easier to write than others. For me, everything is hard. Because I want something good and realistic. So, I need to mix the fiction with the reality. And one of my readers had left a comment saying that after reading my chapters, she feels like what I wrote is real.

TINA:  What is the hardest part of writing a story?
MIA: The hardest part… everything about ! I read some authors saying that writing scene is the easiest for them. But, for me, I find it hard. Really hard. There aren't so much words to describe a scene. And we all know how two people make love. They, we, do the same thing all over again. And how much you do it, it's the same. So, I always fear to always use the same description. I know, there's no other way to write that. But, yeah, I always find myself standing by the side of a cliff, holding my breath and just let myself fall hard from there. Great image, right? Well, this is how hard it is for me when I have to write that kind of scene.

TINA:  The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.
When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
MIA: I'm having that writer's block about one of my story. And I don't want to force things. So, I just put what I think is good on the next chapter. But, I think I will be able to have something to give to my readers soon. I just hope it will be good. I won't know until my readers let a comment. So for now, I apologize for not updating much about Other Halves.

TINA:  Any useful tips on how to overcome the writer’s block?
MIA: I think it's personal. It depends on each person. But, for me, I just have to continue to write whatever is in my mind in order to still have the desire to write. Even if it's nonsense. Because sometimes, those nonsense can be a good inspiration.

TINA:  Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
MIA: I never did any kind of collaboration with another author.

TINA:  How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
MIA: My writing style is more of a narrative writing. Every story is narrated in the third person as if all my readers are that person and live every moment as if they were a spectator. Like watching a TV drama. Of course, my writing is also descriptive as I want to describe all my characters' emotions, what they're feeling, what they're thinking. I don't know if I have my own writing style, but when some readers left a comment saying that they like my writing style. Or, what I wrote made them feel for the characters. And when they said that they cried or felt like they have this impression of watching a TV series more than reading... Well, I do have my own personal writing style as I was able to make them feel things I wanted them to feel. I am not a failure as a writer after all.

TINA:  How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
MIA: If I look through all my stories, Yunjae fanfics included, I think I'm better than before. When I started writing Love Whispers, which is a supernatural story, I never thought of capable of making this intricate story where you can find everything. More I write the story, more I find myself crazy. And I never notice the change in my way of writing. But one of my readers told me that when she read my last chapters, she feels that I am more confident in my writing and that I find my own rhythm. And it seems that I am more used of the english language as my writing is more flowing than before. When you read something like that, you can only be happy.

TINA:  How important are readers and their comments?
MIA: Much more than you think. They are what you're still writing or the cause of you stopping writing. For the good part of their comments, you have the feeling that you didn't waste your time in something others would think of nonsense compared to studying.

TINA:  I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..Any words for silent readers?
MIA: I won't blame them for not saying anything. I, too, sometimes don't leave comments. And it's better not to write bad comments than to discourage the author who try her/his best to make a story. Yeah, sometimes, the story we read is not in our liking and as respectful you are, you don't say to the author what he/she has to do in his/her story. It's one of the rules being a reader in the fandom. If you're not satisfied, well, there's only one thing to do, write your own story for your own satisfaction.

TINA:  Do you read other yunjae fanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
MIA: Yes, I read other Yunjae fanfics. There're so many. The first story I read was 'Damaged', initiated by my sister. People said it's the best fanfic they read. For me the other fanfic from the same author which is the 'Expectations' series is way better. My opinion. So don't blame me for saying it. But those fanfics which I will never be tired of reading is the series of 'Clair de Lune' and 'It had to be you'. They will stay in my mind for a long time.

TINA:  Are you friends with any other author’s?
MIA: I am. But, this kind of friendship isn't the same as the friendship you have with your childhood friends. Because, we all don't live in the same space and we reach each other through something in common. Yunjae here. And it's refreshing.

TINA:  How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
MIA: I don't make my stories standout. Because what I write is before all for my personal satisfaction. As a bookworm, you read a lot and you always want something good to read. So, if what I write is appealing to someone else than myself then I am more happy than not. And, after that, I just want my readers and the new ones to enjoy what I write in the near future. However, I do think that all my stories are not the usual stories readers read. So that's why they have their own little success.

TINA:  Has anyone stole your story and published under their name?
MIA: As I know not yet. But if you see one of my stories somewhere with another author name, do tell me.

TINA:  Thoughts on others stealing your work?
MIA: Bad, really bad. Taking praises for the hard work of someone else is really deceitful.

TINA:  How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
MIA: With difficulty nowadays, with exams and all. Before I managed to update every week. Because I had a few chapters ready. But, with real life, running between classes, friends and family, and of course your own private life, I could not write like before and I was running out of chapters already written. So now, if I have a chapter ready, I update any day but mostly at night. I still favor week-end if I can.

TINA:  Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
MIA: There's no favorite time only when I have inspiration. So, when I have free time and I could write something, I do that.

TINA:  Your favorite genre to write?
MIA: I can say supernatural and fantasy genre.


TINA:  What are the thoughts and  inspiration behind the fanfic series “CODE NAME”?
MIA: I was thinking of a story of Changmin with his own family one day when I was watching the Return of Superman show. After that I said to myself why only Changmin not others. And I wrote Yoochun then Junsu. And for Yunho and Jaejoong, I can't make them having wife and children. Because, for me and I think for a lot of people, they can only be together. So, that's why the Code Name Yunjae.

TINA:  Few words on the one shot “THE ART OF DATING LIKE A DRAMA SERIES”?
MIA: This one-shot or drabble was inspired by a video I saw one day on youtube. And it was easy to imagine Jaejoong dreaming of the perfect relationship with Yunho like the perfect picture we get from drama series. But, in real life things aren't the same.

TINA:  Still writing or have you stopped now?
MIA: I'm still writing even if I am busy with the end of the school years.

TINA:  Any future yunjae fanfics you are working on?
MIA: I have more than three other stories with a few chapters already written. I won't say much just that I want to have more chapters or finish them before posting the stories one day. It will be better than the situation I am right now with my ongoing stories.

All ABOUT ....

TINA:  Tells us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae? Ex. , cheating, home wrecker etc.
MIA: Maybe it's just fiction and it will cause no harm to anyone. Or we just love the forbidden when it comes to Yunjae.

TINA:  How difficult or easy is writing ?
MIA: I did said it before. Hard. Really hard.

TINA:  Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing ?
MIA: Both. It's an exercise of style which is hard for me.

TINA:  How do you write the scene? What is the inspiration?
MIA: How… I don't think much just writing it. Of course not without any information. Well, the only experience I have is my own relationship. A heteroual relationship. And I can't picture myself sitting across of my boyfriend and ask him what he fells when I do this and that to him. So, I read a few boyxboy's novels to know what to write. Do you know the novel Only the ring knows by Satoru Kannagi? It's a good one. I recommend the book to you. There're five books of the story, but not really cheap. There's Esu by Saki Aida, four books, a story of a police officer and a member of a Japanese mafia. And the plus is that those books, most of them, are illustrated by our favorite mangakas. Well if someone want to read them, you can leave me a private message and I will send you the link where to read them. Well, of course with the hope that the link is still working.

TINA:  Have you ever watched GV(gay videos) before writing a scene?
MIA: No, never. Only seen those acts through mangas.

TINA:  Has any family member or friends have ever walked on you while writing a scene?
MIA: No. They just walked on me while I was trying to mimic my protagonists in conversation before writing it down. Really bad. A good laugh and some tease from them. But after that they let me alone for a while. However, the teasing continues the next days until they are bored.

TINA:  Thoughts after writing your first ever scene?
MIA: My first word after that was "done". And I thought that it would be good if I never wrote it again. But, no I did write more and every time I am not used to that exercise of style.

TINA:  What is the secret of writing a scene that turns on your readers?
MIA: I don't know. But, if the readers left comments saying it was hot and they felt something funny in their stomach while reading it, you did well.

TINA:  It is so heart breaking when u see your favorite authors deleting their journals or accounts, taking away the chance to reread some of your favorite stories..and having those wonderful stories lost..Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
MIA: I won't do that. I will surely stop writing one day. Maybe not, I don't know. But, being frustrated myself for not able to read some stories people recommended me, I feel sorry for not only me but those who just discovered Yunjae. So, I won't delete my account.

TINA:  Any words for the readers?
MIA: Thank you for your kind words and mostly following my stories. I hope to be able to give you good stories in the future.



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Chapter 3: Love to know her in a person. She's one of the best yunjae author <3 I love all of her works. They're so amazing. Thanks for the interview dear ^^
syafiz #2
I really love kiramia works and stories.. it is awesome and I'm happy to know more about her.. keep writing yunjae authornim.. you are tge best :-)
It's amazing hownu put the story together
Like i can feel their feeling
Their happiness, theri sadness
Wish the best for both of them
ranmaiz #4
Chapter 3: Love all her stories especially other halves, love whispers and survive you until a sunny day. Wish she can updates these soon.
Chapter 2: I really love her stories..love whisper especially..
It's makes me feel warm inside..
Chapter 3: Jaejae is always cute since 1986 (≧∇≦)b
loveyunjae4ever #7
Chapter 2: Im relieve when she say she wont delete her account!thank you!
Chapter 2: I
Aaahhhh finallyyyy~~~~ my favorite authoooor <3<3<3