Chapter four

Venefica (On hold)
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He walked into the tunnel that leads to the house. It was a familiar route, but he didn't like that he had to go there only because something went wrong.

The wards didn't reject him anymore. The entrance of the house is dark and lit with candles, like the ever cliché of a vampire house. The guards looked at him, but they didn't stop him, they have probably been told that he was coming. The entrance ended with a huge ancient door, he knocked twice, and then someone opened the door for him.

"Come in, sir." The vampire said politely, no lowly vampire was allowed to speak to him with disrespect. Even if it wasn't his nest.

 He walked in, seeing the nest members sitting in the living area, discussing something. They didn't react to his presence, he came here often. That means that things go wrong more often than not. His patience was running thin.

But he told himself that he would be getting what he wanted in the end.

He saw the familiar staircase, and then climbed it without someone to guide him. He knocked on the door that he was heading to. The door creaked open and the person he had wanted to see greeted him.

"Welcome back, Jungha." Kangbyun's ever amused voice greeted him. "Don't joke around. I know that you have messed up yet another mission." He said, sounding almost as angry as he felt.

"Calm down, partner. It was Hakyeon and his nest." Kangbyun explained.

Jungha didn't try to say anything, and just thought for a moment. Cha Hakyeon has been on their case for centuries. He was the leader of the next town's nest. He was very old, probably older than Kangbyun himself; he also hated Kangbyun very much.

The two had business in the past, but then Hakyeon decided that he hated killing people. He was trying to be a 'good' vampire and brought his nest to be good like him. They used feeders to get enough blood.

Hakyeon knew about Kangbyun's dirty deals, so he refused to work with him anymore. Their relationship was neutral at that time. None of them tried to stop the other, they just had different opinions.

Everything has changed when Kangbyun killed one of Hakyeon's feeders.

He wasn't just a feeder. He was Hakyeon's personal feeder, his favorite. Some even said that they were best friends.

Kangbyun had a deal with a nest. The deal was to get the nest leader's run-away feeder. That human managed to escape and he was close to Kangbyun's territory, so he was asked to get him.

The escaped feeder was found in Hakyeon's territory. Kangbyun went himself to get the feeder. He couldn't risk losing any of s to Hakyeon's wrath if he knew that violent actions against human were taking place in his territory.

Kangbyun thought that he was a disgrace to vampires with his soft heart and his sympathy towards humans.

He found the feeder easily, but he wasn't alone. He was with another human and that human seemed to be helping him. Kangbyun watched for a while until he decided to creep on them and not waste anymore time.

The other human seemed to be a feeder as well. He had bite marks on his neck and his smell was a mix of human and vampire.

"Didn't your master tell you that you shouldn't stay out after dark? There are many evil creatures out there and a fragile thing like you wouldn't stand a chance." Kangbyun mocked.

The human looked at Kangbyun in alarm and tried to shield the feeder away from him. "This isn't your territory. You are not allowed to hunt here." The human said bravely.

"I'm not hunting. I'm merely here to take what's mine." Kangbyun said, amused with the little human's confidence. "I will not allow you. He is hurt!" The human protested. Kangbyun didn't have time for this.

The human didn't expect it when Kangbyun tore his arm into his chest and tore his heart out. He threw the heat and the body away carelessly, focusing his attention on the feeder. He looked at Kangbyun, terrified. He didn't look like he could move even if he wanted to.

"You should know better than waste my time." Kangbyun had said, before taking the feeder and running with great speed back to his house.

When Hakyeon knew, he was furious. He broke into Kangbyun's territory and killed one of his vampires, leaving a note with the body that said if Kangbyun tried to mess with him again, he would be killed the same way. Kangbyun knew better than to turn Hakyeon's whole nest against him.

The two became enemies ever since.

Jungha went back to reality.

"I didn't know that Hakyeon scared you." Jungha looked at Kangbyun, trying to provoke him. "Oh, my dear Jungha, I'm not scared," Kangbyun explained, "I just don't want unnecessary drama. You know that Hakyeon likes to put a show on." Kangbyun didn't waver. He was truly amazing at keeping his cool. He had centuries of practice, after all.

"So, another plan of yours has failed. I cannot take anymore of this, and you refuse to tell me what you are thinking." Jungha tried to keep his composure like the vampire standing in front of him.

"I was actually thinking of going with your plan this time." Kangbyun smiled. "Which plan?"

"We are going to need that boy you told me about."

"The boy? But he is not well trained. He isn't ready." Jungha exclaimed. This was getting ridiculous. "Don't worry. We will give him extra training and he will be ready in no time." Jungha still didn't look convinced.

"Just trust me."

And Jungha refrained from telling him that he already did, and was let down more than once.

After they had finished talking, Jungha got out of the house and into the chilly night air. He went back to his nest. "Kangbyun failed yet again?" One on Jungha's children told him sympathetically. "It's not like it's a surprise." Jungha sighed deeply.

 "You know that I don't like this, but I trust you." Jungha appreciated that trust. He needed to feel strong. His nest members being on his side made him strong.

He didn't want to disappoint them. He went and told them what had happened with Kangbyun. They weren't pleased, but they didn't object his decision.

Part of him believed that they were afraid to rebel against him, so they don't end up like Hongbin. However, he's going to take it.

He sighed again. He had really hoped that Kangbyun knew what he was doing. 


"What do you mean? You know?" Hongbin asked, surprised. "They wouldn't chase after you just because you went rouge." Zendya told him. He wanted to ask her how she knew that, but he figured that it wasn't that subtle.

"Then, why?" H asked her.

"They have seen you with Raehee." Zendya said. Raehee snapped her head quickly at the mention of her name, and then winced in pain. "What does any of this has to do with me?" She asked, she didn't want to be accused of anything she didn't do.

"I don't see how she had anything to do with this, either." Hongbin said quietly.

"I'm afraid I can't explain anything right now. It's too dangerous." Zendya looked away. "What do you mean? I've already been in danger if you haven't noticed." Hongbin snapped at her, he looked very angry.

"I've been chased by a group of vampires, not just one. They've attacked me. They've stuck a wooden pole in my gut and they almost drained me! I believe that is considered 'too dangerous'" If he hadn't already known that Zendya was too powerful, he would have attacked her.

"I understand your anger, but you must stay calm so we can figure this out." Zendya didn't lose her temper, like she was expecting this. "I don't think this is fair, Zendya. I have to know what I did to cause this. I don't want anybody else to get killed because of me. Even if it was a vampire." Raehee said. She didn't want to go down that road. Not here, not now.

Minsung looked troubled by the exchange between the three, but she didn't say anything. "I still can't tell you. You can't face this kind of danger right now. You aren't strong enough."

"Not strong enough?" Hongbin laughed, humorlessly "I would have ended them, if they hadn't had that witch."

"Exactly," Zendya said, "there is no guarantee that they won't use a witch, again. I might not be able to save you next time. Do you want that?" She looked pleased with herself.

Hongbin just huffed and looked away. She won the fight.

"What is going to happen, then?" Raehee asked.

"I would suggest that Hongbin finds a place to stay, it must be well warded. I can manage that. And you, Raehee, you must not go out in the dark." Zendya told them. "You must also be trained. You have to potential to be a great witch. I would be glad to help you with that."
Raehee couldn't believe it. She would be trained by such a powerful witch; it was such an honor for her.

"Why are you doing this?" Hongbin asked, suspiciously. "Can I really trust a witch that could easily kill me?"

"I can't prove anything to you, you just have to decide yourself if you choose to trust me, or not." Zendya smiled knowingly. Hongbin looked a bit aware, but then sighed and mumbled. "I have no choice, do I?"

"Raehee, we will meet again soon to start your training, I will visit you soon enough. I will bring your potion, too." With that Zendya looked at them, smiling, and then went to the back room. Raehee was sure that she didn't have to give Zendya her address.

"Well, that was interesting." Minsung said, cutting the silence. "But Raehee we will be like classmates." Minsung joked. At least someone was excited.

"Raehee, I know you're probably worried, but don't worry. Zendya is strong enough." Minsung told her, when Raehee wasn't replying. "Don't think about too much."

"I guess. I think I will see you soon, Minsung. I have to go now." Raehee said as friendly as she cou

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MahmoudMohamedOtman #1
Amazing story
Continue maybe you will be famous