Chapter two

Venefica (On hold)
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In the 1650s life was hard for poor people, they had to work in farms to please the rich, and they didn't have enough to eat, wear decent clothes, or even live in proper houses. They died everyday for various reasons, but no one cared. They weren't that important.

Hongbin was lucky, though. He was born in an obscene family; they owned farms, huge business, and everything one could have in the 17th century.

Unfortunately, with fortune, came cruelty. Hongbin wasn't the nicest. How could he? His whole family treated everyone below them with great distaste; they treated the people who worked for them even worse.

He was a bright twenty-two year old man, handsome, tall, and smart. He was studying medicine, and his family couldn't be any more proud. He had good manners, so he was the living fantasy of every girl out there, and he took good advantage of that.

His parents wanted him to get married, so they arranged a marriage for him. He was happy with their choice, it was a pretty girl, comes from a good family, and with a nice personality, too. His life was close to perfect.

One day he decided to visit one of the many farms his family owned, it had close to fifty workers there. Hongbin knew how miserable it was for them, but he just didn't care, he always grew up thinking of them as his slaves.

Cruel indeed.

He always wanted them to be below him, so he didn't like it when one of them appeared to be handsome, or somehow smart. If one of them did, it would be a shame. For them.

There was always this one worker who infuriated Hongbin to no end. He was taller than Hongbin, and he was good looking, too. And Hongbin was always the jealous type.

He couldn't do anything to him, without his parents' permission. So he just gave him more, and more work. It kind of satisfied him.

He wasn't satisfied for long, though.

Discovering that your fiancé had an affair was one thing, but an affair with a poor, dirty worker was one thing completely.

Hongbin knew that he didn't love his fiancé, and he knew she didn't love him, either. But their marriage was convenient, it pleased their parents, and they didn't hate each other. It was a win-win situation.

But Hongbin was possessive. And he didn't like this at all.

So he acted without his parents' permission.

Nobody cared if a mere worker was killed. Nobody cared even less if he was killed by an upper-classman. And upper-classman he worked for.

And with fortune, came cruelty.

People back then never believed that their actions had consequences. But there was. Bad ones.

Vampires were always a famous myth, but if you tell someone that you met one of them, you would be a laughing stock. Hongbin didn't have a chance to tell anyone, though.

He had just came from his night classes, they were extra classes, not that he needed them, but he had to be the best of them all. He was arrogant like that. He walked to his house calmly, there wasn't many people outside, as it was winter, but he preferred this quietness, to the hectic mornings.

The air was chilly, so he hugged his coat closer to his body. He regretted not taking his car.

Hongbin noticed a shadow, passing quickly in front of him. He stopped short, looked around, found nothing, and then continued his way to his home.

The air was suddenly knocked out of him, and he was pressed against a wall in a dirty alleyway violently. He couldn't scream, as the person? Thing? Had an iron grip around his throat.

"We meet again, master." The voice chuckled darkly.

Hongbin's eyes widened, it was—it was..

"I'm sure we have never met properly, you never bothered learning your slaves' names. But here we are having a nice, cozy, friendly chat." He said mockingly, "my name's Jungha."

Hongbin was speechless. His mind wasn't functioning.

"H-how-? I remember you---" He was cut off. "You remember sending someone to kill me, isn't that what you want to say?"

"Well, fortunately, or unfortunately for you, I was found by a kind vampire, and was saved in time." The thing explained. "B-but vampires aren't real." Honbing couldn't believe anything.

"Then how do you explain this?" He gestured to himself. "Anyway, it doesn't matter, what matters now is my revenge." The thing bared his fangs, and Hongbin shook so hard.

"Please don't kill me." Hongbin's whole body was covered in a thick layer of sweat, and he was on the verge of tears.

"Oh no, Hongbin. –I can call you Hongbin of course- I won't kill you, it would be too kind." He –it?—smiled dangerously. "I would make you suffer just like me; I'm going to make you regret your cruelty for the rest of eternity. You'd beg for death but you won't have it."

He looked into Hongbin's eyes, and Hongbin felt numb. "Allow me to bite you." The vampire told him, and he felt like his body wasn't obeying him anymore. He nodded quietly. 

Then, the vampire lowered his head to Hongbin's neck, and bit down sharply. Freeing Hongbin from the glamour because he wanted him to feel the pain, every single bit of it.

Honbing hissed and struggled so hard. He kicked at air, and tried to push the vampire off of him, but he couldn't, he was so weak. He was always so weak.

The vampire's noises unnerved Hongbin, and terrified him to no end. He felt dizzy with blood loss, his heart started beating slowly, and black spots entered his vision. His struggles died, he felt exhausted, but just as he was about to faint, the vampire released him.

The vampire held his wrist out for Hongbin, and ordered him to drink. Hongbin was helpless, and couldn't refuse. Then he finally fainted.


Waking up dead seems like an ironic thing.

But it happened to Hongbin, he woke up very much dead. It seemed that his 'maker' left him before he woke up. Of course he did, why would he stay with him? He ruined his life –literally- then left him to endure it.
Hongbin wasn't used to doing anything by himself. Living as an upper-classman allowed him to have a spoiled life; he never cooked for himself, or did anything to survive on his own. He had servants for that.

So being a vampire on his own like this was a challenge. He was aware that he couldn't go back to his family; he would like them to think that he's dead. It would be a shame, if someone knew what he became.

It took a while for him to get used to his powers. His new heightened senses. He could hear everything, see everything more clearly, and he was super fast. Hunting, though, was kind of hard for him.

His powers helped him to hunt more comfortably, he could hear his prey's heartbeat, breathing. Could smell their blood, their fear. It was disturbing but it kept him well-fed.

And he killed humans. It wasn't something uncommon for him before, but he never did it with his own hands. Killing humans, and seeing their fright, hearing their heartbeat fade was somehow thrilling.

Cruelty never left him, even as a vampire.

He remembered his first victim. He was one of the nobles; Hongbin was so arrogant that he thought he only deserved noble blood on his system.

The human was very drunk; he was swaying in the streets, with a very lovely lady in his arms. They were laughing, and talking. Oh, what a beautiful sight. He would have to ruin it, unfortunately.

Hongbin did everything confidently, even if he was nervous.

Like right now. He was so nervous, it was his first hunt after all, but he was driven by a force that made him braver. Driven by hunger.

It wasn't like human hunger. It felt like a tug, like a very strong pull at the back of his throat. He also, couldn't ignore it like human hunger. And he didn't wish to.

He used his slick and fast moves to creep up on the humans.

"Hi." He said loud enough to be hears, smiling sweetly.

"Can I help you?" The woman spoke, it looked like the man couldn't speak due to current alcohol intoxication.

He could sense the doubt in the woman's eyes. She was sure that no one was near them a second ago. She couldn't tell that he was anything but human, who believes in super

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MahmoudMohamedOtman #1
Amazing story
Continue maybe you will be famous