
1 Street Away

Sometimes, some things in life just don't happen the way you want (or expect) it to. Be it studying hard for the year end exam but scoring a 49/100, or helping someone in need and getting chided in the end, some things just don't go the way you'd like it to. 

Or in Sana's case...

Having pills scattering across her floor when the person she most did not want to know about her case was standing right at her doorstep. Sana desperately gathered the pills in her two sweaty palms, only to realise that the bottle storing the pills was shattered.

"Hey Sana! You okay in there? I heard a ---"

"Yes! Yes I'm okay! Just give me one second!"

She tried getting up to grab an empty bottle from the drawer but then, like a baseball bat hitting the back of her knee, she lost her balance and toppled to the ground, and in the midst of it dropping all the pills to the ground once again. That feeling was excruciating - the last time she experienced that kind of pain was seven years ago, before her chemotherapy. 

Dahyun was worried as heck when she heard yet another crashing sound and Sana not opening the door after 32976 minutes. This time, she knocked on the door harder.

Still no response.

She tried turning the door knob.

The door was not locked.

And so Dahyun barged into her apartment and was greeted by a scene that she did not expect to see at all. I mean, who would walk through someone's door expecting a girl leaning against the wall, hugging her knee tightly, and a few blue pills filling up the kitchen floor?

"Sana... what... what happened? Are you okay?"

Sana was not crying though; she seemed lost instead.

Sana looked into Dahyun's eyes and tears were already welling up in her eyes. She was scared of telling her the truth about all of this. She was scared of letting another person know that she probably isn't that okay afterall. She was scared of ---


White walls

Smell of detergent

Hard beds

Tasteless Meals


IV drips




Dahyun was not one to press her for an answer either. If anything, Dahyun is one heck of a great reader. (reading people, i mean) She knew very well that at a time like this, pressing Sana for a reply would definitely be the worst thing she could do. So she didn't. Instead, she bent forward to meet Sana at eye level,  and gently caressed her face using both her hands. Her thumb glided over Sana's cheek bones to wipe away any stray tear lingering on her face.

"Let me help you up okay?"

It's okay to forgo dinner once in a while.


One day, you'll be able to find someone that is able to make you feel happy just by seeing them smile. Those tears shed alone will no longer seem as lonely. That someone will be able to hug you till all your broken pieces stick back together; no, that hug reassures you that those pieces will never come apart ever again. In this world, many cruel things happen to us, and and it is indeed hard to go through it alone without anyone by your side. Sana did have Chaeyoung for a while, but after Chaeyoung is gone, she's left all alone to fight against her own problem. Until she met Dahyun. She was that one person that was different from the rest. 

Maybe all of Sana's lonely days, sleepless nights, dreadful mornings, were waiting up for that moment when she met Dahyun. As she lay in Dahyun's arms, the feeling was unexplainable. Yes, Sana did have relationships in the past. Hugs were a norm. Yet her hugs felt different. Dahyun albeit her small figure, gave her a sense of protection and reassurance that shouts "everything will turn out fine". Her heart was beating fast, because this was a new feeling to Sana. She had never thought someone could have such an impact on her. 

Sana let herself sink into Dahyun's arms, feeling a level of comfort she never found in her previous relationships.

The nights spent in the hospital, laying lifelessly on the bed in her ward, traumatised her for the past seven years. But when she was in her arms, these awful experience somehow doesn't exist anymore. At that time when her mobility was about to get ripped away from her, people didn't love her nor stay by her side, and neither was she capable of loving anyone else. In this selfish world, what point was there in caring for someone so weak from chemotherapy if they are in no way related to you? People come and go, you see. But when you find that someone, all these distasteful experiences and afflictive times seem to be a distant memory, ceasing to exist. When you look at that person in the eye, everything seems calm, peaceful, collected. It's at this point that your life takes a 180 degree change. Because this someone that you love so much - and loves you so much - will be all that matters. 

And nothing will be able to separate the both of you.



Or is it?



A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been 2 months since I last updated this and I am really sorry for that :( but my holidays just started so I hope I'll be able to find more time to update this! Thank you for waiting patiently too hehe, and sorry for this short chapter (cos of the long paragraphs WEW) 


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hello! bliss here! i'm really sorry as i might not be able to update as often because of school, but i'll try to update as often as possible
if you have any questions/suggestions etc. that you want to tell me, you can find me @teudungie on twitter or curiouscat! thanks for subscribing!!! <3


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Chapter 3: Subscribed!!
fluffypomu #2
Chapter 2: oohhh good one~
Chapter 2: Dubu! Mend Sana from being clumsy please.. XD
Allystae #4
Chapter 2: Ohhh hopefully Sana's fine :/
Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 1: ABOUT WHAT-
great job, you're a really good writer:)
yunchan4846 #6
Chapter 1: omg don't worry too much authornim cuz your story is really beautiful and well written :')
not every love stories start with an happy opening so I really want to see their development after this even Dahyun knew about Sana's condition, just take your time and tysm for writing this *heart*
522 streak #7
Chapter 1: "But you cannot know about this" woah another mystery eh? We'll have to wait until that part of the story unfolds :) Bliss-ssi, amazing first chapter and I have a hunch that you're a musician :D "see" you soon ^^
Chapter 1: "Sometimes even thrice" I see what you did there LOL