
1 Street Away

"What about you Dahyun? Do you have any... interesting stories to tell me?" Sana asked, bopping her head to her side as if expecting her to say something unexpected.

Well, Dahyun just let her expectations down. 

"Nahhh not really. My childhood was pretty boring. Piano, singing, guitar... You know, the usual stuffs. Basically I just grew up with music!"

What did Sana expect anyways? Another cancer survivor? Certainly not. But she still seemed despondent with Dahyun's short reply. She needed a reason to stay with Dahyun a little longer. 

"Wow, you're really talented... Where's your guitar though?" She's trying - by all means - to keep the conversation going.

"Well... long story..."

Long story? Yes please.

Dahyun cleared like she was about to give a Campaign Speech. Her eyes drifted to Sana naturally. She spots Sana gazing at her intently. She smiled (they smiled). She falls in love once again.

"Soooo... back in Seongnam, I learnt guitar at this local music school. It's the same place as where I learnt piano. My teacher had this Taylor acoustic guitar that he doesn't use anymore and wants to sell it away at a low price, so of course I would want it. But I'm not exactly the best student; he probably hates me or something. I don't really know. He sold it to my other classmate even when I asked for it first. What a jerk." Dahyun looked up to ensure that Sana was still paying attention; as expected, her eyes were never leaving Dahyun. "Afterwards I never really thought about getting another guitar and just focused on piano. And also dancing. And singing. To be really honest, I want to learn how to draw as well. There's so many things I want to learn but never got the time to do so." She pouted a little and Sana pouted together with her.

She could feel herself melting under Sana's eyes.

"You can learn them together with me."

Wait. What?

Hold up. What?

"Dahyun...? I mean, you can take classes together with me!"

I really don't mind at all but did she really just---

"I don't mind having company during class!"

At this point, Dahyun doesn't know whether she's dreaming, or dreaming. It's basically a dream turning into reality and she just cannot bring herself to believe it. Sana, Minatozaki Sana, initiated that they, she and Kim Dahyun, go for classes - together. Even after spending so much time together, there's still a part of her that always feel nervous whenever Sana is the first to initiate anything, including skinship (even if it's just a hug, it makes Dahyun so, so contented). 

"Yeah... yeah. I mean, of course! I'd love to." 

Now Dahyun finally remembers to check the time. She sees the clock sitting on her table.

3.37 PM.

Oh no, she's late.


As if it isn't already a norm.

"OH NO SANA. I---- I got to go now. I'm really late for my dance class. I'll... uhhh... you can come over again later!"



Sana proceeded back to her apartment after that... sensitive conversation. There wasn't a need for her to stay any longer anyways, and besides, she can pop over to Dahyun's anytime she feels like it. She didn't mind staying longer though, if not for the need for Dahyun to rush to her dance class (Yes, she was late. Just so she can stay a little longer with Sana). 

Sana ascended the stairs up to her apartment. 

There was a delivery at the door step.

Eh? I didn't even order any goods online...

She picked up the package slowly and examined it. It's clearly written "Minatozaki Sana". The package had a tape on it, reading "FRAGILE", was in a rather odd shape; it's small, yet wide. It almost looks like a medici---

Ahhh... it's finally here.



"Sharper! Faster! Stop dancing like a soft and rotten beansprout! Y'all got to have more energy than this!" Dahyun's dance instructor, Minzy, commanded the entire class. It was a pretty tough routine - EXO's Ko Ko Bop - that they were trying to grasp. However this did not mean that Minzy will give them any slack. If anything, she wants them to dance even harder, even sharper, and with even more focus. But the class was already drained from the one and a half hour class; they didn't have any more energy to continue.

"Gosh. You are all hopeless. You are not going to be efficient if you continue. Everyone, dismissed!" Minzy hollered across the dance floor, and everyone abided. No one dared - or even wanted - to stay a second longer. 

Dahyun grabbed her duffel bag and scrambled her way out of the classroom, not because she wanted to avoid Minzy, but because...

She thought that by a small, teeny-weeny chance that Sana might actually come over to her house again (for the second time today). Be it for another piano session, homemade dinner, or even just a casual talk, Dahyun just wanted to be home for her. And thus she began her journey: sprinting down the stairs, the walkway, across the road, then waiting eargerly for bus 920 to reach the bus stop, hopping onto bus 920, travelling on a bumpy road, and finally arriving at the front of her apartment building.

She hurriedly unlocked her door and checked her watch.



Sana climbed out of her bed and checked the time.


Well, that was a good 2 hour nap.

Carefully, she made her way to her kitchen. She opened the fridge; no food at all, only a bottle of mineral water and two chocolate bars. Well, the chocolate bars can be considered as food, but they aren't actually going to fill Sana's stomach up. She intended to cook up a simple meal for herself, perhaps Dahyun too, but--

Dang it. I forgot to replenish food for the week. UGH.

She felt a pang of guilt in her stomach. Whenever Dahyun cooked for herself, she would offer Sana too. Sana just wanted to repay her kindness but well, she could only blame her forgetful self. To be fair, it wasn't entirely HER fault that she forgets things easily...

She turned away from her fridge and looked out the window. And there she was. A dorky, fair-faced girl, wearing her hoodie and black pants, flailing her hands crazily as if she were a wacky inflatable tube man. Sana could not help but giggle. This girl was trying hard to get her attention. 

Dahyun pointed to the kitchen, while holding a spatula. (meaning, "Do you want to come over and have dinner with me?")

Sana folded her arms and lifted her head up high. She shook her head, while a gleeful smile slowly crept across her face. Basically, she's playing hard to get.

Dahyun then threw her spatula into the sink. She sat onto the bench before the piano, her hands gliding up and down the white and black keys gracefully. She turned to look at Sana, tilting her head to the left. (meaning, "Do you want to listen to me play the piano?")

Sana shook her head once again.

Dahyun looked around frantically. She spots a book lying by the corner of the parapet. She picks it up and imitated the way Sana reads, then looks up through the window. (meaning, "What about reading with me? Casual hangouts?")

This time, Sana placed her hands on her hips. Again - and as expected - she shook her head.

Gosh, she's so cute when she is anxious.

Instead, she whipped out her phone and searched for Dahyun's name through her chats. 

SANA: you know, why dont you come over to my house? since you have not been over here.

DAHYUN: omg really?!

They both looked up at the same time and their eyes met. She smiled (they smiled).

SANA: oh! bring along some ingredients! i forgot to stock up on my groceries for the week HAHA i will cook today!!

DAHYUN: sure! give me a 5 mins. i'll be there ASAP!

Sana setted down her phone on the kitchen table and started washing utensils and chopping boards, or anything else needed to cook. That process took about five minutes. She's expecting Dahyun to come by anytime soon.

Sana then turned around to grab some paper towels to dry her hand. It was placed in a rather "strategic" position; in the 2nd compartment of the cabinet above the stove. 

Genius, Minatozaki.

She leaned over the stove and tip-toed to try to reach for the paper towels. But just as she was about to touch it, her wet hands slipped across the marble tabletop and she lost her balance, and came crashing on the floor. Another thing also came crashing (more like shattering) on the floor together with her.

It was the delivery from before.

Blue pills rolled across the floor like how pool balls roll across pool tables when struck. 

There was an excitable, incessant knock on the door.

It was Dahyun.


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hello! bliss here! i'm really sorry as i might not be able to update as often because of school, but i'll try to update as often as possible
if you have any questions/suggestions etc. that you want to tell me, you can find me @teudungie on twitter or curiouscat! thanks for subscribing!!! <3


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Chapter 3: Subscribed!!
fluffypomu #2
Chapter 2: oohhh good one~
Chapter 2: Dubu! Mend Sana from being clumsy please.. XD
Allystae #4
Chapter 2: Ohhh hopefully Sana's fine :/
Thanks for the chapter!
Chapter 1: ABOUT WHAT-
great job, you're a really good writer:)
yunchan4846 #6
Chapter 1: omg don't worry too much authornim cuz your story is really beautiful and well written :')
not every love stories start with an happy opening so I really want to see their development after this even Dahyun knew about Sana's condition, just take your time and tysm for writing this *heart*
522 streak #7
Chapter 1: "But you cannot know about this" woah another mystery eh? We'll have to wait until that part of the story unfolds :) Bliss-ssi, amazing first chapter and I have a hunch that you're a musician :D "see" you soon ^^
Chapter 1: "Sometimes even thrice" I see what you did there LOL