Chapter 1 (official)

Lee Taemin Comes to Town :)


A/N: this first part I've already posted but I'm putting it up again so hopefully I'll have time to post the whole chapter...


"Cold hot baby" I sang along with SHINee on my Ipod and walked over to the cupboard. I reached down and grabbed a small green packet of mini chocolate covered pretzles then pulled it open and started nibbling the chocolate off one side of my first victim. "Cold ice baby" I kept singing on my way back to the couch to work on The Robie House.

"Ding Dong!" the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Ugh! Who the is comming over at..." I paused and checked my phone. "Two in the afternoon on a Saturday?!?!"  I picked up my shih tzu (the dog pronouced as zu), MoMo, and hurried to the front door. Then peeked through the side window.

'OHMYGOD!!!' I thought. 'It's SHINee!!! ok calm down' I paused my Ipod and stuffed it in my pocket.


"Hello?" I opened the door. 'OHMYGOD I just talked to SHINee!!!' I had a mini explosion/party in my head.

"Hey!" Jonghyun said smiling and swinging a bookbag. "I'm Jonghyun!"

"Ummm hey" I said wondering why they were here in the middle of the states. "So why are you here?" 'Awww! Taemin's soooo cute!' I thought noticing him practicly hiding behind Onew who was holding onto a suitcase.

"Oh yeah! I think my mom said something about another student staying here!" I said remembering - and realizing that's why she wanted the house to be so clean. But she said she didn't know who it was. 'Crap! I have to stop mind babling!' I thought notincing them awdwardly watching me. "Come on it!" I said recovering.

"Thanks." Minho said dragging Taemin with him as they came in with Key then Onew and finally Jonghyun who just had to wink as he passed. 'Ugh! What a player! I was really started to get annoyed with him and they haven't even been here a whole 5 minutes!' I thought closing the door behind them and ignoring Jonghyun.



So.. most of these chapters are a page in my notebook.. So on here they look a ton shorter... Hope nobody minds... but Shorter chapters = Faster updates :)

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Chapter 3: please please update !! i wanna noe what happens :D