Lee Taemin Comes to Town :)

Lee Taemin Comes to Town :)

AN: I realized I haven't updated this since sometime last school year... I feel so bad... anyway I don't have my notebook with me but this was already here.. I must've had to go and didn't get to updade it.. I feel sooo sorry~ I'm going to get my notebook and update after I've finished my homework and finished my work for a play (I'm part of stage crew and have been elected to design a poster/shirt/graphic).

And I noticed I don't have any subscribers... But I have 204 views.. so I feel really bad.. If I did have any subscribers I probably lost them b/c I didn't update for so long.. If you were a subcriber please subscribe again~ and if you weren't a subscriber before then please subscribe! It makes me want to write and update more when I get (long) comments and subscribers~ <3

Saranghae!~ <3



"Hello?" I opened the door. 'OHMYGOD I just talked to SHINee!!!' I had a mini explosion in my head.

"Hey!" Jonghyun said smiling and swinging a bookbag. "I'm Jonghyun!"

"Ummm hey" I said wondering why they were here in the middle of the states. "So why are you here?" 'Awww! Taemin's soooo cute!' I thought noticing him practicly hiding behind Onew who was holding onto a suitcase.




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Chapter 3: please please update !! i wanna noe what happens :D