Shop Till You Run?

Promises, Promises, Promises

I love shopping. Like really really love shopping.

I smiled recalling all the times I spent here with Junhyung. I used to be so self conscious and afraid just to step into a store just to buy clothes. I was really afraid everyone would judge me just by looking at the things I bought. Thus, I was never able to bring myself to a store alone. But Junhyung taught me that no one could actually make me feel bad unless I myself let them. So, here I am today all by myself, shopping for my first day at university outfit. But by looking at all the things I bought, I think it'll be more of a first month outfits. Well, I have to make a good first impression!'

'You look beautiful babe!' I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned around thinking that someone was talking to me.

"Really?" A a lady asked stepping out of a dressing room giving the man a kiss. I recall Junhyung saying that to me every single time I tried something on. He really isn't of much help when I'm shopping. He always says the same things.

The man turned his head towards my direction and his gaze fell on me. Oh. My. God. Is that Junhyung? What is he doing? Is that girl supposedly his girlfriend? Is he cheating on me? Was all I could think about as thoughts whirled around furiously in my mind. I stood rooted to the ground blinking back tears of hurt.

He stared back at me before heading towards me stuttering, "Miyoung, its not what you think it is. This was a mistake."

He grabbed my hands and the girl asked, "Junnie, what is happening? Who is this?' Confusion drawn all over her face.

"The mistake I think was ever loving you." I whispered back to him pulling myself out of his grip as tears rolled down my cheeks and I ran out of the shop.

I heard him chase after me and the girl shout out for him.

Don't look back Miyoung. Don't look back. Keep running. Go away from him.

'Listen to me, I didn't mean what I did!" He spun me to face him.

"I'm sorry, I won't do again." He pulled me into a hug. It felt comforting to be in his warm arms again. But not anymore. I struggled out of his hug as I took a few steps back.

"That won't be another time. We lost it Junhyung." I looked into those eyes I used to love falling in love with. I could feel my world crashing as my vision blurred. How I would have loved to pretend like nothing happened and fall into his arms again. But how could I do that after what he did to me?

His body slumped and he looked at me with sad eyes barley even whispering, "I'm sorry Miyoung, give me another chance?"

I turned my back towards him and ran facing the opposite direction leaving my shopping bags behind.

I wanted him to chase me. But he didn't.

I wanted him shout to after me. Be he didn't.

I wanted to pretend like nothing happened. But I couldn't.

I ran and ran. Even when I was feeling breathless, I never stopped. I continued to run, not knowing where I was heading to. I finally ended up at the beach panting with my tounge hanging out my mouth. 

I was tired, tired of running away. Tired of pretending everything was ok. I was tired of being alive.  I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay away from the world forever. 

I sat down on the powder soft sand letting the tears roll down freely on my cheeks as the salty wind blew in my face. I looked out into the green-blue water which looked so inviting. It seemed as if they were inviting me there to drown my sorrows in. I slowly took of my shoes and headed towards the water. I first placed on foot slowly into the sea. It isn't too cold or too warm. It's just nice. I slowly walked into the water till it was covering my chest. Just as I was about to swim, I heard a voice shout at me.

"Don't do anything rash! Suicide is not the option to your problems!" A man shouted as he dived into the water pulling me out.

"Let go of me!" I shouted back as I tried to struggle out of his strong grip.

He ignored my pleas as he dragged me back onto dry land.

"You shouldn't have done something so silly like that. Do you know how precious your life is? You know everyone who loves you will be very sad if you're gone?" He questioned me as he looked at me intently as he explained.

I looked at him and flung my arms around him crying my heart out on his shoulder. He put his arms around me too as he patted my head telling me everything would be alright. How I would have loved to believe him right now when I felt so useless and empty. I could see that he was actually very shocked with my reaction.

I finally updated :) Thanks for subscribing! And do comment too :D

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WhiteAngelG #1
I want to know what happens!!!!
I cried so hard on the second chapter. I cried just as hard on the "I told you I wanna die" MV. T_T Update Soon!! I love this story~