I'm Sorry.

Promises, Promises, Promises

'You got into Seoul university! Congratulations!' My brother shouted as he enveloped me into a huge bear hug when I stepped through the door of our rented apartment. Getting into that university had been my dream ever since middle school. I had spent endless sleepiness nights burning the midnight oil just to pass the entrance exam to get into this school. But somehow, I didn't feel happy or excited anymore. I felt empty and I don't know, useless. I didn't feel like I achieved anything. I just wanted him to treat me like I was his everything again.

I tired to struggle out of his tight grip. I didn't feel like being hugged or being congratulated. The person who should be here celebrating one of the happiest moments in my life with me wasn't here now. All I wanted to do now was curl up in my bed and cry. I guess my brother read my mind as he loosened his grip and asked, ' he didn't turn up didn't he?'

I averted his gaze and headed towards my room muttering, ' I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it.'

'You're going to have to talk about it some day you know? I should never have allowed him to date you if I knew this was going to happ-' He shouted angrily as he looked at me with concern.

'Please enough.' I pleaded as I stepped into my room, slamming the door behind me. 

I'm sorry Seungho oppa. I'm sorry for being such a horrible dongsaeng. You're the best elder brother any person could have. But I hardly ever appreciated you. You're the only one who will always be there looking out for me. Sorry for being rather insensitive towards you. I'm sorry.

'Oh my god!' I shrieked in shock to see my best friend on my bed instead of the huge teddy bear Junhyung won for me at a arcade. I looked at what she had prepared, pizza, green tea and loads of marshmallows. She was definitely planning a surprise party for me. But she looked at my facial expression and bowed her head in understanding. She gave me a warm smile before asking, 'do you feel like talking about it?'

I shook my head before sobbing my heart out on her shoulder.

' I'm sorry for  letting all this go to waste. I hate myself, why do I get so frustrated and angry over little things?' I asked whilst blowing my nose, ' Everyone has put in so much effort to be here for me. But.. But, all I'm being now is a major . Getting pissed off at everyone and not appreciating what they have done for me. What is wrong with me? I'm sorry Fany, I'm sorry... Why do I only bother about what I feel?' 

'It's ok, we love you. That's why we bother dear,' she my head gently as she consoled me. Even if Junhyung wasn't here for me, at least I had my best friend and family here with me even if I was being so y now.

'Let me guess, he canceled your date again and promised to text you but never did? What it's the 2nd time this week?'

I nodded sadly before replying, ' it's actually the 4th time this week.'

Why did I love him so much even though he caused me to cry so much over him?

I'm sorry too Tiffany. Sorry to make you listen to me cry my heart out over Junhyung. You're the one who gives the best advice. Thank you for caring and putting up with me. Even putting up with my drama queen ways. Thank you.

Hi to my 3 subscribers! :D Sorry I didn't update a chapter! But here is a really short and lousy one! Will try to do better (: Thank you for subscribing!  <3 

So basically this chapter is about Miyoung's feelings. So, yeah.

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WhiteAngelG #1
I want to know what happens!!!!
I cried so hard on the second chapter. I cried just as hard on the "I told you I wanna die" MV. T_T Update Soon!! I love this story~