18 Years Later

The sun rises once again

‘Mr. Lee, there is new homicide case in Itewon. It seems a girl was reported missing in Gangnam and was found dead in a car in Itewon.’ Reported a man to Hyuk.

‘Alright, I ll head there in five.’ Replied Hyuk to his junior officer. Hyuk was 30 years old now and worked for the police in violent crime division. He had always wanted to serve the people of this nation and took pride in his job of being a responsible cop.

‘Sir, there are few people from a broadcasting station to meet you’. Said another man appearing in the doorway of Hyuk’s office.

‘Broadcasting station? groaned Hyuk. Are they waiting to consult with me in a whatever new drama they are going to make? It is already the third time they are dropping by.’ grunted Hyuk.

‘Tell them that this would be final consultation’ said hyuk to his subordinate in a finalising tone.

‘Sir, also they have sent you a car. I think they want you to be present at the filming site.’ Said the officer. Deciding to go to Itewon first and then drop by the filming location, Hyuk sends away the broadcasting people and the car.

He was late to reach the filming set. It was four in the evening. He wanted to finish his business with the broadcasting people as early as possible. Waiting in his car, he caught a glimpse of a white pale butterfly flying past his car’s side mirror. Mesmerised, he saw the butterfly flying towards a faraway bench by the set where a woman sat.

She was wearing some expensive clothes and was reading a book. Curious to see her face, Hyuk unconsciously stepped out of his car. And She looked up. She was astonishingly beautiful. Her eyes captured his heart and her smile invaded his soul. Captivated by her beauty, he was unable to look away. He realised he was crying. No one was ever able to bring out this emotion out of him. Utterly surprised by the tears, he left the filming set immediately.

Disturbed by the day’s events, he was unable to concentrate on his work. Who was that beautiful woman? Why did he cry? He kept thinking over and over. She could be an actress in the movie, he thought. And ended up looking into the cast of the film. He searched for her details. Her name was Sunny, a debutant. Unable to work anymore, he opted to head home early.

She haunted his thoughts, dreams and his very being. He became powerless in front of her. He appeared as if possessed by her. Was he in love? Is this love? He wondered. All he wanted was to see her again. To see her smiling. Sunny. He began to love the name as well. The night became a long and gloomy one.

Hyuk had a disturbed sleep. He had strange dreams about palaces, soldiers, blood on his hand and a woman. The women he had seen earlier, Sunny. Her face kept appearing over and over. She wore a queen clothes and no jewellery except a green ring. She was lying on ground, bleeding to death. Her expression of a betrayal directed towards him plagued his vision. The dream abruptly changed to the ruins of the unused palace. He there saw the memorial stones bearing the name of Kim sun and Wang yoo. Shuddered by the sight, he screamed.

‘Hyuk ah! Hyuk ah! Are you alright? Hyuk ah! Wake up. Look at me!

Hyuk opened his eyes to see his father violently shaking him awake. ‘What happened? Asked Hyuk. ‘you were screaming. Did you have nightmare?’ asked Yun ho.

Hyuk wiped the sweat from his forehead. He remembered his dream vividly. He knew that all the incidents were linked somehow. He shot up from his bed to get dressed. The answers lied in the palace. He had to go to the temple immediately.

‘what are you doing Hyuk? Are you heading out now? said Yun ho.

‘Sorry dad. I need to go to the temple and unused palace right away. There is something that I need to find out’ replied Hyuk.

‘The temple? Now? Look at the time, its four in the morning! At least tell why? Your mother and I are anyway going to visit the place today. It is your birthday. What is the urgency to go right now? questioned Yun ho.

‘Not now dad. I ll tell you later’ replied hyuk. The panic in his Hyuk’s face apparent. It worried Yun ho. He had never seen his son this anxious. He suddenly thought of the ‘mark of death’ the red woman had told about Hyuk. Worried that something might happen to Hyuk, he went to his room to take out the wooden box that the woman in red had said could be an amulet. He hurried to give it to Hyuk.

‘Hyuk ah! Take this with you. Long ago, a kind lady had given us this. She said it would be an amulet and protect you.’ Said Yun ho and put the box in Hyuk’s hands.

Hyuk gave a puzzling look to his dad. ‘Thanks dad’ replied Hyuk and left to the palace. An uneasiness settled over him. He felt that he was about to discover something that will bring him unhappiness. Hyuk sometime thought about the flying lanterns on his birthdays and the mysterious man who saved his life once. It was his birthday today. Will he see the man again? He had a lot questions pounding in his head.

‘Who was he? Who was he before Lee hyuk?’ he questioned himself aloud and sped on his vehicle to find the answers.

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Franie #1
Chapter 6: Just finished Touch your heart... i'm in love with these two & really enjoyed your story❤️
1241 streak #2
Chapter 6: Happy ending for Lee Hyuk (Wang Yeo) and Sunny (Kim Sun) yeyyyyyyy!! ^^