Lots of kisses and chaos

The early bird gets the Golden Snitch

Lots of kisses and chaos








There are few things that could make a Byun Baekhyun angry.

Having his robe ruined again by a freak who thought making a portable swam explode during his Erbology lesson was funny was definitely one. Being told Quidditch practice was being suspended until further notice was another. But by far the most irritating thing was having that goof of Park Chanyeol sitting beside him on a patch of grass right before the Shrieking Shack in a dense silence.

It wasn’t that tough, really: finding out Chanyeol had a crush on him hadn’t been hard, the giant had made a habit of blushing every time they were in a room together. Figuring out he didn’t mind those feelings at all hadn’t been hard either. The guy was just too damn lovable. His adoration for food was just as bottomless as his love for his friends, who he treated as if they were the most precious things in his life. He didn’t even care if Baek’s ego was sometimes a little bit too much, or if he was being obnoxiously loud when talking.

What did he do to deserve a Park Chanyeol in his life? He didn’t know.

With a sigh, he looked at the redhead: he was sitting upright, tense as a violin cord ready to snap. He ransacked in his pockets, enchanted so that they could carry all of his stuff (mainly treats and candies) without getting caught, and took out two little marmalade pies, offering one to his friend.

Chanyeol hesitantly took it but his hands were shivering so much he lost grip on the pie. Immediately, Baekhyun leaped forward, his cat reflexes bursting in action, and managed to secure the delicacy back in Chanyeol’s hand.

“Careful with those butterfingers.” He said, cracking a smile that almost immediately vanished, seeing the expression on the Gryffindor’s face.

Chanyeol looked like he was about to vomit: his face was a pale green, his forehead sweaty and his eyes wide in confusion. Baekhyun immediately drew back, stuffing his hands back inside his pockets.

Had he read the signs wrong? Why was he so scared? Or was that… disgust?

“Listen, I’m sorry” he began, his chest deflating “I thought this date was a good idea, but maybe I was wrong. But please, if you don’t like me, tell me clearly”

Or else I’ll get my hopes up.

His words felt like a slap in the face for both. He had been so sure Chanyeol liked him just as much as he liked him, but he had been wrong from the beginning. He was probably like that with everyone, how narcissistic of him to think he was the only special kid getting his attentions. Chanyeol on the other hand looked completely stunned.

At this point Baekhyun was ready to hear those dreadful words and go back to the castle, but he should’ve known better: Chanyeol was a young man full of surprises. He scrambled to his feet and looked at him with an intensity he hadn’t thought possible coming from such a lighthearted person, a hand to his heart.

“I would never.” He said “I could never tell you something like that. My problem is the exact opposite: I like you so much my brain stops working and I freeze up. I’m never able to tell you all the things that I would want because I look at you and I… I just…”

The redhead finally got a hold of what he was saying and began to stutter, his skin flushing a deep shade of red, giving him the appearance of a giant tomato. Baekhyun punched back a laugh down his throat and stood up, giving the Gryffindor a sly look.

“Oh, you do?”

And then, standing on his tip toes, he laced his fingers in Chanyeol’s hair and kissed him, softly, on his lips.

“I thought I had to wait another fifty years to get it out of you” he said, smiling so hard his cheeks hurt.

He had been right. Heavens, he had been right.

Chanyeol however, look like someone had thrown a Full-body Bind spell his way. Baekhyun stood up a little more and kissed the tip of his nose, hoping to make him relax, but the Gryffindor only got a shade more purple.



“Hold me while I faint”















The infirmary had been full almost to the brim, so much that the head nurse had had three nervous breakdowns before asking any student who was feeling better to help her. That was why Jongdae was now feeding Minseok some eerie looking porridge which was bubbling and fizzing like a steamer.

When they first had been rushed to the infirmary, Jongdae’s skin was beginning to turn a dark shade of green while Minseok’s ears had swelled up like two big balloons. There was no way of knowing for sure, but it was quite obvious that those weren’t the effects of a normal portable swamp and that someone had tampered with the otherwise harmless toy.

Now Jongdae’s skin had turned back to normal, aside for little spots here and there, and Minseok’s ears were double their size instead of triple, but they still had to wait there until everybody was ready to be discharged.

“Open wide”

Minseok rolled his eyes but complied, gulping down a tablespoon worth of that weird porridge. He gagged, feeling the awful taste of it, but managed to keep it in.

“It tastes like a liver meatloaf gone bad”

Jongdae snickered, but his eyes were unfocused.

“Dae, everything alright?”

The Ravenclaw looked around at all the other students, some coming down with bubbling fever, some with an extra nose or ear growing on their forehead and many more less pleasant after effects. He stood up and pulled the curtains around Minseok’s bed, giving them some privacy.

“Before all this mess, you were trying to say something to me, but can I go first?” Jongdae asked, sitting on the bed next to his friend “If you don’t like what I’m saying stop me okay?”

The other Ravenclaw nodded, taking a deep breath. This was the conversation that was going to change everything. They had been friends since they had come to Hogwarts, they had shared everything, for laughs to cries, from happiness to sadness, and had somehow nestled in that weird limbo. They weren’t together, but they weren’t exactly friends. They weren’t anything, but their bond was too strong for him to just let it go.

Jongdae, he was sure, was thinking the same thing.

“I’ve really been thinking about this in the past days. Well, in the past months, but I kept telling myself we were okay just the way we’ve always been. But we are not, are we?”

Minseok casted his gaze lower on the floor, unable to meet his friend’s eyes. They weren’t, but at the same time he didn’t really want things to change between them. He enjoyed the calmness that came with being with Jongdae, because he knew he could always count on him and vice versa. They were a package deal by now, no Minseok without his Jongdae and no Jongdae without his Minseok. They only had to admit that.


“That is not to say something has to change” Jongdae continued, sensing the other Ravenclaw’s distress “I love our adventures, our time together is precious to me and I don’t want to lose that.”

He took Minseok’s hand in his and squeezed it hard, as if making sure he wasn’t going to run away, but the Ravenclaw was now looking at him and it was time to say it.

“Minnie… I… I…”

“Let’s just say it together”

“Okay. On my three.”




“I love you”

They both said it at the same time, but hearing it out loud had been almost unthinkable until then. For a moment nobody spoke. The echo of their words were still bouncing around them, drowning all the other sounds outside the curtain.

Then Minseok smiled, and Jongdae let out a sigh of relief. He could breathe again.

Then, delicately, he slipped a hand on the back of the Ravenclaw head and pulled him closer, planting a kiss on his lips. It was delicate and brief, but perfect.

There was just one thing left.

“But the cat has to go”

Minseok didn’t even open his eyes, nestling in the crook of his neck.

“The cat stays Dae”

“I want at least a restraining order then”

“That we can do”

They stayed like that for what felt like years, unsuspecting of the darkness right around the corner, planning for their demise.















Her words wouldn’t be heard, so actions had to take the lead. No more secrets in her life, the truth would come out sooner or later.

She had a plan, she had a purpose, and nothing would stop her.

She put her fingers to her lips and said the words, no need of a wand when magic runs in your blood since the most ancient generation, and the words appeared, tricling down with blood and anger:

Pay me back what is mine and close your doors, or who here remain shall pay the consequences.















Tao was jogging down the stairs, a little piece of paper in his hand.

Officially he had been asked by their Flight teacher to carry the news that Quidditch would be suspended until further notice to the other captains, even if he was sure they already knew, but another thought was gnawing at his brain and wouldn’t let go of him even in his sleep.

He found Kris down in the changing room: the Gryffindor was tying up his shoes, ready to go back to his common room, but as soon as he stood up he found Tao blocking the door.

“The tournament is canceled, you know?” he said quietly.

Kris looked at him for a second, too stunned to speak.

“I know, that’s why I was going back”

Tao finally let himself smile, viciously. It hadn’t been him to write the little letter, he knew, but maybe he could carve out something good from this. He pushed the paper in Kris’ face and said:

“Which one of you little friends wrote this? ‘Cause I know it couldn’t come from you”

Tao watched as the Gryffindor read the letter and began turning ghostly white. Bullseye.

“It wasn’t me”

“I know genius. I am asking who did it”

Of course, he didn’t really wanted to know, he simply wanted to push Kris on edge one last time, before making him crack. Somehow he felt like time was slipping out of his hands at an alarming rate and that felt like a perfect moment.

“I… I definitely didn’t wrote this. But it doesn’t matter, we have to talk anyway”

At that, Tao’s ears perked up. Was Kris going to really yell at him for the first time? Was he finally fed up? But he had that rosy tint on his cheeks and his eyes felt liquid, that hint of a smile mellow rather than bitter.

What was going on? Suddenly Tao felt his heart beat a little faster.

“I have no idea what goes on inside your head. Never. At all. I tried and failed so many times this past year that I can’t even count them, and yet I can’t stop thinking about you. Every time I see you walk past I think about what you could be doing, if your having fun, if your thinking about me too…”

He paused, filled with a sudden surge of emotion. That was it, he was going to confess and if felt oddly liberating, because those words had been inside of his for such a long time that he was afraid he couldn’t say them ever again. But here they were.

“What I'm trying to say is... I love you. I do. Even if it sounds crazy, even to me I swear, I really do.”

For the first time in a long time, Tao didn’t know what to say.

It had happened. It really had happened.

Thank you Merlin and all you wizards for finally giving this idiot the power to confess!

The Slytherin snickered. Not the reaction Kris expected from him, but that was Tao. Lovely, frustrating, unpredictable Tao.

“And here I thought you were going to go away without saying it”

He pressed his hand on the other’s cheek feeling the warmth of his skin and everything in his body was screaming: FINALLY!

“Big guy, you’re not going to get rid of me anytime soon”















Luhan was looking at his feet. No that there was anything interesting in them, even if he had to admit, even those were rater a fine specimen of feet. Anything to not meet Sehun’s eyes on the other side of the Slytherin common room.

Without Quidditch practice he had little to do. Being the good son of his mother he was, he had already finished his homework for the following days and was just lounging on his favorite armchair, waiting for something to happen. Tao was somewhere doing Merlin knew what and his other friends were all in the library, studying for the work they hadn't done the day before, so there hw was.

He didn’t want to think about his and Sehun’s disastrous date and certainly didn’t want to remind himself about the words he had said, but itwas impossible. Every waking moment he spent thinking about that excruciating four words.


Because they weren’t true. He didn’t have a crush on Sehun, what kind of bull was that? It had been only a rush of the moment, a slip of his tongue. He wasn’t, never been, in love with that idiot sitting across from him, with his stupid perfect hair and his stupid perfect smile. Never.

“Don’t lie to yourself Lulu, other’s will do that enough”

Suddenly his mother’s words rushed to him. But why? He wasn’t lying to himself, was he? His feelings were genuine.

He risked a glance at Sehun, who was lazily reading his Erbology book, a leg draped over the armrest of his chair. If he really hated him, why was his heart beating so fast?

Fortunately a loud noise distracted him from his thoughts: Tao entered the room with a disgusting grin on his face.

“What is it?” he asked his friend, already prepared for the blow.

“What’s the sad face Lulu? Today we should celebrate”

“And why is that?”

Tao’s grin grew even wider.

“I got myself a boyfriend!” he said, plopping on the near chair. “Something you could have done if you weren’t so damn stubborn”

“Wait what?! Since when do you have a boyfriend?! And who are you calling stubborn?!”

Tao put a finger to his lips, but it was useless: now all the Slytherins in the common room had turned their ears to listen to their conversation, thirsty for a piece of gossip. He quickly retrieved his wand from his pocket and whispered a soft:“Muffliato”, hiding their voice with its magical veil.

“Since this morning. You know Kris, Gryffindor’s captain, right?” he winked, before turning unexpectedly serious “And I was talking about you and Sehun. You need to talk, like right now, or else you never will. Do you seriously want to leave things as they are?”

Luhan wanted to say yes, ignore the problem until it goes away, but he knew that wasn’t true. The problem wouldn’t go away , it would only grow bigger and bigger until the weight would crush both him and Sehun.

Damn it, his mother had raised no weak wizard!

So he stood up, Tao nodding appraisingly and marched towards Sehun.

“Come with me. Now”

Sehun arched an eyebrow, mildly impressed, and followed Luhan to his room. There a window had been left open and the room was cool with the spring air, a gentle breeze making the courtain dance. A part of Luhan felt a twinge of happiness: the atmosphere was perfect, but a bigger part of him was paralyzed in pure horror. Was he really going to do this?

“Are you okay?” Sehun asked, taking a step forward, but Luhan immediately took a step back, making him stop in his track.


And his name, so soft coming from those lips, made him finally decide.

“Look, I didn’t mean all I said. I didn’t want to call you names and I didn’t want to be that mean but… I mean, don't get me wrong, I still can’t stand you, but…”

“Wait!” Sehun suddenly pushed a hand on his mouth, looking both afraid and wishful. “You have to be very sure of what you’re going to say, because nobody will be on our side. I know for sure my father won’t.”

Luhan pulled the hand away and nodded. He finally felt like he was making the right choice.

“I know they won’t, and I know it will be difficult, but I meant what I said. Even if I don’t want to admit it, I do have a crush on you and I do want to be with you” his voice wavered, not sure what to say next.

Seeing him in trouble, Sehun gently took his hands in his, squeezing them lightly.

“I get that. And I too think you’re still a brat sometimes, but I think we can work together”

“Hey! I'm not a brat” he said, his voice light "Are you sure though?"

“I am”

And even if that wan’t their fist kiss, it still felt like one: timid, fearful, but all in all, the best they had ever had.

Sehun moved his hand upwards toward’s Luhan’s hair, pulling him closer and whispered an “I love you” full of promises. Luhan was about to say it too, his head light and his lips full, when suddenly they felt the earth tremble and a deep cry shake the walls:


And that’s when the chaos began.











OKay then, hi guys, it me! It has been a long time and I am truly sorry. This story has been my baby for so long that I didn't kow what to do when writer's block came. I was feeling uninspired and didn't even know what to say because I felt like you guys deserved an worthy ending. Plus, my uni course suddenly decided to give us poor students double the work and I had to handle that too, so I hope you all can understand.

This chapter isn't my best piece of work and there are many errors in it, grammar and plot wise, but I finally felt the determination to keep writing again and I wanted to start as soon as I could so here I am.

As always, If you liked this chapter and this story and are still here to read it, thank you from the bottom of my heart and let me know your thoughts in the comments.


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Chapter 17: Thank you for the chapter even though you’re so busy! I just graduated from university, so I understand the struggle! Please don’t feel the need to rush! I’m looking forward to the next update, no matter how long it takes! ❤️
Happy 2020 I hope you are well :)
Just here to show that this has not been forgotten :) fighting reread urges actually^^
Chapter 17: Hope uni is treating you well - are there any updates in the works? :)
Chapter 17: Nooo... cliffhanger what happen next?
raven074 #5
Chapter 17: Wow this chapter really do have a lot of kisses <3 much love
And ohh it's finally startingg?
Thamk youfor the update!
Chapter 17: Oh so the evil person/thing/something is female, interesting :) and I assume it her casting the locomotor spell - is about to go down! So it´s like Hogwarts vs. the students and staff? And now we only have Kaisoo confessions and getting together left, and of course the reveal of Jongin´s secret - I can´t wait :) I look forward to the next update^^
reread this because I miss it :) I hope you had a nice Christmas or whatever you celebrated, and that you have a Happy New Year as well^^ Any plans for updates? :)