Chapter 6

CHANBAEK "Roomates"
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Today is the day Baekhyun's parents are coming to see him and his so called boyfriend. Tomorrow Chanyeol has a game, it's only 10 in the morning and he is already full of anxious and nerves. It made him a little bit worried how he will act in front of his parents. After all- he said he's going to regret him being his boyfriend, didn't he?


"Where the hell are my uniforms?" Chanyeol groaned loudly, closing the doors of his closet pretty hard Baekhyun would say. He was surprised the doors were perfectly okay after that. 


"Look under your bed" Baekhyun said quietly, sitting on his bed with his new laptop on his knees, trying to finish this weeks projects so he can be with his parents all the weekend.


Chanyeol didn't say anything and bend on his knees to see if it's really under his bed. He pulled his dusty uniforms from there and stood up surprised.


"What on earth were they doing there?" Chanyeol asked himself out loud confused.


"When you get lazy like all the time instead of organize your things you just push it under your bed and forget it's there" Baekhyun said, still not looking away from his laptop.


"How come I didn't notice until now? How is that possible if I always find my things on my bed?" Chanyeol asked again, causing Baekhyun not to focous on his last project.


"Because I get tired of arguing with you so I'm just cleaning under your bad when I'm cleaning the room because, obviuosly, you wouldn't clean there if I ask you to" Baekhyun sighed, he's got only a few more lines to add to finish this.


"Wow, I've never noticed" Chanyeol said, staring at his uniforms.


"Now can you please be quiet? I'm trying to finish my work here" Baekhyun said angry, he wasn't angry on Chanyeol he was just frustrated from this project.


"Are you on your perioud or something? God such a nerd" Chanyeol said angry as well and got out of the room after slamming hard the poor door. 


They should be here in any minute, his parents called him when they were close to the doorms. He sent Chanyeol a text saying they should be here but didn't get an answer. He was walking from side to side in their room, almost tripping over from being nervous.


All of a sudden he heard someone knock on the door. They are here. He walked to the door and opened it.


"Baekhyun! I missed my you so much" His mom hugged the hell out of him, he really didn't see them in ages. 


"Hey son, how is everything going in school?" His dad asked after a small hug. 


"Everything is going great" He answered with a smile, noticing his mom looking for someone in the room.


"Where is your boyfriend?" She asked, still looking for him.


"Chanyeol? um.. I think he-" 


"I'm here!" All of a sudden they heared Chanyeol's voice. He closed the door after him and entered.


"Hello I'm Chanyeol, Baekhyun's boyfriend nice to meet you" He said with a big smile, showing off his teeth on the way. After that Baekhyun felt a single arm wrapped around his waist pulling him closer to Chanyeol's body. 


"Nice to meet you too, we were surprised to hear our Baekhyun got a boyfriend" Baekhyun's dad said, he looked at them and the idea of his son having a boyfriend still shocked him.


"Since you are the first boyfriend of our son we're inviting you to dinner today, the whole family want to meet you if that's okay?" His mom asked and he wanted to scream no.


"Of course Mrs. Byun, I would love to" Chanyeol answered still smiling, not letting go of Baekhyun's waist.


Disaster. That's how Baekhyun will call this family dinner. A total disaster. 

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