Chapter 9

White Confession

Hoya's POV

I saw Myungsoo and Sunggyu hyung entered the karaoke room again, and with unexpected sight they were with Yoona. Since when Yoona with them? I thought in my mind.

"Yah.. Myungsoo said that we are gonna eat? Where's the meal?" Sunggyu hyung came to me and asked.

I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. The thing that I knew is that we'd been singing merrily and not talking about food yet. And I saw Myungsoo walked out the room too a moment earlier with his calm and cool face, but now his face is looked... like a killer. He looked angry. I could know from his expression.

"Where've you been hyung?" I asked Sunggyu that stood beside me.

"Oh, I just.. went upstairs and searched for some air. It's quite warm inside. By the way, where's the food. Yah!! Myungsoo ah!!" After talked a lot he left me and went to Myungsoo that sat not far from us, alone.

I shook my head and joined Yuri, Jessica and Hyoyeon sang a song again. The rest were outside looking for some snacks to bring in. Me and Yuri sat aside. I felt nervous around her. She looked at me and smiled. After sang songs we went out. Yuri went out the room first. I followed her.

"Mm.. Yuri sshi~" I called her and she turned her head to me.

"Ne?" she asked with her soft voice.

"Mmm.. May I come with you? I.. I .. I just wanna take some food, I'm hungry." I spoke nervoussly and combed my hair and smiled awkwardly at her.

She just smiled to me. "Okay, I'm about going to find some drink too."

I nodded and smiled. We walked in crowded together. Because the atmosphere is lively and quite full of people, Yuri slightly pushed by people and almost fell. I saw that and went to her side and I protected her from the crowded with my muscles body. I smiled to her and she smiled to me too.

Finally we reached the bartender and ordered drinks for us too and we enjoyed it while walked to another place to find my foods. We sat on a seats in front of the desserts place and ordered a small cup of clafouties with cherries on it. It was really delicious.

"You like it?" I asked while munched my clafouties.

"Ne~ It's really good, I never try this kinda food before. Tasty!" I saw her spent the entire contents of the bowl. SNSD are tough. I smirked.

"You're kinda.. dirty~" I pointed that have a little bit clafouties fla on it.

She tried to cleaned the spot that I pointed but she couldn't reach it. And impatiently I brushed it from her corner lips. She blushed and I immediately took my hand away from her.

We both blushed. "Gomawoyo Hoya.." she thanked me and smiled awkwardly.

"Ne.. It's just.. You kinda funny." I laughed and she pouted.

"What..?" she asked furiously.

"Ah.. Aniyo~" I scared with her glare at me.


Yuri's POV

I glared at Hoya for awhile, hahaha. It's fun to made him scared like that. He is so cute. But, then I smiled to him.

"How about we dance together?" He suddenly asked me and I raised my eyebrows.

I nodded, "Okay." I accepted his offer.

We went onto the dance floor together and dancing in the crowded. She showed her glarious wave to me and I dance happily for her.

We really enjoyed that time we spent together. It's like... I feel match and comfortable with him.

"Wow~ You really really good at dancing.. Yuri sshi~" he shouted and grinned.

"Gomawo.. But you're good too." I complimented him.

We saw Eunhyuk, Donghae and Leeteukkie oppa showed their dance skill in front of us all. The spectator were encouraging and cheering them, so did I and Hoya. We applaud hectic with all of them.

"Fun night!!!!" Hoya shouted happily.

I laughed together with him. I felt very happy and excited.



hi guys. Im sorry the story is bad. I tried to write HoYul too. I tried really hard. But I hope u like it.


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still think about the ending .. TT sorry, n i have my final exams next week. so i cant continue the story more.. :( please dun unsubs :'(


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Chapter 46: I luved it
Chapter 45: Thank you @Rai_hana
Chapter 45: 從此 Rai_hana
Chapter 40: 開幕難過的是❤️❤️
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Chapter 40: LOVE IT ! XD
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Chapter 46: how do i say? haahha.. it's so tense.. and i like this situation..
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caramela1232 #9
Chapter 46: AWESOME!!!!!
Chapter 48: Its great ending. Kissed gentlely~키쓰키쓰~♡♡♡