Chapter 2

Soft Yellow(and Cold Silver)

Jimin came home from strolling around the city to find more than two teacups on the table. His guardians had visitors. He was about to walk towards the kitchen to ask if he could help with anything, when he heard soft murmering.

‘’It’s weird…’’

‘’How no one wanted him, and now suddenly distant relatives show up.’’

‘’…Think he should take his own decision.’’

‘’Jungkook doesn’t like him… it would be better if..’’

Jimin turned around in awe. Chaewon showed up to discuss the matters about moving. He was startled. Someone wanted him, and put effort in it.

He turned around to stare at the kitchen door, but no movement was made. He decided to think about it all in his room.


‘’Get out!’’

Anger, sadness, irritation and jealousness.

To be completely honest, Jimin could already guess his feelings by Jungkook’s posture. The colors were so much more frightening. Jimin didn’t even deny that he was in the wrong. Jungkook’s parents where apologizing for something he did wrong.

He fell asleep at the shrine again. Someone found him and brought him home with a slight fever. He was standing at the doorstep while Jungkook was shouting at him.

‘’My parents did nothing wrong! You tell me why they’re apologizing!?’’ Jungkook pushed him against the shoulders and Jimin stumbled backwards.

‘’THEY DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU!!! Is this how you repay them?’’ The last part of the sentence was drowned between tears and hiccups. The yellow from previous lies turned into hatred. Somewhere deep down Jimin always knew that Jungkook never lied to him and that it was always the color of hate.

Why was he like this? It wasn’t like he hated it here… To be honest it was the best house he stayed at after he lost his own. It was unfair to think like this, because he only had one golden memory from his father and house.

Jimin stumbled further backwards after Jungkook made a move to push him further. He didn’t want to burden them anymore. He didn’t want to feel guilty anymore. He didn’t want to be a burden.

He started running.

Leaving all the hate behind and the sadness that came from loneliness.

He missed his own parents. He missed Taehyung who was still away. Now, he even missed the previous house he stayed with. At least he didn’t feel alone and he would rather have fearful attention than nothing.

Jimin didn’t look behind to see if anyone was following him. He didn’t stop. His body was on energy from adrenaline and fear. The anxiety of not feeling welcome or wanted. He was doing everyone a favor by running away. Forgetting about his sickness and how much his frail being could handle right now.

The night was colder than what the day had given. Jimin could no longer hear birds singing and no longer chatter from people who spent the summer in their gardens. It wasn’t even close to dawn. It was dangerous for Jimin to run towards the forest with no sight from the dark sky and unfamiliar paths that couldn’t lead him anymore.

His fever wasn’t helping and the sounds of him cracking twines under his Puma shoes, he still owned since last year, didn’t drown his loud panting.

The only thought of him tripping of a cliff was; that it is finally over…

Sadly… he stayed awake for a whole hour until he eventually passed out with a sprained ankle and a concussion from his painful landing a little over three meters down. Not knowing the damage was a lot worse than he anticipated. Tear tracks visible on his thinned-out face from not eating properly these last two weeks. Taehyung always kept track on his habits, but now that he was gone he didn’t take care of himself. Dirt over his broken body from sand and blood. While taking one last glance at the starry night above.




He didn’t care who had found him. He didn’t care that he woke up with little memories of the happening the evening before.

His vision was blurry and unfocused. Faint pain spreading through his body, but didn’t reach his fingertips and toes. He could only move his chest and every intake of breath made the pressure on his chest worse. He was a little prepped up on the pillows behind his back and could easily look over the room he was resting in. Without doubt he was in the hospital.

Jimin eyed the sleeping person next to him without much movement. He figured he was on heavy pain meds since everything was spinning in front of his eyes.

After several minutes, he decided to close his eyes again.



Eyelids that fluttered open when hearing the unfamiliar voice. He groaned when the black-haired boy noticed how he could finally move his fingers. Not only that was noticeable, but the pain was horrible.

‘’I’m sorry to wake you. I need to check up on you, before I can give you another dose.’’

Jimin nodded and followed the standard procedure. However, he didn’t tell her that he couldn’t see colors. That was the most frightening part of it all.

What was he supposed to do?

No one ever explained how it would be without them. He wanted to know how people where feeling without caring about expressions and body postures. He never did, so he wouldn’t know what it would be without the colors.

He was scared.

‘’Okay, all done.’’ The nurse softly said before putting him to sleep again.  



The next time he woke up were soft mumblings from familiar voices, but he couldn’t make out faces. His eyelashes laying against his cheek blinked open to recognize two figures.

‘’See… your loud talking woke him up.’’

‘’You were also talking. Don’t put the blame on me.’’ Jimin smiled weakly at the bickering couple sitting by his bedside. His eyesight was still blurry but he was reassured he could see a soft orange line. The fright from earlier disappeared.

The colors weren’t gone… They were still not so bright as he knew they could be, but this reassured his feelings.

‘’Oh, Jimin-ssi… How are you feeling?’’ The black-haired boy made a move to sit a bit higher. Chaewon and Wonhoon both protested loudly, but decided to not push him back down. Jimin was still smiling. The faint pain shot up his back through his neck and head. He figured some ribs where either bruised or broken. The most visible injuries were his casted arm and the bandages on his face. He was sedated from medicine and thus the feeling as if his body wasn’t attached at all. His exhaustion caused emotions to be sensitive and he was much more prone to laughing and crying.

‘’Jimin-ssi? Ehm… after they discharge you…’’ Wonhoon didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t know how to make his suggest. Jimin started crying not because he didn’t like it at his current house, he was forever thankful that they took him in, but he was overwhelmed. No one voluntarily asked for him.

‘’Would you like to come live with us?’’ Chaewon asked eventually, while giving a paper napkin to Jimin.

‘’Yes… Please… I would l-love to live w-with you… please…’’ He couldn’t reason his statement since his sobbing and hiccupping prevented the thin boy from doing so. He was engulfed into a careful hug and soft hands his hair.


Jimin always imagined that if he moved a lot of boxes would be piled up. The fact stated that he didn’t own much when Wonhoon carried one box inside. His arm was resting in a sling and it would at least take 8 weeks for it to heal properly. His concussion was still there and once he was inside Chaewon made him rest on the couch. Also, because he didn’t walk too well on his sprained ankle.

‘’Jimin-ssi, you shouldn’t strain yourself too much. Once you’re okay we can decorate your room, okay?’’ Jimin just nodded and watched the whole afternoon how Chaewon was working in the garden. The front porch was opened and a soft breeze patted his black hair.

It made him think of the fan at Taehyung’s house and how desperately he needed to call his best friend. He didn’t remember what day he would return, but his headache didn’t give him much of chance to think about it.

Wonhoon came to sit with him eventually. Offering to clean his wounds and re-bandage them. He claimed to be a nurse, until he moved in with Chaewon to the little village they lived in the current.

‘’I gave up everything for her, but I never regretted it a single moment of my life. Jimin-ssi? I’m happy you wanted to stay with us.’’

Jimin could only smile. Not sure what to say to those loving words.

He stared at his feet and noticed how he didn’t wear shoes.

He didn’t wear socks…

His bare feet said that he finally had found a home.




The next morning Jimin shuffled down stairs to see Chaewon preparing breakfast. If he was completely honest, he didn’t sleep that well. Although he had seen a lot of houses his past life, he always had trouble adjusting to a new one.

Not only that, but the cast around his arm kept itching and with every intake of breath his ribs started hurting from exertion.

‘’Ohh, Jimin-ssi… come sit!’’ She patted his under back softly while nudging him towards the table. She placed a bowl of cut up fruit in front of him and a bowl of plain rice. No one ever took the time to prepare him breakfast and he usually skipped because of this.

‘’A young boy like you should eat properly in the mornings.’’ The sentence was strict, but her colors where pink, orange and blue.

Wonhoon came barging in and smiled upon saying a good morning.

The first thing Jimin noticed was that they talked… while eating. It was strange, but he started to love it.

‘’Jimin-ssi? If there is something you would like for breakfast. Just ask me, okay?’’ Chaewon genuinely said and Jimin hummed at her suggestion taking in the beautiful silver color around her.

‘’Ehm… I’m not only talking about breakfast. If there is something you need or like, you can suggest it, okay?’’

Jimin nodded while saying a timid: ‘’Thank you.’’

‘’Also, I’m taking some days off. So, if there is something you want to do, I would love to.’’

Jimin only smiled, because the whole household knew that he probably wouldn’t move too much with his broken body for at least a couple of days.


He had already been with Chaewon and Wonhoon for about a week, and Taehyung still didn’t know where Jimin was. The black-haired boy shuffled around the house and doing limited chores his broken arm and sprained ankle allowed.

Which wasn’t much of course, although the cuts and bruises were almost gone.

‘’You don’t have to ask if you want to use the phone Jiminnie.’’ Wonhoon stared at him disappointed when the younger was too afraid to even turn on the TV. Although he could watch at his previous house, he never did voluntarily. The colors around his guardian started to turn into strictness, love and something close to hurt.

‘’Which number do you want to dial?’’ Wonhoon asked eyeing Jimin’s dominant casted arm. Jimin spilled the number from Taehyung which he knew by heart and mind. When the tones went over Wonhoon gave the device to the thin black-haired boy and was told to sit on the porch step. This time concern invaded his safe color circle.

‘’Do you want some juice?’’ Jimin nodded by Wonhoon’s question, and like told he sat down on the open porch watching Chaewon making a puzzle on a blanket laid down on the just mowed grass.

The phone went over and he waited until the tones disappeared and a familiar charming voice said;


Smooth and honey like. It was weird talking over the phone since he couldn’t see colors. It made him less alert at the way he would say his words and how easy miscommunication could happen.

‘’Hello? Tae?’’

‘’Jimin?! What happened? I came back a week ago… but they said you moved.’’ He sounded worried and not knowing how to respond it took a few seconds.

‘’I’m sorry… I moved in with other people. It was better for everyone. But… don’t worry its walking distance.’’

‘’You still live in the village?’’ Jimin nodded, but then realized Taehyung couldn’t see him.

‘’Yes, but right now I can’t walk for long. I sprained my ankle.’’

‘’Chim?! What did you do with your clumsy ?! I’m coming your way tell me the address.’’ Jimin chuckled and stared up at Wonhoon who set down a glass of juice next to him. The man then muttered a clear reassurance.

‘’If it’s a friend you can invite him over.’’ Jimin ignored Taehyung and blinked shocked at Wonhoon. His heart swelled up with something he never felt before. It was bigger than thanks or appreciation.

‘’Chaewonnie-ssi? I think we have an extra eater this evening!’’ The woman in the garden stared up and he colors went soft pink and orange from excitement.

‘’How fun! Who is it?’’ She asked genuine.

‘’Jimin? Who’re talking to?’’ Jimin was shot back into realization after hearing Taehyung talking again.

‘’Taehyungie? Do you want to eat dinner at my new house this evening?’’

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Chapter 3: Ahh, it's okay. I can understand how it feels to be broken.... (>_<) I hope you feel better and find happiness!! (ノ ´︶`)ノ*:・゚✧*:♡
Also, thank you for the update♥♥ This story is so interesting~ Poor Jimin!! Why would Tae sit there?? I really want to know, but I can wait! ^^
Nuisayshello #2
Chapter 2: I love it.. So much..
Chapter 2: Yay!! Thank you for updating♥♥♥♥ I'm really loving this story!!!!