[090316] Not Today


Today was supposed to be just another day, but the nagging feeling he had been trying to push away finally surfaced to reveal the shadow that had been looming over him. That night, Taehyung thinks that even the presence of the other members might not be enough to hold him together. Death, is cruel. [090316]


Title: Not Today

Summary: Today was supposed to be just another day, but the nagging feeling he had been trying to push away finally surfaced to reveal the shadow that had been looming over him. That night, Taehyung thinks that even the presence of the other members might not be enough to hold him together. Death, is cruel. [090316]


Note: This was written in one sitting because I really just wanted to let it out. Sorry for any grammar mistakes! I've been meaning to write something like this for a while so I hope you guys like it. Cry with me, ARMYs - and let's continue supporting our boys, through good and bad times <3


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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Sad, but sweet as well; thank you for sharing