[Jungkook] Sweat

BTS - Summer Drabble Collection

Initially, they were nothing but mere fleeting moments – moments that you’d savour, moments that would make your heart leap from your chest. Him catching you peeking up at him from behind your textbook, or exchanging quiet whispers during recess.

It escalated into heated makeout sessions in the changing rooms, grasping to each other’s drenched shirts, exploring your newfound freedom.

Days passed ecstatically, in a complete flurry, until suddenly he was gone. Gone from your life, without any plausible explanation, leaving a gaping void behind. You realized with horror you would never be able to hear from him again.

And so, as you stood still, trying to accept the reality of the situation, you could do nothing to stop the tears, running down your face like the icy sweat on your back.



A/N:  Sorry, that one ended up a bit sad :c Next time I create a drabble for him you can be sure it shall be more fluffy <3

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